Cheats & Guides

Crash Bandicoot: Warped Cheats For PlayStation

  1. Hidden Level Eggipus Rex

    To access the hidden level, Eggipus Rex, go to Dino Might and take the Yellow Gem Path to the secret area. While being chased, let the second pterodactyl attack you. Instead of killing you, it will carry you off to this secret level.

    Contributed by: Gbness 

  2. Bonus Video (Japanese Release Only)

    Hold Down + Triangle + L1 + R2 when the PlayStation logo appears.

    Contributed by: PhazonDaxter 

  3. Turbo on all Motorcycle Levels

    In any motorcycle level you play, wait until the second red light lights up. Then press and hold X and you should do a wheelie when the race starts. This way, you will start off with a boost!

    Contributed by: Feelers 

  4. Start With All Power-Ups

    After booting the game, wait at the title screen for the demo to start. Shortly before the game shows the demo of Bye Bye Blimps, begin holding Triangle. After the demo begins you will be in control of Coco. From here, pause and exit the level, and you will appear in the middle of the warp room (as if you had began a new game) with all the power ups. Note: If you finish Bye Bye Blimps, you will be ejected in the fourth warp room, but the force field in front of the hallway will still be in place, trapping you there.

    Contributed by: Springy64 

  5. Secret Level - Level 31 Hot Coco

    In world 14 (Road Crash) keep your eye on the left side of the screen as you race. There will be a yellow sign with an alien head on it. Crash into that sign and you will be warped to a Hidden Level.

    Contributed by: jsolidsnake23 

  6. Avoid the Lions During The Tiny the Tiger Fight

    When fighting Tiny, he will sometimes summon lions from the gates in the colosseum. If you stand in the very top-left corner of the arena, you'll avoid being damaged - the lions will run through you.

    This glitch does not work in the N. Sane Trilogy remaster; if you attempt this, you can still be hurt, and the crowd throws cheese at you for having attempted this.

    Contributed by: Anonymous 

  7. Maintain Jump Combo Counter

    In this game, if you chain together jumps - which can be on boxes or enemies - and certain jumps are on enemies, you can get special rewards. For example, your 5th jump, if it's on an enemy, will give you an extra life. However, you can maintain your invisible jump combo counter even if you hit the ground - the combo only resets if Crash is in his walking/standing animations. Thus, if you spin just before you hit the ground, and jump before you stop spinning, you can maintain your counter. This can useful in particular if you try to chain 200+ jumps together to get Crystals and other items (there's an guide in the FAQs with more in-depth details on this item glitch).

    Contributed by: Anonymous 

  8. Alternate Ending

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat Cortex with 44 gems and 30 Sapphire or better relics. Alternate Ending

    Contributed by: Gbness 

  9. Crash Bandicoot's Super Powers

    Defeating the bosses in the game will unlock new abilities for Crash to use.

    Defeat N. Cortex Crash Dash Shoes
    Defeat N.Tropy Death Tornado Spin
    Defeat Dingodile Double Jump
    Defeat N.Gin Fruit Bazooka
    Defeat Tiny Tiger Super Belly Flop

    Contributed by: PhazonDaxter 

  10. Fireworks Show and 45th Gem

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Collect 30 Gold Relics, then talk to Coco next to the Load/Save screen. Fireworks Show and 45th Gem

    Contributed by: Gbness 

  11. Instant Mask (Protection)

    Note: This only works once per life and only works on the PAL version.

    Effect Effect
    Press X + Circle + Square + Triangle Instant Mask

    Contributed by: Zero_X_24 

  12. Spyro the Dragon Demo

    Effect Effect
    At the main menu press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Square Spyro the Dragon Demo

    Contributed by: mootootwo 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides FAQ by ThE_bLImP 14K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by JHealy 46K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by NickWhiz1 67K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Nemesis 75K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by TheBlackMamba 101K
In-Depth Guides Boss Guide by Lagunathemoron 6K
In-Depth Guides Developer Times FAQ by Red_Neo_B 61K
In-Depth Guides Extra Item Glitch FAQ by psxdriverplayer 44K
In-Depth Guides Gem and Time Trial Guide by josher1212 76K
In-Depth Guides PocketStation FAQ (Japanese) by Dr_Eggman 27K