A definitive adventure for the NES.

User Rating: 8.5 | Felix the Cat NES
The first thing that is almost certain to strike anyone playing this game (for a few minutes) is that the game is quite easy. This however may have been a way to cater and appeal it to kids - which is supposedly the game's target audience. Nevertheless, as a game, Felix the Cat stands tall on its merits and is a lovable adventure. And this comes from a grown up who writes this just after playing the game.

The story of Felix the Cat is fairly simple and obvious to the point that it becomes virtually non-existent. Kitty, Felix's girlfriend has been kidnapped by The Mad Professor and it's up to Felix to save her. Where Felix shines is in its game play. There are about 9 stages - each divided into 3 rounds (except stage 8) making for a total of 25 levels. What's more is that these levels take place over land, water surfaces, under water, air with one level set in space. Further, in each level, you have multiple modes you can travel in as Felix; for instance, when in land, you can be a magician, travel in a car or a tank. The transformations in these modes occur when Felix gains a heart or loses the ten small hearts at the top left corner of the screen (which are lost at the rate of one every 6 seconds and gained via milk). The stages end with a boss battle (except stage 8).

The graphics are great for the NES. There's a great level of detail and vibrancy in the levels which makes the game come alive despite being in 8-bit. Felix even has a few expressions (indicating anger, dozing off and the default normal one). The best part though is the audio. The music is simply amazing and every track you hear makes you feel it is the best, that is, until the next one comes along. There's quite o a lot of variety in sounds as well. The game also has a manual which is quite well written to say the least - it made me feel that the game was developed with a lot of passion and not just with the intent of cashing in.

On the whole, Felix the Cat is perhaps one of the definitive adventure games out for the next. Perhaps, the only thing that would put away hardcore gamers from this one is that it can tend to become too easy (I finished the game with around 50+ lives remaining). This might take away from the game's replay value, although you might play it under self-imposed challenges (not losing a single life for instance) which can make it worth playing more than ones. For kids though, this one's an absolute treat. A must play !!!