Thoughts on Biden's old age and how you might vote because of it?

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#51  Edited By SargentD
Member since 2020 • 8388 Posts

@davillain: I liked him alot, at the end of the day the people got to decide.

I think he's got a good shot, he's getting more of the youth vote than before this time around, and many demos are starting to give him support after finding out what 4 years of Biden actually looks like

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#53  Edited By WitIsWisdom
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@Vaasman: wow... it's called context. You said "every ridiculous shitposted conspiracy theory, no matter how spurious, illogical, or argued in bad faith they are?"

Meaning anything you disagree with or think is illogical at first that you wouldn't even entertain the idea of thinking outside the box or hearing an outside opinion, because it's automatically a conspiracy theory and not even worth exploring the idea at any cost.

I'm supposed to take you and others here seriously when just a week ago everyone was blowing Joe and claiming he was mentally fit and a great president, but as soon as social media turned on him it's amazing how the attitudes changed towards him around here.

However you immediately grasp onto any bad article, idea, charge, etc. brought up against Trump or those who you decide are some sort of sworn enemy regardless of how ridiculous the claims. It's called being closed off to reality while being a hypocrite. It's only a conspiracy theory if it helps your argument.

Once again though, great job on the cherry picking.

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#54  Edited By mrbojangles25
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@sargentd said:

@Willy105: @Planeforger: @shellcase86: @comp_atkins:

Trump can still go on stage and give 2 hour speeches.

He's old but he's still there. People aren't worried about the # of the age but the deterioration. Biden can't talk and they actively try to hide him, while trump on the other hand is talking anywhere he can.

There is a major difference, deny it all you want.

In the same damn speech biden gets mad about people questioning his mental state.... he calls the guy the president of mexico... talking about egypt..

2 hour speeches of complete nonsense and insanity. Trump is definitely not "all there". I can only imagine what kind of drugs they're pumping him full of to have that kind of energy.

So the question becomes: do we want an insane narcissist (Trump) with a history of screwing everyone underneath him (which is everyone), or do we want a doddering but politically astute and capable old man (Biden).

Look, both of them are shit choices. But my dad is 83. He is shaky, wobbly, takes naps. He takes some time to make his point and can sometimes ramble or whatever. But he is also incredibly sharp. More importantly, he isn't some crazy nutjob that would go around around threatening NATO and confusing his frenemies (Hailey) with his actual enemies (Pelosi).

And if this doesn't make the choice obvious, then you have to go by policy, and Biden clearly beats Trump in that regard. Don't vote emotionally.

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#55  Edited By Vaasman
Member since 2008 • 15594 Posts
@WitIsWisdom said:

However you immediately grasp onto any bad article, idea, charge, etc. brought up against Trump or those who you decide are some sort of sworn enemy regardless of how ridiculous the claims. It's called being closed off to reality while being a hypocrite.


Biden isn't a 91 times indicted court confirmed rapist who was impeached twice for extortion and then sicking an angry mob on congress. Biden's worst revealed qualities are that he's old and decrepit and he loves his son despite said son being kind of a dingus. Biden isn't an authoritarian populist with 0 policy ideas besides kicking out undesirables, betraying NATO, and pardoning himself.

So no actually it's not hypocrisy. Your guy is just a fucking twat. But you can't accept that so you'll beg for literally anything you can get, including nonsense theories with no basis or evidence, to make Biden and/or democrats seem even half as bad.

The funny thing is you had a laundry list of people ready to kick Biden's ass but the right just couldn't give up on their troll god.

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#56 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58509 Posts

@Vaasman said:
@WitIsWisdom said:

However you immediately grasp onto any bad article, idea, charge, etc. brought up against Trump or those who you decide are some sort of sworn enemy regardless of how ridiculous the claims. It's called being closed off to reality while being a hypocrite.


The funny thing is you had a laundry list of people ready to kick Biden's ass but the right just couldn't give up on their troll god.

It is kind of funny because I think Biden would have let someone else run if Trump wasn't running.

