Cheats & Guides

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse Cheats For Xbox

  1. Nightcrawler Teleport Frenzy

    Level Nightcrawler up to level 28. DO NOT add any skill points to Teleport Attack otherwise this will not work. If you already have points on Teleport Attack just talk to Forge and pay to redistribute Nightcrawler's skills. Assign Teleport Frenzy to whatever button you want. Now whenever you use Teleport Frenzy it should not use up any EP.

    Contributed by: santavorn 

  2. Unlimited Money and supplies

    Once you defeat Archangel at the end of Act 4 there are barrels all around the platform where you battle him and the teleporter in the center that malfunctions. These barrels can be broken to release items, money, ect.

    1. Once you beat Archangel go through the teleporter to Act 5 and I recomend you save since you just beat the boss. Once you do turn around to the hill with the malfunctioning telporter on it, and on one side you will be able to walk into it transporting yourself back to the platform at the end of Act 4 with all the barrels on it. These barrels will then be respawned as well as the items inside them.

    2. Proceed to destroy all the barrels again.

    3 Once you destroy all the barrels return to the center section and once again teleport to Act 5. Then Save, Sell/buy/stash items.

    4. Repeat steps 1 - 3.

    Use this glich or whatever it is combined with the Raven Nigths Team for +60% tech bits dropped for unlimted money and supplies. Also this is far more effecient than the extra money cheat since you can do this for about 10 minutes and gain like 500,000 + tech bits without ever having to use cheats.

    Contributed by: cg1138 

  3. Store Cheat

    This cheat only works when visiting the store (run by Forge or Beast). When done correctly you will hear the sound of tech-bits jingling, as if you purchased something. This cheat can be done multiple times without re-exiting the store. However doing it multiple times can cause the game to slow a little, so if that happens just wait a moment and continue - you'll know when you can highlight between items again, doing the code before this will make you exit the store.

    Effect Effect
    Up, Up, Up, Down, Right, Right, Start 100,000 tech-bits

    Contributed by: Knightmare6 

  4. Skill Cheat

    Go to the team management screen, then enter the cheat.

    Effect Effect
    Up, Up, Left, Right, Left, Right, Down, Up, Start A skill point added to abilities without points already on it.

    Contributed by: HOTplaya666 

  5. Team Configurations

    By organizing your team by an affiliation from the comics you can gain certain in game bonuses.

    Effect Effect
    Any 4 heroes with AoA skins Age of Apocalype: +100% attack rating
    Nightcrawler, Sunfire, Toad, Deadpool Agile Warriors: +5% XP
    Scarlet Witch, Toad, Juggernaut, and Magneto Brotherhood of Evil: adds 5% to your earned EXP
    Juggernaut, Wolverine, Rogue, Colossus Bruiser Brigade: +20 Energy per Knockout
    Gambit, Wolverine, Rogue, Deadpool Dark Past: 5% DAM inflicted as health gain
    Gambit, Rogue, Cyclops, Jean Double Date: 20 Health per KO
    Gambit, Bishop, Cyclops, Iron Man Energy Corps: +5%Damage
    Magneto, Scarlet Witch, Juggernaut, Professor X Family Affair: +5 Health Regen
    Rogue, Scarlet, Storm, Jean Femme Fatale: 5% DMG Inflicted as Health Gain
    Sunfire, Magneto, Iceman, Storm Forces of Nature: +10 All Resists
    Ironman, Magneto, Juggernaut, Colossus Heavy Metal: +10 All Traits
    Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Wolverine, Bishop New Avengers: +15% Max Health
    Nightcrawler, Storm, Colossus, Wolverine, Sunfire, Bishop New X-Men: +15% Max Health
    Storm, Wolverine, Collosus, and Nightcrawler New X-Men: +15% to max health
    Magneto, Toad, Jean, Cyclops Old School: +15% Max Energy
    Cyclopes, Jean Grey, Ice Man, Toad, Magento, Professor X Old School: +15% Max Energy
    Ice Man, Professor X, Iron Man, Deadpool Raven Knights: +60% Tech Bit Drops
    Bishop, Deadpool, Nightcrawler, Gambit Special Ops: +5% Dammage

