Glad I bought this cheap.

User Rating: 5 | LEGO Rock Band WII
[This was originally written in Pages]

This game is Rock Band, remixed with LEGOs and make it kid-friendly. Now, I do not own a Xbox or Playstation, so I just bought a Wii version, and what do I find? Music, remixed with bad controls instead. You see, I use a Guitar Hero 6 Guitar controller and it works fine with other Rock Bands, not THIS. I might as well go over the good stuff first.

LEGO Rock Band's setlist is full of popular songs, such as P!nk's "So What," Queen's "We Will Rock You" and "We Are The Champions," Europe's "The Final Countdown," and many more to keep you happy. What about the charts, you ask. The charts are pretty simple is many songs because this game is aimed for kids, unlike the doomed DS version of LEGO Rock Band (Read my review there). Otherwise, I like it. It's fine.

The controls, OH MY GOD, are broken. Now, this must only be on Wii, because I haven't played the Xbox version, but I tried the PS3 version at a store, and that was basically the reason why I bought this one. Every time I want to play a note, I hold the fret and strum, it says I made a mistake. Wut? Then I realize I need to have patience in order to hit the notes. This never was the rule in other Rock Band or Guitar Hero games. You could strum the note early, but not here. What is this, a half finished game that the creators thought "Oh, we should give Wii players a half finished job, let's get to work!"? Now THAT ruins the game entirely. If I can't play the notes, then I don't want to play the game people!

Now, I haven't played the Drums, but what about Vocals? Vocals listens instead on Expert, which impresses me. The other Rock Band vocals gave me a hard time, and I get kind of freaked out when somebody else comes in except my brother. I like singing alone... Anyways, good vocals. Drums, wut? Guitar, very bad. Bass? Umm, it's better, but still bad.

Final Appeal: 4.0/10
If I can't hit the stupid note, then what the heck is the point of playing the entire game? The only instrument I could complete the game on was Expert Vocals. If Harmonix wanted people to waste their money on the Wii version, mission successful.