Cheats & Guides

Resident Evil 7: biohazard Cheats For PlayStation 4

  1. Stop Healing/Reloading Animations Early

    If you pour a health bottle over your hands or while you're reloading your gun, you can press the block button (L1) to cancel the animation and still get the full benefits. This way you speed up the healing process and gun reloading with a few seconds. This can save your life and is really great to use in Madhouse mode. Keep in mind when reloading the gun, make sure you see the number is green (or changes if your ammo won't fill the gun to max, or you need to fire a round fast) before you press the Block button. This can be useful for some slower reload weapons like the Grenade Launcher, and the Shotguns.

    Contributed by: shibito 

  2. Trophies

    Create all items that contain Chem Fluid and Strong Chem Fluid. 1st Place at the Science Fair
    Obtain something by closely examining an item. A-ha!
    Block an enemy attack by guarding. Arms in the Air
    Fight off Marguerite while she wanders the old house to make her run away. Back Off, Mrs. B!
    Watch all the videotapes in a single playthrough. Be Kind, Please Rewind
    Close an open door by yourself. Behind Closed Doors
    Unlock all trophies. Biosplattered
    Complete the "Mia" videotape without being spotted by Marguerite. Can't Catch Me
    Avoid Jack's scissor attack by crouching. Duck If You Love Life
    Get ending 1. End of the Night
    Shoot and knock back Marguerite while she's leaping at you. Fly Swatter
    Destroy a Mr. Everywhere statuette. He's Here, There, Everywhere!
    Increase your item slots. In the Bag
    Escape from the ship. Into the Depths
    Get ending 2. Just A Memory Now
    Complete the game within 4 hours. Just Get Me Outta Here
    Take down two or more enemies with one shot. Less is More
    Obtain all of the Antique Coins in Madhouse difficulty. Mad Pelicans
    Use a lock pick to open something. Master of Unlocking
    Destroy all Mr. Everywhere statuettes. Mr. Nowhere
    Put an unrelated object on a shadow plinth. Nice Try
    Use psychostimulants. Open Your Eyes
    Complete the "Happy Birthday" videotape within 5 minutes. Out Before Dessert
    Obtain all of the Antique Coins in Easy or Normal difficulty. Pelicans in Your Pocket
    Complete the game on Easy. Playing it Safe
    Complete the game without opening the Item Box more than 3 times. Resource Manager
    Travel to Louisiana. She's Alive
    Clear insects off a door using a knife. Slash Slash, Slashity Slash!
    Kill an enemy by attaching a Remote Bomb to them and detonating it. That's a Spicy Meat-a-ball
    Read all of the files in a single playthrough. The Devil Is in the Details
    Uncover the secret in the old house. The Grave Will Out the Truth
    Complete the game on Normal. The Nightmare's Finally Over
    Finish off an enemy with the knife. Things Got Personal
    Complete the game using only 3 First Aid Meds or less. Walk it Off
    Escape from the guest house. Welcome to the Family, Son
    Complete the game on Madhouse. Who's Your Daddy Now?
    Escape to the yard. You Ain't Gettin' Away
    Escape from the Baker family home. You Better Start Running

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999, Mookiethebold 

  3. Bonus Unlocks

    The items will be sent to your item box during your next playthrough. When both Secrets of Defense and Essence of Defense are in your inventory they negate all damage while blocking. Walking Shoes only improve walking speed, not running.

    Complete the game Albert01-R
    Complete a speed run in 4 hours or less Circular Saw
    Complete the game on Madhouse difficulty Infinite Ammo
    Complete the game on any difficulty. Mad House Mode
    Complete the game on Normal or above Secrets of Defense
    Destroy all Mr. Everywhere Statues (20 total) The Essence of Defense
    Destroy all Mr. Everywhere Statues (20 total) Walking Shoes
    Complete a speed run in 4 hours or less X-Ray Glasses

    Contributed by: Spike17Spiegel, DemonicToaster 

  4. Antique Coin Locations.

    Antique Coins which can be redeemed for various exclusive items are scattered throughout the game. Collect all 18 of them to unlock the Pelican in your Pocket Achievement. Here is a list of their locations. (Note: Psychostimulants make Antique Coins easier to locate due to their ability to highlight the location of nearby items.)

