of course it's not gonna have anything to do with mario (except you have to rescue him and turn him back into a human).

User Rating: 9 | Luigi Mansion GC
this game is great! i don't care what gamespot's review deck says about the game, it's more than good, it's GRRRRREAT! the only boss i found scary, hard, and awesome all at once is Bogmire. it's funny how ghostbusters used a moded vacum in Ghostbusters then in here, they did the same thing except in here, it's called the Poltergust 3000! this is so much cooler than the battle arena in Double Dash! this isn't so much better than the others in mario's timeline, but it's cool and scary anyways. Did I forget to mention that this is the answer to Nintendo's Mario 64? well, it almost is, but not quite, but it got re-released to Player's Choice anyways. in the end, the game keeps getting interesting by the time you advance farther. the only thing i hate about the game is that it's so short. p.s: great soundtrack, nintendo!