Both sides would have better options, but Trump is running to stay out of prison at this point so there's no getting him to back down.

There's a lot of viable GOP candidates, too; not that I agree with them, but Hailey, Romney, and Christie would have been acceptable.

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#57  Edited By SargentD
Member since 2020 • 8388 Posts
@mrbojangles25 said:
@Vaasman said:
@WitIsWisdom said:

However you immediately grasp onto any bad article, idea, charge, etc. brought up against Trump or those who you decide are some sort of sworn enemy regardless of how ridiculous the claims. It's called being closed off to reality while being a hypocrite.


The funny thing is you had a laundry list of people ready to kick Biden's ass but the right just couldn't give up on their troll god.

It is kind of funny because I think Biden would have let someone else run if Trump wasn't running.

Both sides would have better options, but Trump is running to stay out of prison at this point so there's no getting him to back down.

There's a lot of viable GOP candidates, too; not that I agree with them, but Hailey, Romney, and Christie would have been acceptable.

See this why I know your a democrat.. lol..

Democrats love all the Republicans I can't stand

Bunch of warmongering, lobbying, sell out the country for thier own wealth... pricks... frauds.. I really don't get it.

Democrats so scared of right wing populism they begging for dick Cheney to come back and turn the GOP back into the Bush era invade and attack countries for oil and bs

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#58  Edited By mrbojangles25
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@sargentd said:
@mrbojangles25 said:
@Vaasman said:
@WitIsWisdom said:

However you immediately grasp onto any bad article, idea, charge, etc. brought up against Trump or those who you decide are some sort of sworn enemy regardless of how ridiculous the claims. It's called being closed off to reality while being a hypocrite.


The funny thing is you had a laundry list of people ready to kick Biden's ass but the right just couldn't give up on their troll god.

It is kind of funny because I think Biden would have let someone else run if Trump wasn't running.

Both sides would have better options, but Trump is running to stay out of prison at this point so there's no getting him to back down.

There's a lot of viable GOP candidates, too; not that I agree with them, but Hailey, Romney, and Christie would have been acceptable.

See this why I know your a democrat.. lol..

Democrats love all the Republicans I can't stand

Bunch of warmongering, lobbying, sell out the country for thier own wealth... pricks... frauds.. I really don't get it.

Democrats so scared of right wing populism they begging for dick Cheney to come back and turn the GOP back into the Bush era invade and attack countries for oil and bs

That's more of an indictment of the MAGA-GOP than it is of Democrats, if we are being honest here.

Normally I'd find those three people disgusting and completely intolerable (for the reasons you listed, you are right about those points), but they're left of the MAGA crowd so it's an improvement.

They would be far, far, far from acceptable in normal circumstances, but we sure as shit are not under normal circumstances. You also have to wonder: if Trump wasn't around, would their rhetoric change? Would they drop the abortion bullshit? The nonsense culture war? Would they become even more of an improvement?

And I told you: I'm a moderate independent😀 Not a Democrat 😡

*waits for you to stop laughing*


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#59  Edited By comp_atkins
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@WitIsWisdom said:

@mattbbpl: Who in the hell said that? I explained that the reason prices went up and the economy started collapsing under Trump was due to covid and worldwide shutdowns. Prior to covid Trump had the best numbers of any modern president, which a lot of people want to conveniently dismiss.

Let's compare Trumps numbers pre covid to Bidens numbers now. Comparing the numbers in the midst of lockdowns to an economy coming out of them to show job growth and an improving economy is asinine at best.

Once we return to pre-covid numbers we can start to compare the two, but the problem is, we still aren't there yet.

