An emotional journey from start to finish, especially episode 3

User Rating: 10 | Life is Strange 2 PC

- I liked the fact that you can't rewind your dialogue choices or actions as in previous games, and you have to take a risk and assume them, even though some of them turn against you really quick and hard, I had a lot of fun and seems a more mature way to play this game;

- Even the most "unimportant" dialogue choices linked to your brother matter in the outcome of the story and how will you educate Daniel (they explained it better here: I advise you to read that before you play it - I wish I knew from the beginning about the mechanism behind the way my choices will affect the outcome of the story;

- Superb soundtrack and overall music with indie tracks that perfect fit the atmosphere;

- I know it's a bit different from the previous games but it's not a fair thing to compare them, I enjoyed both stories the same;

- Maybe it was a bad decision to release the episodes so far apart one from each other, I know they were forced to do that, and hence some people didn't get invested in the story as in previous games, but I bought and played the entire season at once;

- Even though this game has a lot of replay value - with 4-5 different endings, after I finished it (got Blood Brothers badass ending), I watched on their YT channel videos of other major choices and outcomes - and got to understand and appreciate the enormous amount of work behind a game like this;

I hope there will be a 4th season, because Life is strange series have a really special place in my heart.