    Contributed by: Oedipus Complex, luckywild2, MidnightDarknes, Shinserryuu, Mac_Roni, CathurianHero 

  6. Unlockable Characters

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat the game Deadpool
    Collect the four homing beacons in each act to access the secret area to retrieve a piece of his armor. Collect Four Pieces. Iron Man
    Beat all the Danger Room missions Professor X

    Contributed by: dinobotmaximized, Shinserryuu 

  7. Temporary Gameplay Cheats

    Enter these anytime during gameplay, whether on a board, danger room or at the safehouses. These effects last until the game is either ejected or the Xbox is turned off. Loading a new game will still keep these cheats active.

    Effect Effect
    Left, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Start Extra Melee Damage
    Up, Up, Up, Down, Up, Down, Start Super-Speed
    Left, Down, Right, Down, Up, Up, Down, Up, Start Unlimited Xtreme Power

    Contributed by: JustDave, Knightmare6 

  8. God Mode

    Can be entered at character selection or while game is paused.

    Effect Effect
    down, up, down, up, right, down, right, left start God mode(nearly invincible and kills most enemies in one hit

    Contributed by: phoenixrises 

  9. Team Cheats

    Do this during the character selection screen, after reaching an Xtraction point (where you can save normally or switch characters).

    Effect Effect
    Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Up, Left, Right, Start Level 99
    Right, Left, Left, Right, Up, Up, Up, Start Unlock all characters
    Left, Right, Left, Right, Down, Up, Start Unlock all skills

    Contributed by: Knightmare6 

  10. Cheat Codes

    Enter the following code in the Review Menu.

    Effect Effect
    right, left, left, right, up, up, right, start Unlocks All Comics
    left, right, right, left, down, down, left, start Unlocks the Game Cinematics

    Contributed by: Tickkid, Gogettenks 

  11. All Danger Room Courses

    To unlock all Danger Room courses enter the following code at the Danger Room course menu.

    Effect Effect
    Right, Right, Left, Left, Up, Down, Up, Down, Start Unlocks all Danger Room courses

    Contributed by: JustDave 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Character Guides Magneto Guide by Zibanzo 23K
Character Guides Nightcrawler Guide Guide by techiedude 35K
Character Guides Wolverine FAQ Guide by iplaylikekg 23K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by mstieler 398K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by merc for hire 102K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by PapaGamer 521K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by mikehross8800 80K
In-Depth FAQs Character/Team Build FAQ by pnx8x 66K
In-Depth Guides Advanced Tactics Guide by Maj 38K
In-Depth Guides Character Guide by Zibanzo 71K
In-Depth Guides Item Guide by Youngblood0000 18K
In-Depth Guides Skills FAQ by mstieler 200K
In-Depth Guides Trivia FAQ by BobDole1216 29K

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse Cheats For PlayStation 2

  1. Age Of Apocalypse Character Skins/Costumes

    Complete the first two acts. At an X-Traction Point in Act 3, they will be available. On the change character screen, press L2 to switch between available skins.

    Contributed by: Youngblood0000 

  2. Free Teleport Frenzy

    When leveling up Nightcrawler, if no points are put into teleport attack, teleport frenzy will cost no EP to use in game, although in the skill description it will list an EP usage amount, while using the skill it takes no EP. If you do happen to put points into teleport attack, you can use Forge or Beast to re-arrange Nightcrawler's skills and this trick will still work.

    Contributed by: Sane_Malkavian 

  3. Free Nightcrawler Teleport & Iceman's Ice Slide

    After activating these powers in the character screen, they can be triggered at any time by pressing the jump button twice (hold it the second time for Ice Slide). This way you can use these powers without taking up space in the HUD.

    Contributed by: Jounichi1983 

  4. Infinite Tokens and Equipment

    In the room where you fight Lady Deathstrike there are several containers that hold a lot of tokens and really good equipment (because it's a boss fight). Every time you leave the level or use the extraction point, the containers reappear. You can break them as many times as your patience allows giving you virtually unlimited equipment and tokens.