That's like comparing the vitality of two trees after one was hit by lightning and using that as the starting point.

which numbers specifically?

covid obviously through a huge monkey wrench into the global economic engine, many countries are still in recovery in some form or anothe, so apples to apples comparisons are difficult.

so lets rewind the clock a bit and cover the previous 2 administrations prior to post-covid / biden.

we hear often from magats and other right leaning folks about how prior to covid, the economy under trump was the bestest in history with hookers and blow available for free on every street corner. land of milk and honey, etc... implying that there were some truely transformative policies put in place under trump to supercharge things. new golden age for america and all that. something we'd CLEARLY see in the data, no?

if the thesis is trump's policies were so epic and only his policies could supercharge the economy, it's be bonkers if the data didn't back up our assertions, no?

let's take a look.

unemployment rate 2004 - 2020


yes, the unemployment rate in 2020 reached a local minimum... oddly though, no discontinuity or step down seen. surely SOMETHING trump did in 4 years would have catapulted the unemployment rate down to near zero given the way his zealots speak of him?

ok, so unemployment appears to be simply following a trend here. maybe the fabulous economic wizardy will reveal itself elsewhere then, no?

labor force participation rate 2004 - 2020

this is one righties like to tout as a whataboutism whenever good unemployment numbers are published under a democratic presidency, or a democatic senate, or a democratic hou--- oh well, really WHENEVER they feel the need to shit on their country's economy because they're hardwired to believe ANY success under someone who isn't "their guy" can't be legitimate.

in any case, post GR we see a marked drop from ~66% to around 63% by 2014 with essentially a flat line though 2020, maybe 0.1 - 0.2% higher in 2019 if my old eyes can make it out. . truely STAGGERING results indeed. i mean, my god.

ah ok. so, the cullinan in trump's economic crown doesn't seem to be in the unemployment numbers. stinks but i'm SURE we can find it elsewhere.

lets check out GDP growth. the big poppa of economic indicators. you wanna measure dicks, this is what you pull out, right? iirc trump campaigned to push growth to never before seen numbers. we should be seeing 20-30% right? absolutely EPIC results.

GOD DAMMIT! doesn't the economic data know i'm trying to prove a point here? i KNOW life was glorious under trump. i know we had 6%+ growth year after year under him and all results before and after are pathetic in comparison.

i just don't understand.

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#60 rmpumper
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@sargentd said:

I'm tired

And who's fault is that? No one is forcing you to watch every single right wing grifter video and reposing them here very 30 seconds, 24/7. Take a break, everyone will benefit from it.

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#61 rmpumper
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@Sushiglutton said:

Biden is too old. I don’t think anyone votes for him because they think he is the most qualified in America. It’s just that the alternative is worse.

But it is really unfortunate that the democrats were not able to find a more fit candidate. I honestly thought they would. But I guess being the president is such a huuuge marketing advantage (in terms of name recognition), that they thought Biden was their best bet regardless.

I feel a bit for Biden. There must be more fun things to do at his age than this…

Biden should get a new VP, everyone hates Kamala and some might opt not to vote Biden just because of the fear of ending up with her in his place.

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#62 SargentD
Member since 2020 • 8388 Posts

@rmpumper said:
@sargentd said:

I'm tired

And who's fault is that? No one is forcing you to watch every single right wing grifter video and reposing them here very 30 seconds, 24/7. Take a break, everyone will benefit from it.

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#63  Edited By super600  Moderator
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I give trump like a 15-20 percent chance of winning the general. Typically if a political party loses power and the same person is leading them in the following election that political party fails to regain power. We see this from time to time in parliamentary systems and even in the US. Also rematch elections in the US have only happened a few times in US history. The most recent rematch elections also ended up not changing much. I do think that Trump’s baggage will be his Achilles heel in the general.

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#64  Edited By mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58509 Posts

@super600 said:

I give trump like a 15-20 percent chance of winning the general. Typically if a political party loses power and the same person is leading them in the following election that political party fails to regain power. We see this from time to time in parliamentary systems and even in the US. Also rematch elections in the US have only happened a few times in US history. In the last rematch election the challenger lost by a larger margin than there first election. Most rematch elections also end up not changing much. I do think that Trump’s baggage will be his Achilles heel in the general.

This is a very good point and normally I'd feel a bit more secure in that, but these are interesting times we live in.