    Old House 1F - Kitchen. Inside a locked drawer. (Lockpick required, must be unlocked by Clancy. On the ground behind him at the beginning of Tape #1.) Antique Coin #01
    Main House 1F - Floor Hatch Passage. On the the red mower. Antique Coin #02
    Main House 1F - Main Hall. Inside the top drawer in the north west corner. Antique Coin #03
    Main House 2F - Recreation Room. Atop the turntable beside a basket in the north east corner of the room. Antique Coin #04
    Main House 2F - Bathroom. Inside the toilet. Antique Coin #05
    Main House 1F - Drawing Room. On a table, inside an ash tray beside a lantern. Antique Coin #06
    Main House B1 - Processing Area. Along the left side of the wall, resting behind a wooden pallet. Antique Coin #07
    Yard. On the right as you exit the Main House, inside a flower pot. Antique Coin #08
    Yard - Zoe's Trailer: On the table by the bird cage. Antique Coin #09
    Old House 1F - Cellar. Just outside the Cellar door, on the tray table. Antique Coin #10
    Old House 1F - Outside. Inside the north east outhouse, on the toilet tank. Antique Coin #11
    Old House 1F - Altar Room. Inside a drawer in the corner. Antique Coin #12
    Testing Area 1F - Barn. Inside the booby-trapped storage room on the green desk. Antique Coin #13
    Testing Area 2F - Stairway to Party Room. On a shelf, to the right of the button used to lower the stairs. Antique Coin #14
    Wrecked Ship S1 - Duct. Down the first junction on the right, in the corner at the end. (Mia only, missable.) Antique Coin #15
    Wrecked Ship S1. Hidden in a pool of murky water on the left of the room. (Mia only, missable. Comb the water and wait for the on-screen prompt.) Antique Coin #16
    Wrecked Ship 3F - Control Room. Inside a locked case. (Lockpick required.) Antique Coin #17
    Wrecked Ship S2. Inside a sealed container on the wall between the two Engine Rooms. (Corrosive required.) Mr. Everywhere #18

    Contributed by: Blk_Mage_Ctype 

  5. Trophies - DLC Banned Footage Vol. 2

    Get an S Rank or higher on all stages in Jack's 55th Birthday Best Birthday Ever
    Get the bad ending in Daughters Butterfly Effect
    Complete Survival mode in 21 Card Shark
    Clear a stage with a 10 minute time bonus or higher in Jack's 55th Birthday Don't Keep the Man Waiting
    Complete 21 Eye in the Sky
    Feed Jack every type of food and drink in Jack's 55th Birthday Miracle Chef
    Get the true ending in Daughters One Instinct: Survival
    Complete Survival+ mode in 21 You Gotta Know When To Hold 'Em

    Contributed by: guya2209 

  6. Trophies - DLC: Banned Footage Vol. 1

    Complete Nightmare. Dead by Dawn?
    Complete Ethan Must Die. Ethan Never Dies
    Complete Bedroom. Like Mama Used to Make
    Find all the dead rats in Bedroom in a single play. Ratcatcher
    Complete Night Terror. Sleepless in Dulvey

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  7. Mr. Everywhere Bobblehead Locations.

    Bobblehead statues of the mascot of the local High School Football Team Mr. Everywhere are hidden throughout the game, destroy all 20 to unlock the Mr. Nowhere Trophy as well as a pair of Walking Shoes and The Essence of Defense. Here is a list of locations were they can be found. (Note: Listen for the distinct sound of it moving. Psychostimulants make Bobbleheads easier to locate due to their ability to highlight the locations of nearby items.)

