Cheats & Guides

Fire Pro Wrestling (2001) Cheats For Game Boy Advance

  1. Unlock all characters

    Goto EDIT mode than NAME ENTRY and Enter this as follows

    Nick Name: ALL
    Last Name (On the Left): STYLE
    First Name (On Right): CLEAR
    Exchange: Off
    Middle: Leave Blank

    Now press start than hit B until you are out of the EDIT mode and on hte Main Menu.

    And here's how to store the code in hte system memory, cause by default it won't.

    Now go to Audience Mode than Start a new Game or Load a previous game. Now Press start than choose Save. Overwrite any data if your prompted. Now exit the mode. Now all the hiddens should be saved into the system memory.

    Contributed by: Twist Of Fate HB 

  2. Strong Style Audience Mode Completion (Japanese Version)

    Note: Some knowledge of how to read Japanese is required to put this code in correctly.

    Go to Edit Mode, Edit Wrestler, and then Name Entry. Enter the following

    Nickname: (Katakana) Su To Ro N Gu
    Short Name: (Hiragana) Wo
    Long Name: (Katakana) Ku Ri A
    Exchange: ON
    Middle: []

    If entered correctly, a dark blue star should appear under Tatsumi Fujinami along with everything that you unlock by completing the Strong style of Audience Mode unlocked. To save this so that it doesn't revert back to what it originaly was when you turn the game off, you start a new Audience Mode (any style) and save it.

    Contributed by: BioHazard064 

  3. Royal Road Style Audience Mode Completion (Japanese Version)

    Note: Some knowledge of how to read Japanese is required to put this code in correctly.

    Go to Edit Mode, Edit Wrestler, and then Name Entry. Enter the following

    Nickname: (Kanji)
    Select Kanji
    Select Hiragana O
    Select character located in third row, fourth column
    Select Hiragana To
    Go down 6 additional rows, select character in fourth column
    Short Name: (Hiragana) Wo
    Long Name: (Katakana) Ku Ri A
    Exchange: ON
    Middle: []

    If entered correctly, a yellow star should appear under Tatsumi Fujinami along with everything that you unlock by completing the Royal Road style of Audience Mode unlocked. To save this so that it doesn't revert back to what it originaly was when you turn the game off, you start a new Audience Mode (any style) and save it.

    Contributed by: BioHazard064 

  4. Showman Style Audience Mode Completion (Japanese Version)

    Note: Some knowledge of how to read Japanese is required to put this code in correctly.

    Go to Edit Mode, Edit Wrestler, and then Name Entry. Enter the following

    Nickname: (Katakana) Shi (small Yo) (dash located by Katakana N) Ma N
    Short Name: (Hiragana) Wo
    Long Name: (Katakana) Ku Ri A
    Exchange: ON
    Middle: []

    If entered correctly, a orange star should appear under Tatsumi Fujinami along with everything that you unlock by completing the Showman style of Audience Mode unlocked. To save this so that it doesn't revert back to what it originaly was when you turn the game off, you start a new Audience Mode (any style) and save it.

    Contributed by: BioHazard064 

  5. Stoic Style Audience Mode Completion (Japanese Version)

    Note: Some knowledge of how to read Japanese is required to put this code in correctly.

    Go to Edit Mode, Edit Wrestler, and then Name Entry. Enter the following

    Nickname: (Katakana) Su To I (Small Tsu) Ku
    Short Name: (Hiragana) Wo
    Long Name: (Katakana) Ku Ri A
    Exchange: ON
    Middle: []

    If entered correctly, a white star should appear under Tatsumi Fujinami along with everything that you unlock by completing the Stoic style of Audience Mode unlocked. To save this so that it doesn't revert back to what it originaly was when you turn the game off, you start a new Audience Mode (any style) and save it.

    Contributed by: BioHazard064 

  6. Lucha Style Audience Mode Completion (Japanese Version)

    Note: Some knowledge of how to read Japanese is required to put this code in correctly.

    Go to Edit Mode, Edit Wrestler, and then Name Entry. Enter the following

    Nickname: (Katakana) Ru Cha (small Ya)
    Short Name: (Hiragana) Wo
    Long Name: (Katakana) Ku Ri A
    Exchange: ON
    Middle: []

    If entered correctly, a green star should appear under Tatsumi Fujinami along with everything that you unlock by completing the Lucha style of Audience Mode unlocked. To save this so that it doesn't revert back to what it originaly was when you turn the game off, you start a new Audience Mode (any style) and save it.

    Contributed by: BioHazard064 

  7. Hardcore Style Audience Mode Completion (Japanese Version)

    Note: Some knowledge of how to read Japanese is required to put this code in correctly.

    Go to Edit Mode, Edit Wrestler, and then Name Entry. Enter the following

    Nickname: (Katakana) Ha (dash located by Katakana N) Do Ko A
    Short Name: (Hiragana) Wo
    Long Name: (Katakana) Ku Ri A
    Exchange: ON
    Middle: []

    If entered correctly, a red star should appear under Tatsumi Fujinami along with everything that you unlock by completing the Hardcore style of Audience Mode unlocked. To save this so that it doesn't revert back to what it originaly was when you turn the game off, you start a new Audience Mode (any style) and save it.

    Contributed by: BioHazard064 

  8. Famous wrestlers

    Go to the Edit wrestler mode, and go to the Appearance setting. Move the cursor over to the Face section, then hold R and press right. The result is a wrestler with every face, many of them can't be found from the game otherwise (I've found the likes of Leatherface, The real Undertaker etc.)

    Contributed by: Ozzer 

  9. Unlock ALL in Japanese Version

    In the Wrestler Edit menu choose to rename the default wrestler to the following:

    (in hiragana) ZE N BU
    (in hiragana) WO
    (in katakana) KU RI A
    Note: Leave the bottom two options as they are (default)

    Press start to exit and you'll notice that the name changed to something entirely different. That means it worked.

    Now to make this change permanent, go into Audience Mode and save.

    Contributed by: vanillago2 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by Mr_Buwalda 22K
General FAQs FAQ by Chained Angel 16K
In-Depth FAQs Affinity Level FAQ by CyberTranz 28K
In-Depth FAQs Audience Mode FAQ by gbomber 18K
In-Depth FAQs CPU Logic FAQ by gbomber 15K
In-Depth FAQs Critical Moves List by TERRA Rising 39K
In-Depth FAQs Edit Mode FAQ by Chilly McFreeze 17K
In-Depth FAQs Edit Mode Head List by BDahlstrom 11K
In-Depth FAQs Edit Wrestler Guide by CyberTranz 239K
In-Depth FAQs Fake to Real Name Guide by CrazyMAX 10K
In-Depth FAQs Head Conversions FAQ by BioHazard064 54K
In-Depth FAQs Move List by Boco316 32K
In-Depth FAQs Referee FAQ by CyberTranz 5K
In-Depth FAQs Restoring/Renaming FAQ by E.S.BobSlack 29K
In-Depth FAQs Specialty/Finisher List by PuroGeek 40K
In-Depth FAQs Translation Guide by IceMaster 44K
In-Depth FAQs Wrestler Restoring Guide by Chilly McFreeze 29K