With the way they've been manipulating the courts across the country and otherwise stacking the deck against voters and democracy, the MAGA-GOP doesn't necessarily need a majority to win.

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#65 Ospi
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A senile Biden will do less damage to the nation than Trump, and that's sadly the position the country is now in.

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Member since 2006 • 8785 Posts

@sargentd said:
@rmpumper said:
@sargentd said:

I'm tired

And who's fault is that? No one is forcing you to watch every single right wing grifter video and reposing them here very 30 seconds, 24/7. Take a break, everyone will benefit from it.

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That guy kills himself shortly after that speech. How inspiring. The scene is quite funny, however.

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#67  Edited By WitIsWisdom
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@Vaasman: An indictment is an accusation.. No more no less.

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#69 WitIsWisdom
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@super600: Well, that's about 15 to 20 percent higher than social media and major broadcasting news channels gave him against Hillary, so I'm liking those chances.

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#70  Edited By WitIsWisdom
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@super600: Yeah, but then what would be the point to even come here if it was just a liberal circle jerk?

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#71 WitIsWisdom
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@comp_atkins: lol.. good try man. Refer to my former statements. Trump had lower unemployment rates, better economic growth leading into the year of covid shutdowns and coming out of everything since the year after covid, lower gas prices, lower home prices, lower grocery bills, since Biden took office wages are down an average of 2.1 percent, lower inflation, lower interest rates, lower taxes, a better stock market, a higher approval rating, and higher consumer sentiment.

Twist things however you want to try, but it doesn't change the facts. Trumps averages are brought down in comparison by adding the most disastrous year in decades due to a global pandemic, without that he wins in all concernable categories whether you like it or not.

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#72 nintendoboy16
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There is someone younger as Biden's VP as we speak. Seriously, should something happen to Joe, she is right there.

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#73 comp_atkins
Member since 2005 • 38691 Posts

@WitIsWisdom said:

@comp_atkins: lol.. good try man. Refer to my former statements. Trump had lower unemployment rates, better economic growth leading into the year of covid shutdowns and coming out of everything since the year after covid, lower gas prices, lower home prices, lower grocery bills, since Biden took office wages are down an average of 2.1 percent, lower inflation, lower interest rates, lower taxes, a better stock market, a higher approval rating, and higher consumer sentiment.

Twist things however you want to try, but it doesn't change the facts. Trumps averages are brought down in comparison by adding the most disastrous year in decades due to a global pandemic, without that he wins in all concernable categories whether you like it or not.

did you even read the post? i removed 2020 from comparison because it was an outlier. to clarify, i'm not going to sit here and argue things were not good pre-2020 under trump. the data says otherwise. the point is if you basically draw a line to continue the trends trump inherited you'd see the numbers we see. he did ****-all to change trajectories. that's a simple fact whether you like it or not.

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#74 LJS9502_basic
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@rmpumper said:
@Sushiglutton said:

Biden is too old. I don’t think anyone votes for him because they think he is the most qualified in America. It’s just that the alternative is worse.

But it is really unfortunate that the democrats were not able to find a more fit candidate. I honestly thought they would. But I guess being the president is such a huuuge marketing advantage (in terms of name recognition), that they thought Biden was their best bet regardless.

I feel a bit for Biden. There must be more fun things to do at his age than this…

Biden should get a new VP, everyone hates Kamala and some might opt not to vote Biden just because of the fear of ending up with her in his place.

Yikes if that fear allows them to vote for trump who IS worse and his VP would also be worse.

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#75 SargentD
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@DEVILinIRON said:
@sargentd said:
@rmpumper said:
@sargentd said:

I'm tired

And who's fault is that? No one is forcing you to watch every single right wing grifter video and reposing them here very 30 seconds, 24/7. Take a break, everyone will benefit from it.

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That guy kills himself shortly after that speech. How inspiring. The scene is quite funny, however.

Great movie watched it last night, it's a hoot!!

