Lego rock band, another FAMILY music game, but with lego

User Rating: 6 | LEGO Rock Band WII
Don't get me wrong I LOVE rock band games but this isn't near as great as the other games just like Band hero the family friendly aspect of the game is over used and what makes it not as amazing as other rock band games

It's rock band so all the same exact gameplay is hear and honestly this should be no surp[rise to me, this is like the 10th rock band game (yes I count the track packs as games) they shouldn't screw it up now, this and ghostbusters which was missing the synth so it wasn't that great of a version.


Really they emphasise the "family" thing a bit too much and the tracklist is a mix of indie crap and some good songs, but over rated songs (P!nk really she shouldn't be in a music game at all) and choosing some artists best songs (I'm really sick of hearing we will rock you and we are the champions, 2 of the most overplayed songs ever have You're my best friend next time) there were only a few good songs (thunder,let's dance)

There's only 45 songs, and since you can't export it or download anything that's all you get, Harmonix is making the same mistake as with the first rock band but since for the other versions all you can import is family freindly stuff again this isn't that much of a loss.

The lego like i just don't like them and what bugs me is that they can't say anything like they can sing but when it comes to talking they just can't do it, and there was too much emphasis on the LEGO part and not enough on the rock band part (lego facts in the loading screens)

This is way too easy I've only played guitar but most songs are really repetetive riffs with hardly any solos at all probably the same for drums, I just found it incredibly bland the hardest song was kung fu fighting and I still managed 2 5 star it due to the terrible rilff over and over agian.

Overall, maybe rent only if you love both lego or rock band or if u just suck ass at these games