    Main House 1F - West Corridor. On a desk at the south end of the corridor. Mr. Everywhere #01
    Main House 1F - Laundry Room. On a shelf beneath the table with the Tape Recorder. Mr. Everywhere #02
    Main House 1F - Main Hall. On a table with a piece of paper which reads; "Shoot Me" you can't miss it. Mr. Everywhere #03
    Main House 2F - Recreation Room. Sitting inside a basket in the northeast corner of the room. Mr. Everywhere #04
    Main House 1F - Drawing Room. Beside the door with the two-headed crow attached to it, directly beside the knob. Mr. Everywhere #05
    Main House B1 - Processing Area. On the floor besides the buckets leading to the door with a snake on it. Mr. Everywhere #06
    Yard. Beneath the stairs at the entrance to Zoe's Trailer. Mr. Everywhere #07
    Old House 1F - Safe Room. On a shelf, beside a painting to the left of the Item Box. Mr. Everywhere #08
    Old House 1F - Cellar. On the floor behind the wooden palette at the top of the stairs. Mr. Everywhere #09
    Old House 1F - Basement Crawlspace. On a shelf to the left. Mr. Everywhere #10
    Old House 2F - Alter Room. On a table beside a candlestick near the scales. Mr. Everywhere #11
    Main House 3F - Attic. On a beam at the top of the entrance ladder. Mr. Everywhere #12
    Testing Area - Barn. Sitting on a stable post on the upper walkway. Mr. Everywhere #13
    Testing Area 1F - Monitoring Room. Above the Safe Room doorway on the ledge of the transom. Mr. Everywhere #14
    Boat House 1F - Docks. Inside a storage hut, on the floor beneath a net on the left. Mr. Everywhere #15
    Wrecked Ship 4F. On the banister leading down the 3F staircase by the barricade. Mr. Everywhere #16
    Wrecked Ship 2F - 3F Shaft. Atop the ladder leading up from the northeast room in Wrecked Ship 2F, facing away from you. Mr. Everywhere #17
    Salt Mines 1F - Swamp Shack. On a windowsill at the entrance to the Safe Room. Mr. Everywhere #18
    Salt Mines S1 - Lab Area. On the upper walkway across from the stairs beside some barrels. Mr. Everywhere #19
    Guesthouse B1 - Storeroom. On a shelf in side the room opposite the sofa. Mr. Everywhere #20

    Contributed by: Blk_Mage_Ctype 

Resident Evil 7: biohazard Cheats For Xbox One

  1. Faster Healing/Reloading.

    If you Guard (Left Bumper) while using First Aid or reloading your weapon, it will cancel the animation yet your health will still be restored and your weapon reloaded. NOTE: When reloading your weapon, make sure that the HUD icon shows that the weapon has been successfully reloaded before you Guard, otherwise it will cancel out the reloading sequence as well.

    Contributed by: Blk_Mage_Ctype 

  2. Achievements

    There are 37 achievements with a total of 1000 points.

    Create all items that contain Chem Fluid and Strong Chem Fluid. 1st Place at the Science Fair
    Obtain something by closely examining an item. A-ha!
    Block an enemy attack by guarding. Arms in the Air
    Watch all the videotapes in a single playthrough. Be Kind, Please Rewind
    Close an open door by yourself. Behind Closed Doors
    Complete the "Mia" videotape without being spotted by Marguerite. Can't Catch Me
    Avoid Jack's scissor attack by crouching. Duck If You Love Life
    Get ending 1. End of the Night
    Shoot and knock back Marguerite while she's leaping at you. Fly Swatter
    Fight off Marguerite while she wanders the old house to make her run away. Get ending 2.
    Destroy a Mr. Everywhere statuette. He's Here, There, Everywhere!
    Increase your item slots. In the Bag
    Escape from the ship. Into the Depths
    Get ending 2. Just A Memory Now
    Complete the game within 4 hours. Just Get Me Outta Here
    Take down two or more enemies with one shot. Less is More
    Obtain all of the Antique Coins in Madhouse difficulty. Mad Pelicans
    Use a lock pick to open something. Master of Unlocking
    Destroy all Mr. Everywhere statuettes. Mr. Nowhere
    Put an unrelated object on a shadow plinth. Nice Try
    Use psychostimulants. Open Your Eyes
    Complete the "Happy Birthday" videotape within 5 minutes. Out Before Dessert
    Obtain all of the Antique Coins in Easy or Normal difficulty. Pelicans in Your Pocket
    Complete the game on Easy. Playing it Safe
    Complete the game without opening the Item Box more than 3 times. Resource Manager
    Travel to Louisiana. She's Alive
    Clear insects off a door using a knife. Slash Slash, Slashity Slash!
    Kill an enemy by attaching a Remote Bomb to them and detonating it. That's a Spicy Meat-a-ball
    Read all of the files in a single playthrough. The Devil Is in the Details
    Uncover the secret in the old house. The Grave Will Out the Truth
    Complete the game on Normal. The Nightmare's Finally Over
    Finish off an enemy with the knife. Things Got Personal
    Complete the game using only 3 First Aid Meds or less. Walk it Off
    Escape from the guest house. Welcome to the Family, Son
    Complete the game on Madhouse Who's Your Daddy Now?
    Escape to the yard. You Ain't Gettin' Away
    Escape from the Baker family home. You Better Start Running

    Contributed by: Similac 

  3. Bonus Unlocks

    All unlocked items will appear in the Item Box when you reload a save or start a new game.