    Contributed by: Mikeweaverwow 

  5. Codes

    At forge or beast's equipment screen

    Effect Effect
    up up up down right right Start 100,000 techbits

    Contributed by: Firekraker51 

  6. Team bonuses

    When using the characters together receive the bonus.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Any 4 heroes with AoA skins Age of Apocalype: +100% attack rating
    Nightcrawler, Sunfire, Toad, Deadpool Agile Warriors: +5% XP
    Juggernaut, Magneto, Scarlet Witch, Toad Brotherhood of Evil: +5% XP
    Juggernaut, Colossus, Wolverine, Rogue Bruiser Brigade: 20 Energy gained per knockout
    Rogue, Deadpool, Gambit, Wolverine Dark Past: 5% damages inflicted goes to health
    Cyclops, Jean Grey, Gambit, Rougue Double Date: 20 Health gained per knockout
    Gambit, Bishop, Cyclops, Iron Man Energy Corps: +5% damage
    Magneto, Professor X, Scarlet Witch, Juggernaut Family Affair: +5 health regen
    Storm, Scarlet Witch, Rogue, Jean Grey Femme Fatale: 5% damage inflicted goes to health
    Storm, Iceman, Sunfire, Magneto Forces of Nature: +10 to all resistences
    Colossus, Juggernaut, Iron Man, Magneto Heavy Metal: +10 to all Stats
    Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Wolverine, Bishop New Avengers: +15% max health
    Nightclawler, Storm, Colossus, Wolverine, Sunfire, Bishop New X-Men: +15% max health
    Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, Magneto, Toad, Professor X Old School: +15% Max Energy
    Iceman, Professor X, Iron Man, Deadpool Raven Knights: +60% techbit drops
    Bishop, Deadpool, Nightcrawler, Gambit Special Ops: +5% damage

    Contributed by: DragonKnight900, maxhavoc2000 

  7. Unlockable Characters

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat the game Deadpool
    Collect homing four homing beacons per act, after four are collected get a piece of Iron Man's armor, in Act 5 after locating beacons save Iron Man Iron Man
    Beat all the Danger Room missions Professor X

    Contributed by: dinobotmaximized, Oedipus Complex 

  8. Pause Codes

    In the pause menu

    Effect Effect
    Down, Up, Down, Up, Right, Down, Right, Left, Start God Mode
    up up up down up down START super speed
    left down right down up up down up START unlimited Xtreme tokens

    Contributed by: TMalone1037, Firekraker51 

  9. Team Management Codes

    To access and use these codes, you need to be on the Team Management Screen. Use the menu in-game by pressing Start, and then selecting Team Management from the options provided to you. When you see your four heroes and access the Team Management screen, you can enter the code while on the Team Management Screen and instantly level to 99. You can also unlock the three hidden chracters: Professor Xavier, Deadpool, and Ironman.

    Effect Effect
    Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Up, Left, Right, Start Instant Level 99 (With Stat-Skill Points)
    Right, Left, Left, Right, Up, Up, Up, Start Unlock all Characters

    Contributed by: Blazefeeler 

  10. Touch of Death (Massive Melee Damage)

    While Playing (without pausing)

    Effect Effect
    Touch of Death Left, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Start

    Contributed by: TMalone1037 

  11. Multiplayer Skirmish Mode

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Get one character to level 16 Multiplayer Skirmish Mode

    Contributed by: TimmyVermicelli 

  12. All Danger Room Courses

    At Danger Room Course Menu

    Effect Effect
    All Danger Room Courses Right, Right, Left, Left, Up, Down, Up, Down, Start

    Contributed by: TMalone1037 

  13. Unlock Codes

    Enter the following codes in the Review Menu to unlock the Game Cinematics:u:

    Effect Effect
    Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Up, Down, Start Unlock all concept art
    Right, Left, Right, Left, Up, Up, Down, Start Unlock all loading screens

    Contributed by: LiquidAssault 

  14. Unlock Codes

    Enter the following codes in the Review Menu to unlock the Game Cinematics:u:

