Cheats & Guides

Mario and Wario Cheats For Super Nintendo

  1. Unlock Secret Levels

    Complete all thirteen worlds, watch the ending and you will get extra levels.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete all thirteen worlds, watch the ending and you will get extra levels. Unlock Secret Levels

    Contributed by: Lagunathemoron 

  2. Unlock World 10-Wario's Mansion

    Just complete the secret World 9 (Flower Fields) and World 10 will appear where World 9 was.Make sure you've got lots of lives though,because this world's a killer!

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Just complete the secret World 9 (Flower Fields) and World 10 will appear where World 9 was.Make sure you've got lots of lives though,because this world's a killer! Unlock World 10-Wario's Mansion

    Contributed by: CaptainDrakesGhost 

  3. Unlock World 9-Flower Fields

    Just complete World 8 (Desert),and,where usually ''Level Select'' is (With Wario's head at it),World 9 will appear

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Just complete World 8 (Desert),and,where usually ''Level Select'' is (With Wario's head at it),World 9 will appear Unlock World 9-Flower Fields

    Contributed by: CaptainDrakesGhost 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Lagunathemoron 58K
In-Depth FAQs Extra Level Guide by Azel 27K
In-Depth Guides Mario Series Ending FAQ by Jelly Soup 345K