    Complete the game Albert-01R Handgun
    Complete In Four Hours Or Less Circular Saw
    Complete the game on Madhouse difficulty Infinite Ammo
    Complete the game on any difficulty. Madhouse Difficulty
    Destroy All 20 Mr. Everywhere Statues The Essence of Defense
    Complete the game on Normal or above The Secrets of Defense
    Destroy All 20 Mr. Everywhere Statues Walking Shoes
    Complete In Four Hours Or Less X-Ray Glasses

    Contributed by: Similac 

  4. Antique Coin Locations.

    Antique Coins which can be redeemed for various exclusive items are scattered throughout the game. Collect all 18 of them to unlock the Pelican in your Pocket Achievement. Here is a list of their locations. (Note: Psychostimulants make Antique Coins easier to locate due to their ability to highlight the location of nearby items.)

    Old House 1F - Kitchen. Inside a locked drawer. (Lockpick required, must be unlocked by Clancy. On the ground behind him at the beginning of Tape #1.) Antique Coin #01
    Main House 1F - Floor Hatch Passage. On the the red mower. Antique Coin #02
    Main House 1F - Main Hall. Inside the top drawer in the north west corner. Antique Coin #03
    Main House 2F - Recreation Room. Atop the turntable beside a basket in the north east corner of the room. Antique Coin #04
    Main House 2F - Bathroom. Inside the toilet. Antique Coin #05
    Main House 1F - Drawing Room. On a table, inside an ash tray beside a lantern. Antique Coin #06
    Main House B1 - Processing Area. Along the left side of the wall, resting behind a wooden pallet. Antique Coin #07
    Yard. On the right as you exit the Main House, inside a flower pot. Antique Coin #08
    Yard - Zoe's Trailer: On the table by the bird cage. Antique Coin #09
    Old House 1F - Cellar. Just outside the Cellar door, on the tray table. Antique Coin #10
    Old House 1F - Outside. Inside the north east outhouse, on the toilet tank. Antique Coin #11
    Old House 1F - Altar Room. Inside a drawer in the corner. Antique Coin #12
    Testing Area 1F - Barn. Inside the booby-trapped storage room on the green desk. Antique Coin #13
    Testing Area 2F - Stairway to Party Room. On a shelf, to the right of the button used to lower the stairs. Antique Coin #14
    Wrecked Ship S1 - Duct. Down the first junction on the right, in the corner at the end. (Mia only, missable.) Antique Coin #15
    Wrecked Ship S1. Hidden in a pool of murky water on the left of the room. (Mia only, missable. Comb the water and wait for the on-screen prompt.) Antique Coin #16
    Wrecked Ship 3F - Control Room. Inside a locked case. (Lockpick required.) Antique Coin #17
    Wrecked Ship S2. Inside a sealed container on the wall between the two Engine Rooms. (Corrosive required.) Antique Coin #18

    Contributed by: Blk_Mage_Ctype 

  5. Mr. Everywhere Bobblehead Locations.

    Bobblehead statues of the mascot of the local High School Football Team Mr. Everywhere are hidden throughout the game, destroy all 20 to unlock the Mr. Nowhere Achievement as well as a pair of Walking Shoes and The Essence of Defense. Here is a list of locations were they can be found. (Note: Listen for the distinct sound of it moving. Psychostimulants make Bobbleheads easier to locate due to their ability to highlight the locations of nearby items.)

