Cheats & Guides

DOOM II RPG Cheats For Mobile

  1. Cheat Menu

    During play, hit 0 to enter the pause menu and slowly type 3666 to open the cheat menu.

    Contributed by: TraumaSlaveBass 

  2. New cheat codes found!

    Doom 2 RPG Hidden Cheat Codes: Use code 1666 during game play mode . Use code 4332 during game play mode. Use code 3366 during game play mode.

    1666 Restart Level
    3366 Show info & Player Rotates
    4332 Weapons & Ammo!

    Contributed by: Gerardo194 

DOOM II RPG Cheats For iOS (iPhone/iPad)

  1. Debug Mode Menu

    While playing, pause the game. At the pause menu, tap the top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right, bottom left, and bottom right corners in that sequence to access the debug menu. This menu has options to enable god mode, give all, change maps, no clip, disable ai, skip minigames, one shot kill toggle, and a bunch of other debug related options left in the game.

    Contributed by: bjohndick