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#76 lamprey263
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Trump is only 3 years younger and eats McDonald's for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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#77 WitIsWisdom
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@comp_atkins: Whatever man, you can try to spin it any way you want, the bottom line is that numbers under Trump were better than Biden. Period.

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#78 LJS9502_basic
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@WitIsWisdom said:

@comp_atkins: Whatever man, you can try to spin it any way you want, the bottom line is that numbers under Trump were better than Biden. Period.

That's not true.

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#79 Ospi
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@WitIsWisdom: the inability to understand and discuss context is such a massive personality flaw. Be better.

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#80 SargentD
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@Ospi said:

@WitIsWisdom: the inability to understand and discuss context is such a massive personality flaw. Be better.

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#81  Edited By WitIsWisdom
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@Ospi: I'm the one around here that doesn't understand the discourse of context? Thats rich, thanks for the laugh man. In case you haven't noticed this place is almost entirely an unopposed echo chamber, and you try to paint me as being close minded while walking into the proverbial lions den knowing my opinions won't be popular?

That's the entire purpose of civil discussion. Perhaps, even if one doesnt change their stance, can understand where another person is coming from and respect their opinion even if they personally disagree, and in doing so learn their lives aren't so far apart. That seems to be lost on most people these days, as is common sense and the ability to problem solve without the means of hand holding or spoon fed propaganda.

Without topics to debate with varying viewpoints there wouldn't truly be any meaningful context... Much as industry needs competition to quell stagnation, differences in opinion are the spice of life. That doesn't however mean that an opinion can not change or be molded over time, but also doesn't mean that they can't reach common ground through compromise... but please continue.

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#82  Edited By Robertos
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@DEVILinIRON said:

So there I was waking to see that Trump is predicted to be re-elected in a major poll. What do you think of that? How much is age a factor in your deciding to vote? If Biden's not the one you want, then who? What do about Trump? Cause I sure as shit ain't voting for a pedophile, rapist, pro-Russian asshat. Thoughts?

Joe Biden's chances 'slim at best'

Makes no sense considering Trump is nearly just as old and even more insane. As you said, I simply can not vote for a Rapist who had the worst economy in a century (TRUMP).

@sargentd said:

border security

Biden was going to sign a very strong border security bill but the GOP stopped it. I'm guessing the GOP just wants more cheap labor? They seem pro illegal.

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#83  Edited By Robertos
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@sargentd said:

He's horrible on the economy,

Biden's incredible economy objectively tramples all over Trump's. This isn't even debatable.

US growth shatters expectations, boosting Biden’s economic pitch

Data Don’t Lie: Biden’s Economic Record is Much Better than Trump’s | Washington Monthly

Biden’s economy keeps messing up Trump’s message - POLITICO

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#84 THUMPTABLE  Online
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@sargentd said:

@Vaasman: covid 19 was a man made virus, made in a lab in Wuhan China, and this research was supported and funded by the NIH with US tax payers money.

Stop bullshitting tardo.

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#85  Edited By SargentD
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@sargentd said:

@Vaasman: covid 19 was a man made virus, made in a lab in Wuhan China, and this research was supported and funded by the NIH with US tax payers money.

Stop bullshitting tardo.

That's facts bussy boy

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#86 Silentchief
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Biden's been an absolute shit show, so it's Trump for me.

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#87  Edited By THUMPTABLE  Online
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@sargentd said:
@sargentd said:

@Vaasman: covid 19 was a man made virus, made in a lab in Wuhan China, and this research was supported and funded by the NIH with US tax payers money.

Stop bullshitting tardo.

That's facts bussy boy

Holy shit, I got a reply from the little Kunt.

You shit the bed mate?

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#88  Edited By Robertos
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Sarge you gotta stop ruining threads by spamming literal fake news youtube channels.

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#89 SargentD
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@robertos said:

Sarge you gotta stop ruining threads by spamming literal fake news youtube channels.