    Main House 1F - West Corridor. On a desk at the south end of the corridor, past the entrance to the Main Hall. Mr. Everywhere #01
    Main House 1F - Laundry Room. On a shelf beneath the table with the Tape Recorder. Mr. Everywhere #02
    Main House 1F - Main Hall. On a table with a piece of paper that reads; "SHOOT ME" you can't miss it. Mr. Everywhere #03
    Main House 2F - Recreation Room. Sitting inside a basket in the northeast corner of the room. Mr. Everywhere #04
    Main House 1F - Drawing Room. Beside the door with the two-headed crow attached to it, directly beside the knob. Mr. Everywhere #05
    Main House B1 - Processing Area. On the floor besides the buckets leading to the door with a snake on it. Mr. Everywhere #06
    Yard. Beneath the stairs at the entrance to Zoe's Trailer. Mr. Everywhere #07
    Old House 1F - Safe Room. On a shelf, beside a painting to the left of the Item Box. Mr. Everywhere #08
    Old House 1F - Cellar. On the floor behind the wooden palette at the top of the stairs. Mr. Everywhere #09
    Old House 1F - Basement Crawlspace. On a shelf to the left. Mr. Everywhere #10
    Old House 2F - Alter Room. On a table beside a candlestick near the scales. Mr. Everywhere #11
    Main House 3F - Attic. On a beam at the top of the entrance ladder. Mr. Everywhere #12
    Testing Area - Barn. Sitting on a stable fence post on the upper walkway. Mr. Everywhere #13
    Testing Area 1F - Monitoring Room. Above the Safe Room doorway on the ledge of the transom. Mr. Everywhere #14
    Boat House 1F - Docks. Inside a storage hut, on the floor beneath a net on the left. Mr. Everywhere #15
    Wrecked Ship 4F. On the banister leading down the 3F staircase by the barricade. Mr. Everywhere #16
    Wrecked Ship 2F - 3F Shaft. Atop the ladder leading up from the northeast room in Wrecked Ship 2F, facing away from you. Mr. Everywhere #17
    Salt Mines 1F - Swamp Shack. On a windowsill at the entrance to the Safe Room. Mr. Everywhere #18
    Salt Mines S1 - Lab Area. On the upper walkway across from the stairs beside some barrels. Mr. Everywhere #19
    Guesthouse B1 - Storeroom. On a shelf in side the room opposite the sofa. Mr. Everywhere #20

    Contributed by: Blk_Mage_Ctype 

Resident Evil 7: biohazard Cheats For PC

  1. Faster Healing/Reloading.

    If you Guard (SPACE) while using First Aid or reloading your weapon, it will cancel the animation yet your health will still be restored and your weapon reloaded. NOTE: When reloading your weapon, make sure that the HUD icon shows that the weapon has been successfully reloaded before you Guard, otherwise it will cancel out the reloading sequence as well.

    Contributed by: Blk_Mage_Ctype 

  2. Unlockables

    In order to get these, simply do the things listed below;

    Beat the game on any dificulty. Albert-01R Gun
    Beat the game in less than 4 hours. Circular Saw
    Destroy all Mr.Everywhere statues. Essence of Defense
    Beat the game on Madhouse dificulty. Infinite Ammo
    Beat the game on any dificulty. Secrets of Defense
    Destroy all Mr.Everywhere statues. Walking Shoes
    Beat the game in less than 4 hours. X-Ray glasses

    Contributed by: MrGoldenEagle 

  3. Antique Coin Locations.

    Antique Coins which can be redeemed for various exclusive items are scattered throughout the game. Collect all 18 of them to unlock the Pelican in your Pocket Achievement. Here is a list of their locations. (Note: Psychostimulants make Antique Coins easier to locate due to their ability to highlight the location of nearby items.)

