Cheats & Guides

Avernum 3: Ruined World Cheats For Macintosh

  1. Steam Achievements

    This title has a total of 35 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    You have won the Avernites a home on the surface. (Secret) A Home
    Get five priest spells to level 3. Acolyte
    You've looted the giant treasury. (Secret) Against the Giants
    The mad priest of the troglodytes has fallen. (Secret) Against the Troglos
    Get twenty mage spells to level 3. Archmage
    You hunted down three monsters for a bounty. Bounty Hunter
    Sanctify five altars. Breaking Evil Rocks
    Get ten priest spells to level 3. Cleric
    You've dealt productively with the queen. (Secret) Contract in Place
    You've read 15 books. Dedicated Reader
    You've found 8 of the Xian items. Determined Collector
    Find 150 outdoor locations. Footloose and Fancy Free
    You won Avernum 3: Ruined World on Hard difficulty. (Secret) Hero of Avernum
    Get twenty priest spells to level 3. High Priest
    Dig up 50 caches. Lord of the Shovel
    Get ten mage spells to level 3. Master of Magery
    Have 12 potions made. Patron of Alchemy
    Find 50 outdoor locations. Peripatetic
    You won Avernum 3: Ruined World on Torment difficulty. (Secret) Savior of Avernum
    Craft five nice magic items. Skilled Artisan
    You won Avernum 3: Ruined World on Normal difficulty. (Secret) Soldier of Avernum
    Get five mage spells to level 3. Student of Magery
    You found one of the great artifacts of Valorim. (Secret) The Armor
    You got past the alien beasts. (Secret) The Beast Plague
    You found one of the great artifacts of Valorim. (Secret) The Bow
    Join the Anama! The End of Magic
    The golem factory was shut down. (Secret) The Golem Plague
    You found one of the great artifacts of Valorim. (Secret) The Halberd
    The troglos and giants won't be a problem now. (Secret) The Invader Plague
    The bugs were squished. (Secret) The Roach Plague
    You found one of the great artifacts of Valorim. (Secret) The Shield
    The slime has been mopped up. (Secret) The Slime Plague
    Get the blessings from five stone circles. Glorious gifts await! The Stone Circles
    You've finally returned to the surface. (Secret) The Surface, At Last
    You found one of the great artifacts of Valorim. (Secret) The Wand

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer 

Avernum 3: Ruined World Cheats For PC

  1. Cheat Codes

    Hold Shift and press D to bring up the cheat command box.

    iampoor 500 coins.
    showmeall All characters will appear on the automap.
    freemymind Cures mental effects and death curse.
    teachmenow Gives you some experience.
    buffmenow Gives your party blessings.
    ouchouchouch Heals your party.
    editor If you've enabled it on the title screen, this will bring up the full character editor.
    calmthetower Refreshes the timer for the Tower of Magi event.
    imdrained Refreshes your spell energy.
    resetboats Resets all boat locations, including purchased boats.
    letsbefriends Shayder, dragons and eastern villagers will no longer be angry with you.
    fps Shows you the frame rate.
    dontshowmeall Stops all characters from appearing on the automap.
    backtostart Teleports you back to Fort Emergence.

    Contributed by: Black Rabite, kauslevi 

  2. Steam Achievements

    This title has a total of 35 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    You have won the Avernites a home on the surface. (Secret) A Home
    Get five priest spells to level 3. Acolyte
    You've looted the giant treasury. (Secret) Against the Giants
    The mad priest of the troglodytes has fallen. (Secret) Against the Troglos
    Get twenty mage spells to level 3. Archmage
    You hunted down three monsters for a bounty. Bounty Hunter
    Sanctify five altars. Breaking Evil Rocks
    Get ten priest spells to level 3. Cleric
    You've dealt productively with the queen. (Secret) Contract in Place
    You've read 15 books. Dedicated Reader
    You've found 8 of the Xian items. Determined Collector
    Find 150 outdoor locations. Footloose and Fancy Free
    You won Avernum 3: Ruined World on Hard difficulty. (Secret) Hero of Avernum
    Get twenty priest spells to level 3. High Priest
    Dig up 50 caches. Lord of the Shovel
    Get ten mage spells to level 3. Master of Magery
    Have 12 potions made. Patron of Alchemy
    Find 50 outdoor locations. Peripatetic
    You won Avernum 3: Ruined World on Torment difficulty. (Secret) Savior of Avernum
    Craft five nice magic items. Skilled Artisan
    You won Avernum 3: Ruined World on Normal difficulty. (Secret) Soldier of Avernum
    Get five mage spells to level 3. Student of Magery
    You found one of the great artifacts of Valorim. (Secret) The Armor
    You got past the alien beasts. (Secret) The Beast Plague
    You found one of the great artifacts of Valorim. (Secret) The Bow
    Join the Anama! The End of Magic
    The golem factory was shut down. (Secret) The Golem Plague
    You found one of the great artifacts of Valorim. (Secret) The Halberd
    The troglos and giants won't be a problem now. (Secret) The Invader Plague
    The bugs were squished. (Secret) The Roach Plague
    You found one of the great artifacts of Valorim. (Secret) The Shield
    The slime has been mopped up. (Secret) The Slime Plague
    Get the blessings from five stone circles. Glorious gifts await! The Stone Circles
    You've finally returned to the surface. (Secret) The Surface, At Last
    You found one of the great artifacts of Valorim. (Secret) The Wand

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer