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#1 Andrew_A
Member since 2005 • 193 Posts

Another one that isn't close...

Angle is a great wrestler, and besides needing to take a year off mentally and physically, is still a top guy...

but Austin was top dog for a good stretch, and showed a lot of versatility.  Austin and Rock led the highest peak in wrestling...

Austin gets my vote.

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#2 Andrew_A
Member since 2005 • 193 Posts

Austin was the better personality, Hart the better technical wrestler, but Hart only fought one match well, austin was succesful as both a technical wrestler and a brawler, and had the higher peak...

Vote for Stone Cold

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#3 Andrew_A
Member since 2005 • 193 Posts

Hogan has the highest peak, and the larger impact...

 But flair is a legend in 3 different (4?) decades...

 This has to be the top 2 wrestlers of all time (at least in my opinion)...

My vote is for flair...

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#4 Andrew_A
Member since 2005 • 193 Posts

If the compition is better in ring performer, my vote is Brett Hart (though not by much, since really, Brett only did one type of match).

If its about ability to transend the sport, Its the Rock.

My vote is for the former 2nd string DT for Miami...

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#5 Andrew_A
Member since 2005 • 193 Posts

Steam board = very good, but never great (good matches every now and then, and one of my favorites when I first started watching, but he was never the top or even the top of the buis over any period of time)


i am shocked and appalled! did you see his 1989 NWA/WCW run? 3 straight 5 star matches with Ric Flair, 87 and 89 match of the year, feud of the year in 89, and the best match in WCW history. he had an amazing match with Terry Funk that would have been match of the year any other year besides that one and Ricky Steamboat single handedly pulled a 4 star match out of Lex Luger.

or did you just see his WWE work?

 I did watch more then WWF/E, and yes, he put on some absoltuly great matches... but at no time was he the top man... flair and others were during that period.  The first wreslting match I ever went to, Steamboat stole the show.  Ricky has a great body of work, and certainly looks much better against a lot of the people who have been in this compition, especially a lot of the new guys... but that being said, I see two major major falacies with the way people are voting...

 They are A) voting for the people who were the better technical wrestler instead of looking at thier other talents and their impact on the buisness (here is where Ricky just gets slaughtered by Bruno).  You can not acknowledge Hogan... one of the top 5 worst technical wrestlers, and acknowledge his impact on the buisness, and not acknowledge the guy hogan had to surpass as the most known and most impactful wrestling figure... (on a side, how did anyone vote for debiase, another of my favorite characters, over hogan.  Debiase can't even claim to a much better wrestler, and there is no way you can not acknowledge hogans impact on wrestling... whatever you think of him in his later years)

B) for some of the older wrestlers, the arent voting based on impact, but simply because they saw one and not the other. 

 I love Ricky, but I really think its a joke if one of the 5 most important wrestlers of all time loses to a A- performer...

That's just the thing, the tournament isn't "Most impactful wrestler" or "Most important wrestler." It's "Best Wrestler," and we who voted for Steamboat believe he is the better wrestler.

Also, Hogan is a much better wrestler than some guys on the WWE roster today. (Khali, Umaga, etc.), and is nowhere near the worst 5 ever. Not when you put in Giant Gonzolez, Big Show (at least he worked hard), and other guys like them.  

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#6 Andrew_A
Member since 2005 • 193 Posts

Steam board = very good, but never great (good matches every now and then, and one of my favorites when I first started watching, but he was never the top or even the top of the buis over any period of time)


i am shocked and appalled! did you see his 1989 NWA/WCW run? 3 straight 5 star matches with Ric Flair, 87 and 89 match of the year, feud of the year in 89, and the best match in WCW history. he had an amazing match with Terry Funk that would have been match of the year any other year besides that one and Ricky Steamboat single handedly pulled a 4 star match out of Lex Luger.

or did you just see his WWE work?

 I did watch more then WWF/E, and yes, he put on some absoltuly great matches... but at no time was he the top man... flair and others were during that period.  The first wreslting match I ever went to, Steamboat stole the show.  Ricky has a great body of work, and certainly looks much better against a lot of the people who have been in this compition, especially a lot of the new guys... but that being said, I see two major major falacies with the way people are voting...

 They are A) voting for the people who were the better technical wrestler instead of looking at thier other talents and their impact on the buisness (here is where Ricky just gets slaughtered by Bruno).  You can not acknowledge Hogan... one of the top 5 worst technical wrestlers, and acknowledge his impact on the buisness, and not acknowledge the guy hogan had to surpass as the most known and most impactful wrestling figure... (on a side, how did anyone vote for debiase, another of my favorite characters, over hogan.  Debiase can't even claim to a much better wrestler, and there is no way you can not acknowledge hogans impact on wrestling... whatever you think of him in his later years)

B) for some of the older wrestlers, the arent voting based on impact, but simply because they saw one and not the other. 

 I love Ricky, but I really think its a joke if one of the 5 most important wrestlers of all time loses to a A- performer...

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#7 Andrew_A
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Steam board = very good, but never great (good matches every now and then, and one of my favorites when I first started watching, but he was never the top or even the top of the buis over any period of time)

Bruno = The legend before hogan...

Bruno and its not a close match at all

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#8 Andrew_A
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HBK was my original favorite, and has an amazing career... but Austin did more in a short time then Shawn has managed to do in the entirety... and austin still gets pops as loud os HBK.

 Vote for Austin

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#10 Andrew_A
Member since 2005 • 193 Posts

Andre the Giant was at the top of wrestling for a good span... Steamboat was a great wrestler, but was never at the top for an period of time...

 Andre the Giant

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