    Old House 1F - Kitchen. Inside a locked drawer. (Lockpick required, must be unlocked by Clancy. On the ground behind him at the beginning of Tape #1.) Antique Coin #01
    Main House 1F - Floor Hatch Passage. On the the red mower. Antique Coin #02
    Main House 1F - Main Hall. Inside the top drawer in the north west corner. Antique Coin #03
    Main House 2F - Recreation Room. Atop the turntable beside a basket in the north east corner of the room. Antique Coin #04
    Main House 2F - Bathroom. Inside the toilet. Antique Coin #05
    Main House 1F - Drawing Room. On a table, inside an ash tray beside a lantern. Antique Coin #06
    Main House B1 - Processing Area. Along the left side of the wall, resting behind a wooden pallet. Antique Coin #07
    Yard. On the right as you exit the Main House, inside a flower pot. Antique Coin #08
    Yard - Zoe's Trailer: On the table by the bird cage. Antique Coin #09
    Old House 1F - Cellar. Just outside the Cellar door, on the tray table. Antique Coin #10
    Old House 1F - Outside. Inside the north east outhouse, on the toilet tank. Antique Coin #11
    Old House 1F - Altar Room. Inside a drawer in the corner. Antique Coin #12
    Testing Area 1F - Barn. Inside the booby-trapped storage room on the green desk. Antique Coin #13
    Testing Area 2F - Stairway to Party Room. On a shelf, to the right of the button used to lower the stairs. Antique Coin #14
    Wrecked Ship S1 - Duct. Down the first junction on the right, in the corner at the end. (Mia only, missable.) Antique Coin #15
    Wrecked Ship S1. Hidden in a pool of murky water on the left of the room. (Mia only, missable. Comb the water and wait for the on-screen prompt.) Antique Coin #16
    Wrecked Ship 3F - Control Room. Inside a locked case. (Lockpick required.) Antique Coin #17
    Wrecked Ship S2. Inside a sealed container on the wall between the two Engine Rooms. (Corrosive required.) Antique Coin #18

    Contributed by: Blk_Mage_Ctype 

  4. Mr. Everywhere Bobblehead Locations.

    Bobblehead statues of the mascot of the local High School Football Team Mr. Everywhere are hidden throughout the game, destroy all 20 to unlock the Mr. Nowhere Achievement as well as a pair of Walking Shoes and The Essence of Defense. Here is a list of locations were they can be found. (Notes: Listen for the distinct sound of it moving. Psychostimulants make Bobbleheads easier to locate due to their ability to highlight the locations of nearby items.)

    Main House 1F - West Corridor. On a desk at the south end of the corridor past the entrance to the Main Hall. Mr. Everywhere #01
    Main House 1F - Laundry Room. On a shelf beneath the table with the Tape Recorder. Mr. Everywhere #02
    Main House 1F - Main Hall. On a table with a piece of paper which reads; "Shoot Me" you can't miss it. Mr. Everywhere #03
    Main House 2F - Recreation Room. Sitting inside a basket in the northeast corner of the room. Mr. Everywhere #04
    Main House 1F - Drawing Room. Beside the door with the two-headed crow attached to it, directly beside the knob. Mr. Everywhere #05
    Main House B1 - Processing Area. On the floor besides the buckets leading to the door with a snake on it. Mr. Everywhere #06
    Yard. Beneath the stairs at the entrance to Zoe's Trailer. Mr. Everywhere #07
    Old House 1F - Safe Room. On a shelf, beside a painting to the left of the Item Box. Mr. Everywhere #08
    Old House 1F - Cellar. On the floor behind the wooden palette at the top of the stairs. Mr. Everywhere #09
    Old House 1F - Basement Crawlspace. On a shelf to the left. Mr. Everywhere #10
    Old House 2F - Alter Room. On a table beside a candlestick near the scales. Mr. Everywhere #11
    Main House 3F - Attic. On a beam at the top of the entrance ladder. Mr. Everywhere #12
    Testing Area - Barn. Sitting on a stable post on the upper walkway. Mr. Everywhere #13
    Testing Area 1F - Monitoring Room. Above the Safe Room doorway on the ledge of the transom. Mr. Everywhere #14
    Boat House 1F - Docks. Inside a storage hut, on the floor beneath a net on the left. Mr. Everywhere #15
    Wrecked Ship 4F. On the banister leading down the 3F staircase by the barricade. Mr. Everywhere #16
    Wrecked Ship 2F - 3F Shaft. Atop the ladder leading up from the northeast room in Wrecked Ship 2F, facing away from you. Mr. Everywhere #17
    Salt Mines 1F - Swamp Shack. On a windowsill at the entrance to the Safe Room. Mr. Everywhere #18
    Salt Mines S1 - Lab Area. On the upper walkway across from the stairs beside some barrels. Mr. Everywhere #19
    Guesthouse B1 - Storeroom. On a shelf inside the room opposite the sofa. Mr. Everywhere #20

    Contributed by: Blk_Mage_Ctype 

Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Banned Footage Vol. 1 Cheats For PlayStation 4

