A challenging yet simple game to add to your collection.

User Rating: 8 | Golf NES
It doesn't get any simpler than this, folks. Golf for the NES cuts an already unexciting sport down to the marrow in the graphics and sound department. If you're looking for flashy sprites and an abundance of color, go buy yourself a newer video game system.

Aside from this, Golf is actually pretty true to the real sport. You've got your wind resistance, full club selection, and incredible, incredible difficulty to make a precise shot. Unlike other golfing games, you've actually got to choose which club to use instead of the game choosing for you. You're also required to judge the distance of your shot without any guides or maps showing you where the ball is going to land, making the game both more realistic and challenging.

Shortcomings include the aforementioned lackluster graphics (come on, even the NES can do better than this), lack of aiming ability (eight directions just don't cut it), and the lack of a 9 hole option (you always have to play through all 18.)

Overall, get this game for a few hours of fun. At this point in time, it shouldn't be more than a buck or two anyway.