Why libs turning on John Stewart of all people for talking about Bidens dementia

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#90  Edited By Robertos
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@sargentd said:
@robertos said:

Sarge you gotta stop ruining threads by spamming literal fake news youtube channels.

Why libs turning on John Stewart of all people for talking about Bidens dementia

I said to stop posting them, not post more lol. These are literally op-eds in video format.

Anyway, a Rapist and Fraudster with Dementia who had the worst economy in a century is worse than just Dementia. 😎

Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll - The Washington Post

Donald Trump found liable for fraud in New York civil case | Reuters

Growth of US economy under Trump was worst since Hoover | The Independent

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#91 SargentD
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@robertos: "you act like what made this guy so great was his raging dementia"

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#92 horgen  Moderator
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If one cares about democracy in US at all, it should be obvious who to vote for.

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#93 LJS9502_basic
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@horgen said:

If one cares about democracy in US at all, it should be obvious who to vote for.

Should be, but we have a lot of stupid people out there that don't care for facts, or democracy.

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#94  Edited By SargentD
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@LJS9502_basic said:
@horgen said:

If one cares about democracy in US at all, it should be obvious who to vote for.

Should be, but we have a lot of stupid people out there that don't care for facts, or democracy.

Yeah we gotta get Trump back in.

Democrats have jumped off the deep end.

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#95 horgen  Moderator
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@sargentd said:
@LJS9502_basic said:
@horgen said:

If one cares about democracy in US at all, it should be obvious who to vote for.

Should be, but we have a lot of stupid people out there that don't care for facts, or democracy.

Yeah we gotta get Trump back in.

Democrats have jumped off the deep end.

Tell me you don't care about democracy, without telling me you don't care.

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#96 LJS9502_basic
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@horgen said:
@sargentd said:

Yeah we gotta get Trump back in.

Democrats have jumped off the deep end.

Tell me you don't care about democracy, without telling me you don't care.

Perfect example of what I meant wouldn't you say?

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#97  Edited By SargentD
Member since 2020 • 8388 Posts

@horgen said:
@sargentd said:
@LJS9502_basic said:
@horgen said:

If one cares about democracy in US at all, it should be obvious who to vote for.

Should be, but we have a lot of stupid people out there that don't care for facts, or democracy.

Yeah we gotta get Trump back in.

Democrats have jumped off the deep end.

Tell me you don't care about democracy, without telling me you don't care.

Democrat party is full of it. They are actively trying to keep Trump off the ballot, how is that "democracy". They are hypocrites. They don't actually gaf. They only care about holding power. They have majority of power now.. and do nothing good with it.

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#98 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 178873 Posts

@sargentd said:
@horgen said:
@sargentd said:
@LJS9502_basic said:
@horgen said:

If one cares about democracy in US at all, it should be obvious who to vote for.

Should be, but we have a lot of stupid people out there that don't care for facts, or democracy.

Yeah we gotta get Trump back in.

Democrats have jumped off the deep end.

Tell me you don't care about democracy, without telling me you don't care.

Democrat party is full of it. They are actively trying to keep Trump off the ballot, how is that "democracy". They are hypocrites. They don't actually gaf. They only care about holding power. They have majority of power now.. and do nothing good with it.

Have you ever read the Constitution and Amendments? That clearly says trump cannot hold the office of president.

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#99 SargentD
Member since 2020 • 8388 Posts

@LJS9502_basic said:
@sargentd said:
@horgen said:
@sargentd said:
@LJS9502_basic said:

Should be, but we have a lot of stupid people out there that don't care for facts, or democracy.

Yeah we gotta get Trump back in.

Democrats have jumped off the deep end.

Tell me you don't care about democracy, without telling me you don't care.

Democrat party is full of it. They are actively trying to keep Trump off the ballot, how is that "democracy". They are hypocrites. They don't actually gaf. They only care about holding power. They have majority of power now.. and do nothing good with it.

Have you ever read the Constitution and Amendments? That clearly says trump cannot hold the office of president.

What?? LOL