  1. Trophies

    Complete Nightmare. Dead by Dawn?
    Complete Ethan Must Die. Ethan Never Dies
    Complete Bedroom. Like Mama Used to Make
    Find all the dead rats in Bedroom in a single play. Ratcatcher
    Complete Night Terror. Sleepless in Dulvey

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Banned Footage Vol. 1 Cheats For Xbox One

  1. Achievements

    Complete Nightmare. Dead by Dawn?
    Complete Ethan Must Die. Ethan Never Dies
    Complete Bedroom. Like Mama Used to Make
    Find all the dead rats in Bedroom in a single play. Ratcatcher
    Complete Night Terror. Sleepless in Dulvey

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Banned Footage Vol. 2 Cheats For PlayStation 4

  1. Trophies

    Get an S Rank or higher on all stages in Jack's 55th Birthday. Best Birthday Ever
    Get the bad ending in Daughters. Butterfly Effect
    Complete Survival mode in 21. Card Shark
    Clear a stage with a 10 minute time bonus or higher in Jack's 55th Birthday. Don't Keep the Man Waiting
    Complete 21. Eye in the Sky
    Feed Jack every type of food and drink in Jack's 55th Birthday. Miracle Chef
    Get the true ending in Daughters. One Instinct: Survival
    Complete Survival+ mode in 21. You Gotta Know When To Hold 'Em

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Banned Footage Vol. 2 Cheats For Xbox One

  1. Achievements

    Get an S Rank or higher on all stages in Jack's 55th Birthday. Best Birthday Ever
    Get the bad ending in Daughters. Butterfly Effect
    Complete Survival mode in 21. Card Shark
    Clear a stage with a 10 minute time bonus or higher in Jack's 55th Birthday. Don't Keep the Man Waiting
    Complete 21. Eye in the Sky
    Feed Jack every type of food and drink in Jack's 55th Birthday. Miracle Chef
    Get the true ending in Daughters. One Instinct: Survival
    Complete Survival+ mode in 21. You Gotta Know When To Hold 'Em

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Not a Hero Cheats For PlayStation 4

  1. Thor's hammer sight B

    To unlock this, you need to finish the game once in any mode

    Contributed by: mythcracker 

  2. Unlimited Ammo

    Finish the game on Professional mode

    Contributed by: mythcracker 

  3. Fast Walk

    Collect all 10 Antique Coins and this will be in your item box when you start a new game. When carried in inventory, Chris will walk faster than normal.

    Contributed by: Berserker 

  4. Trophies

    Complete each requirement to get the specified trophy.

    Complete Not a Hero on Easy or Normal difficulty. Mission Accomplished
    Complete Not a Hero on Professional difficulty. You're the Hero Now

    Contributed by: Mookiethebold 

Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Not a Hero Cheats For Xbox One

  1. Achievements

    Complete Not a Hero on Easy or Normal difficulty. Mission Accomplished
    Complete Not a Hero on Professional difficulty. You're the Hero Now

    Contributed by: ironyisntdead 

Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Gold Edition Cheats For PlayStation 4

  1. End of Zoe DLC Unlockables

    Complete the game on Joe Must Die difficulty. AM78-a gloves for both hands
    Complete the game on Normal difficulty. AM78-a gloves for left hand
    Complete the game on Normal difficulty. Extreme Challenges
    Complete the game on Joe Must Die difficulty. Extreme+ Challenges
    Complete all Extreme+ Challenges. Infinite Weapons
    Complete the game on any difficulty. Joe Must Die difficulty
    Complete the game on any difficulty. M-21 Shotgun
    Complete all Extreme Challenges. Spirit Blade

    Contributed by: GenocideDiego 

  2. Not a Hero DLC Unlockables

    Complete the game under one hour. Easy Deflect
    Collect all Antique Coins. Fast Walk
    Complete the game on Professional difficulty. Infinite Ammo
    Complete the game on any difficulty. Professional difficulty
    Complete the game on any difficulty. Thor's Hammer Sight B

    Contributed by: GenocideDiego 

Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Gold Edition Cheats For Nintendo Switch

  1. Mr. Everywhere Bobblehead Locations.

    Bobblehead statues of the mascot of the local High School Football Team Mr. Everywhere are hidden throughout the game, destroy all 20 to unlock the Mr. Nowhere Achievement as well as a pair of Walking Shoes and The Essence of Defense. Here is a list of locations were they can be found. (Note: Listen for the distinct sound of it moving. Psychostimulants make Bobbleheads easier to locate due to their ability to highlight the locations of nearby items.)