    Effect Effect
    Right, Left, Left, Right, Up, Up, Right, Start Unlocks all Comics
    Left, Right, Right, Left, Down, Down, Left, Start Unlocks Game Cinematics

    Contributed by: supremedragon, rapt00r 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Character Guides Colossus Guide Guide by cheu 38K
Character Guides Magneto Guide by Zibanzo 23K
Character Guides Nightcrawler Guide Guide by techiedude 35K
Character Guides Wolverine FAQ Guide by iplaylikekg 23K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by mstieler 398K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by mikehross8800 80K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by merc for hire 102K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by PapaGamer 521K
In-Depth Guides Advanced Tactics Guide by Maj 38K
In-Depth Guides Character Guide by Zibanzo 71K
In-Depth Guides Equipment Guide by AceCannon 34K
In-Depth Guides Item Guide by Youngblood0000 18K
In-Depth Guides Skills FAQ by mstieler 200K
In-Depth Guides Trivia FAQ by BobDole1216 29K

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse Cheats For GameCube

  1. Unlock Game Cinematics

    Enter the following code in the review menu to unlock game cinematics

    left, right, right, left, down, down, left, start

    Contributed by: monsteratomic 

  2. Unlock All Comics

    At the Review Menu enter: Right, Left(2), Right, Up(2), Right, and Start

    Contributed by: Acer4845 

  3. Quick and Infinite Tech Bits

    Once you have access to Act 5 (Egypt), you can walk back through the teleporter in the center of the Teleport Chamber to return to the Tower Apex, where you fought Archangel, and destroy all the metal containers. Most of them contain large amounts of Tech Bits. Once you destroy all the containers, walk through the teleporter and back again. All the containers will have reappeared. Using this method you can get 40,000-50,000 Tech Bits each time you re-enter the Tower Apex.

    Contributed by: kalas1027 

  4. Avoid the fight with Lady Deathstrike

    Lady Deathstrike is the second "boss" that you would normally fight, and she has a grudge against Wolverine. However, if you are using the "Brotherhood of Evil" layout (Magneto, Scarlet Witch, Juggernaut, and Toad), when the chatting sequence comes into effect, pay attention. The option will come up to pay her off for just 1000 tech bits, instead of fighting her. It's an easy way to avoid the hassle of this particular boss.

    Contributed by: EwokCommanda 

  5. Instant perfect charaters

    Effect Effect
    Up Up Up Down Right Right START 100,000 tec bits (preform this at the menue with beast or forge)
    Lvl 99 - Up Down Up Down Left Up Left Right START makes party level 99(preform this cheat in the team manegment)
    Up Up Up Down Up Down START makes players insainly fast(preform duning normal gameplay)
    Left, Right, Left, Right, Down, Up, Start Puts 1 point into all skills
    Left Down Right Down Up Up Down Up START unlimited X-tream tokens(preform this during normal gameplay)
    Right, Left, Left, Right, Up, Up, Up, Start Unlocks Prof. X, Deadpool, and IronMan

    Contributed by: jmmillikin, paladinofwordxp 

  6. Team Configurations

    By organizing your team by an affiliation from the comics you can gain certain in game bonuses.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Any 4 heroes with AoA skins Age of Apocalype: +100% attack rating
    Nightcrawler, Sunfire, Toad, Deadpool Agile Warriors: +5% XP
    Juggernaut, Magneto, Scarlet Witch, Toad Brotherhood of Evil: +5% XP
    Juggernaut, Colossus, Wolverine, Rogue Bruiser Brigade: 20 Energy gained per knockout
    Deadpool, Rogue, Wolverine, and Gambit Dark Past Team: 5% damage inflicted to health
    Cyclops,Jean Grey, Gambit, Rogue Double Date-20 Health per KO
    Gambit, Bishop, Cyclops, Iron Man Energy Corps: +5% damage
    Magneto, Professor X, Scarlet Witch, Juggernaut Family Affair: +5 health regen
    Storm, Scarlet Witch, Rogue, Jean Grey Femme Fatale: 5% damage inflicted goes to health
    Storm, Iceman, Sunfire, Magneto Forces of Nature: +10 to all resistences
    Colossus, Juggernaut, Iron Man, Magneto Heavy Metal: +10 to all Stats
    Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Wolverine, Bishop New Avengers: +15% max health
    Nightclawler, Storm, Colossus, Wolverine, Sunfire, Bishop New X-Men: +15% max health
    Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, Magneto, Toad, Professor X Old School: +15% Max Energy
    Iceman, Professor X, Iron Man, Deadpool Raven Knights: +60% techbit drops
    Bishop, Deadpool, Nightcrawler, Gambit Special Ops: +5% damage

