Unfortunately, Pro Evolution Soccer is not the same anymore...

User Rating: 5 | Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 PS3
Unfortunately, Pro Evolution Soccer is not the same anymore...

I have always been a PES addict, I just loved the way the game was, its playability was just awesome.
Unfortunately, in its latest edition, Konami tried to made PES to look just like FIFA, its biggest competitor, which is also a good game. The problem is that they totally lost themselves during the process: the game does not seem so real, the goalkeepers are horrible and their jumps are totally fake. Moreover, the formation editing got VERY confuse and messy.
The good points of the game are its graphics and the UEFA Champions League and the Copa Libertadores licenses, and since I'm Brazilian, I was really glad to hear that I would be able to play with my team in my favorite championship, Libertadores, but when I got the game I was really disappointed with it.

Now, for the first time, I'm just playing FIFA 11, which is not good as the others editions of PES, but is also a great game.