    Main House 1F - Laundry Room. On a shelf beneath the table with the Tape Recorder. Mr. Everywhere #01
    Main House 1F - West Corridor. On a desk at the south end of the corridor past the entrance to the Main Hall. Mr. Everywhere #02
    Main House 1F - Main Hall. On a table with a piece of paper that reads; "SHOOT ME" you can't miss it. Mr. Everywhere #03
    Main House 2F - Recreation Room. Sitting inside a basket in the northeast corner of the room. Mr. Everywhere #04
    Main House 1F - Drawing Room. Beside the door with the two-headed crow attached to it, directly beside the knob. Mr. Everywhere #05
    Main House B1 - Processing Area. On the floor besides the buckets leading to the door with a snake on it. Mr. Everywhere #06
    Yard. Beneath the stairs at the entrance to Zoe's Trailer. Mr. Everywhere #07
    Old House 1F - Safe Room. To the left of the Item Box. Mr. Everywhere #08
    Old House 1F - Cellar. On the floor behind the wooden palette at the top of the stairs. Mr. Everywhere #09
    Old House 1F - Basement Crawlspace. On a shelf to the left. Mr. Everywhere #10
    Old House 2F - Alter Room. On a table beside a candlestick near the scales. Mr. Everywhere #11
    Main House 3F - Attic. On a beam at the top of the entrance ladder. Mr. Everywhere #12
    Testing Area - Barn. Sitting on a fence post on the upper walkway. Mr. Everywhere #13
    Testing Area 1F - Monitoring Room. Above the Safe Room doorway on the ledge of the transom. Mr. Everywhere #14
    Boat House 1F - Storage Shack. On the floor beneath a net on the left. Mr. Everywhere #15
    Wrecked Ship 4F. On the banister leading down the 3F staircase by the barricade. Mr. Everywhere #16
    Wrecked Ship 2F - 3F Shaft. Atop the ladder leading up from the northeast room in Wrecked Ship 2F, facing away from you. Mr. Everywhere #17
    Salt Mines 1F - Swamp Shack. On a windowsill at the entrance to the Safe Room. Mr. Everywhere #18
    Salt Mines S1 - Lab Area. On the upper walkway across from the stairs beside some barrels. Mr. Everywhere #19
    Guesthouse B1 - Storeroom. On a shelf in side the room opposite the sofa. Mr. Everywhere #20

    Contributed by: Blk_Mage_Ctype 

Resident Evil 7: biohazard - End of Zoe Cheats For PlayStation 4

  1. Unlocks

    Items given at the start of new game.

    Find boxer effigies in game effect stacks 1% atk boost
    Find champion effigies in game effect stacks 5% atk boost
    Beat game on easy. Joe must die mode
    Beat game on easy with out dying. M21 shotgun

    Contributed by: Thalontwinblade 

  2. Trophies

    Complete each requirement to get the specified trophy.

    Complete an Extreme Challenge in End of Zoe. Fastest Man in the Swamp
    Complete End of Zoe on Joe Must Die. King of the Swamp
    Complete End of Zoe on Easy or Normal. Promise Kept
    Perform a 4-hit combo with your bare fists in End of Zoe. Queensberry Rules
    Stealth kill 5 enemies in End of Zoe. Swamp Warfare
    Complete End of Zoe on Normal or Joe Must Die using no weapons. The Only Guns You Need

    Contributed by: Mookiethebold 

Resident Evil 7: biohazard - End of Zoe Cheats For Xbox One

  1. Achievements

    Complete an Extreme Challenge in End of Zoe. Fastest Man in the Swamp
    Complete End of Zoe on Joe Must Die. King of the Swamp
    Complete End of Zoe on Easy or Normal. Promise Kept
    Perform a 4-hit combo with your bare fists in End of Zoe. Queensberry Rules
    Stealth kill 5 enemies in End of Zoe. Swamp Warfare
    Complete End of Zoe on Normal or Joe Must Die using no weapons. The Only Guns You Need

    Contributed by: ironyisntdead