    Contributed by: Oedipus Complex, bukinara, tobion19 

  7. Costumes

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat Act II Age of Apocalypse Costumes and Scarlet Witch original costume
    Beat Act III Civilian costume-Wolverine,Cyclops,Storm
    Beat Act I Snow Iceman, Brown and Gold Wolverine, Original and 70's Cyclops, Original and 70's Jean, 70's Nightcrawler, Colossus, and Storm

    Contributed by: iceman817, 4500 

  8. Unlockable Characters

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat the game Deadpool
    Collect homing four homing beacons per act, after four are collected get a piece of Iron Man's armor, in Act 5 after locating beacons save Iron Man Iron Man
    Beat all the Danger Room mission Professor X

    Contributed by: dinobotmaximized, iceman817 

  9. Cheat code

    Type in this cheat while playing normally, use the control pad, not the control stick, for the directions.

    Effect Effect
    Left, left, right, left, right, up, start Do 32,000 damage with melee attacks.

    Contributed by: nado 

  10. Unlockables

    Go to the review menu and enter these. Use the control pad for the directions, not control stick.

    Effect Effect
    Left, right, left, right, up, up, down, start Get all concept art.
    Right, left, right, left, up, up, down, start Get all load screens.

    Contributed by: nado 

  11. Danger Room Discs and God Mode

    Put in the first code at the Danger Room menu
    Put in the second one during the Team Select screen at an Xtraction point.

    Effect Effect
    Down, Up, Down, Up, Right, Down, Right, Left, Start God Mode (near-invinicibility, kill most things with one hit)
    Right, Right, Left, Left, Up, Down, Up, Down, Start Unlocks all Danger Room missions

    Contributed by: Azadiel 

  12. Unlockable Skins

    Be in the team management menu and type these codes. Use the control pad for the directions, not control stick.

    Effect Effect
    Down, up, left, right, up, up, start Unlock all skins.

    Contributed by: nado 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Character Guides Magneto Guide by Zibanzo 23K
Character Guides Nightcrawler Guide Guide by techiedude 35K
Character Guides Wolverine FAQ Guide by iplaylikekg 23K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by mstieler 398K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by mikehross8800 80K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by PapaGamer 521K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by merc for hire 102K
In-Depth Guides Advanced Tactics Guide by Maj 38K
In-Depth Guides Character Guide by Zibanzo 71K
In-Depth Guides Equipment Guide by AceCannon 34K
In-Depth Guides Item Guide by Youngblood0000 18K
In-Depth Guides Skills FAQ by mstieler 200K
In-Depth Guides Trivia FAQ by BobDole1216 29K

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse Cheats For PSP

  1. Unlocking Iron Man

    To unlock Iron Man you must first collect four homing beacons from each act, then go to the "home" location. There will be a portal there, enter it and fight your way through to one of Iron Man's items. When you collect all of them you unlock Iron Man.

    Contributed by: KuchikiByakuya 

  2. Unlock Deadpool

    Beat the game on any difficulty level.

    Contributed by: MisterYao777 

  3. Cheat Codes

    Effect Effect
    While in the Pause Menu: Left, left, right, left, right, up, and hit start. 1-hit kills with punches.
    At forge or beast's equipment screen: Up, Up, Up, Down, Right, Right, Start 100,000 techbits
    Character selection at Xtraction point input: Left, Right, Left, Right, Down, Up, and press Start. A skill point added to abilities without points already on it.
    At team management screen: Right, Left, Left, Right, Up, Up, Up, Start All Characters
    In the Review Menu: Right, Left, Left, Right, Up, Up, Right, Start All comic books
    In the Danger Room: Right, Right, Left, Left, Up, Down, Up Down, Start All Danger Room Courses
    While in the Pause Menu: Down, Up, Down, Up, right, down, right, left, and push start. God Mode
    At team management screen: Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Up, Left, Right, Start Level 99 Characters
    In the pause menu: Up, Up, Up, Down, Up, Down, Start Super Speed
    In the pause menu: Left, Down, Right, Down, Up, Up, Down, Up Start Unlimited XTreme Power
    At the team management screen: Down, Up, Left, Right, Up, Up, Start Unlock All Character Skins.
    In the review menu: Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Up, Down, Start Unlock all concept arts
    In the Review Menu: Left, Right, Right, Left, Down, Down, Left, Start Unlock all game cinematics
    At team management screen: Left, Right, Left, Right, Down, Up, Start Unlock all skills

    Contributed by: rancorwithin, AznCuBoi27, DarkDarkRebel, tacklebeast, MadTim 

  4. Team Bonuses

    As with the console version of the game, if you use certain team combinations, you will get a special bonus. The PSP's extra unlockable characters will not work with any team bonuses.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Any 4 heroes with AoA skins Age of Apocalype: +100% attack rating
    Nightcrawler, Sunfire, Toad, Deadpool Agile Warriors: +5% XP
    Juggernaut, Magneto, Scarlet Witch, Toad Brotherhood of Evil: +5% XP
    Juggernaut, Colossus, Wolverine, Rogue Bruiser Brigade: 20 Energy gained per knockout
    Deadpool, Rogue, Wolverine, and Gambit Dark Past Team: 5% damage inflicted to health
    Cyclops,Jean Grey, Gambit, Rogue Double Date-20 Health per KO
    Gambit, Bishop, Cyclops, Iron Man Energy Corps: +5% damage
    Magneto, Professor X, Scarlet Witch, Juggernaut Family Affair: +5 health regen
    Storm, Scarlet Witch, Rogue, Jean Grey Femme Fatale: 5% damage inflicted goes to health
    Storm, Iceman, Sunfire, Magneto Forces of Nature: +10 to all resistences
    Colossus, Juggernaut, Iron Man, Magneto Heavy Metal: +10 to all Stats
    Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Wolverine, Bishop New Avengers: +15% max health
    Nightclawler, Storm, Colossus, Wolverine, Sunfire, Bishop New X-Men: +15% max health
    Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, Magneto, Toad, Professor X Old School: +15% Max Energy
    Iceman, Professor X, Iron Man, Deadpool Raven Knights: +60% techbit drops
    Bishop, Deadpool, Nightcrawler, Gambit Special Ops: +5% damage

    Contributed by: pgw 

  5. Costumes

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete Act II Age of Apocalypse Costumes & original Scarlet Witch costume
    Complete Act III Civilian costume for Storm, Cyclops, & Wolverine
    Complete Act I Snow Iceman, Brown & Gold Wolverine, Original and 70's Cyclops, Original and 70's Jean, 70's Nightcrawler, Colossus, & Storm

    Contributed by: AznCuBoi27 

  6. Unlock Cable, Cannonball, and Dark Phoenix,

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Find the playable "X-cutioner's Song" playable comic Cable
    Find the playable "Brood: Day of Wrath" comic Cannonball
    Beat the Game on Normal Dark Phoenix

    Contributed by: LoudnLowGeo 

  7. Unlock Professor X

    Beat all the danger room missions.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat all the danger room missions. Unlock Professor X

    Contributed by: MadTim 

  8. 'Unlock' X-Man

    To 'unlock' the character X-Man, You need to find the playable comic mission 'Age Of Apocalypse' in the 1st act of the game.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Find the Age Of Apocalypse comic. X-Man

    Contributed by: RAI_ON 

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse Cheats For PC

  1. Team Bonuses

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Party consists of rogue, Deadpool, Gambit, Wovlerine -or- Storm, Scarlet Witch, Rogue, Jean Grey. 5 percent of damage is added to party health
    Party consists of Storm, Iceman, Sunfire, Magneto. All resistances increased by 10
    Party consists of Colossus, Juggernaut, Iron Man, Magneto. All statistics increased by 10
    Party uses Age of Apocalypse costumes. Attack Doubled
    Party consists of Gambit, Bishop, Cyclops, Iron Man -or- Bishop, Deadpool, Nightcrawler, Gambit. Damage increased 5 percent
    Party consists of Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, Magneto, Toad, Professor X. Energy limits increased by 15 percent
    Party consists of Nightcrawler, Sunfire, Toad, Deadpool -or- Juggernaut, Magneto, Scarlet Witch, Toad. Extra 5 percent XP earned
    Party consists of Magneto, Professor X, Scarlet Witch, Juggernaut. Health regeneration at 5 per instance
    Party consists of Iceman, Professor X, Iron Man, Deadpool. More techbit drops
    Party consists of Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Wolverine, Bishop -or- Nightclawler, Storm, Colossus, Sunfire. Party health increased by 15 percent
    Party consists of Juggernaut, Colossus, Wolvernine, Rogue -or- Cyclops, Jean Grey, Gambit, Rogue. Recoup 20 energy per kill

    Contributed by: Llamaman2 

  2. Unlockable Costumes

    Notice that you need to actually travel to the Act before attaining the costumes. Beating the chapter boss is not enough. Also, not all characters have the same amount of available costumes. Pyro only has two, while Wolverine has about 7 or 8 by the end of the game.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Reach Act III Age of Apocalypse costumes
    Reach Act II Mostly Old School costumes
    Reach Act IV Old School, Street and Special Forces costumes

    Contributed by: zero_radical 

  3. Cheats

    Effect Effect
    (In the Character Change Menu) Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Up, Left, Right, Start All characters at level 99
    (In the Shop Menu) Up, Up, Up, Down, Right, Right, Start Get 100,000 Techbits
    (In the pause menu) Left, Down, Right, Down, Up, Up, Down, Up, Start Infinite extreme tokens
    (In the pause menu) Down, Up, Down, Up, Right, Down, Right, Left, Start Infinite health and energy
    (In the pause menu) Left, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Start Instant Kill
    (In the Character Change Menu) Left, Right, Left, Right, Down, Up, Start One Skill Point in All Skills
    (In the pause menu) Up, Up, Up, Down, Up, Down, Start Super speed
    (In the Danger Room Menu) Right, Right, Left, Left, Up, Down, Up, Down, Start Unlock all Danger Room courses
    (In the Review Menu) Left, Right, Right, Left, Down, Down, Left, Start Unlock all videos
    (In the Review Menu) Right, Left, Left, Right, Up, Up, Right, Start Unlock comics
    (In the Review Menu) Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Up, Down, Start Unlock concept art
    (In the Review Menu) Right, Left, Right, Left, Up, Up, Down, Start Unlock load screens
    (In the Character Change Menu) Right, Left, Left, Right, Up, Up, Up, Start Unlocks all characters
    (In the Character Change Menu) Down, Up, Left, Right, Up, Up, Start Unlocks skins

    Contributed by: Scripts 

  4. Unlockable Characters

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat the game Deadpool
    Collect homing four homing beacons per act, after four are collected get a piece of Iron Man's armor, in Act 5 after locating beacons save Iron Man Iron Man
    Beat all the Danger Room missions Professor X

    Contributed by: dinobotmaximized, Oedipus Complex 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Character Guides Magneto Guide by Zibanzo 23K
Character Guides Nightcrawler Guide Guide by techiedude 35K
Character Guides Wolverine FAQ Guide by iplaylikekg 23K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by merc for hire 102K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by PapaGamer 521K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by mikehross8800 80K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by mstieler 398K
In-Depth Guides Advanced Tactics Guide by Maj 38K
In-Depth Guides Character Guide by Zibanzo 71K
In-Depth Guides Equipment Guide by AceCannon 34K
In-Depth Guides Item Guide by Youngblood0000 18K
In-Depth Guides Skills FAQ by mstieler 200K
In-Depth Guides Trivia FAQ by BobDole1216 29K

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Shadi_Potter 52K