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#1 BeefoTheBold
Member since 2009 • 1511 Posts


[QUOTE="BlindBluMonstah"] nahh! What's up?CaptainAhab13

My good Monstah! Fellow citizens of this bright and glorious place! Dread moderators and infamous staff!

How fare each and every one of you on this, the most glorious of sunny afternoons? For let it never be said that Beefo does not have love and affection in his great heart for you all.

I'm doing rather well. Taking a break from the cello. It *is* a beautiful day outside, I'm going to take a talk later. :) Man I feel like you've transported me into a fantasy novel haha

There's a shortage of the finer dialects on this board, good Master Ahab, and one such as myself cannot help but find that a little bit of the exotic can add a bit of fun to a rather dull and dreary forum day at times.

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#2 BeefoTheBold
Member since 2009 • 1511 Posts


[QUOTE="BlindBluMonstah"] nahh! What's up?BlindBluMonstah

My good Monstah! Fellow citizens of this bright and glorious place! Dread moderators and infamous staff!

How fare each and every one of you on this, the most glorious of sunny afternoons? For let it never be said that Beefo does not have love and affection in his great heart for you all.

It's midnight :P also its been raining and cloudy :( lucky you and your sunshine :L got any plans?

Aha! You are one of my brethren from far distant shores. Well, hail to thee nonetheless. The very rarity of our international brethern on this, our humble gaming forum home, makes you all the more valued and cherished.

As for Beefo's own plans? Well, he has every intention of "chilling with the homies" here in this lovely little Roll Call thread for a bit before adjourning to another venue for good cheer, food and drink with the good citizens of his humble hometown. Should fortune be with him, he may even make the acquaintance of some new lady friends and do some light, gentlemanly flirting.

And yourself, friend Monstah? Beefo assumes you are not long for this Roll Call but shall, shortly, find your rest?

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#3 BeefoTheBold
Member since 2009 • 1511 Posts

[QUOTE="BeefoTheBold"]Beefo the Bold has arrived, yet again, into the Gamespot Roll Call thread. All hail!BlindBluMonstah
nahh! What's up?

My good Monstah! Fellow citizens of this bright and glorious place! Dread moderators and infamous staff!

How fare each and every one of you on this, the most glorious of sunny afternoons? For let it never be said that Beefo does not have love and affection in his great heart for you all.

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#4 BeefoTheBold
Member since 2009 • 1511 Posts
Beefo the Bold has arrived, yet again, into the Gamespot Roll Call thread. All hail!
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#5 BeefoTheBold
Member since 2009 • 1511 Posts
Why do i get the feeling that fundi is speaking to himself?SomeRussianDude
Thou would be in error my noble, formerly communistic, friend. Though Beefo hath indeed found Master Fundai's conversation stimulating and tastes gratifyingly similar to his own, he can assure you that they are in no way the same individual. Though, he admits, that his claim will be somewhat marred and viewed with suspicion now that he must also announce that he needs to leave for a time just as Lord Fundai makes his own plans for departure. Fare thee well fellow Gamespotians! Mayhaps we shall meet again in a cheerier time and place in the future. Until then, wishes for godspeed and grand gaming be Beefo's great gift to you all!
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#6 BeefoTheBold
Member since 2009 • 1511 Posts



Your 2nd guess hit the mark. Games of Strategy and Cunning are my personal preference.

I prefer to command my at a distance, though bravely... All the better for the full power of my military tactics, and the succes of my glorious empire.

Which Role Playing games do you enjoy the most?


Beefo greets this revelation with a half-hidden sigh of relief. For the briefest of moments, he was afraid that you would unburden your soul with an answer of "Nintendogs" or something similar and he would have had to regretfully terminate our association to avoid the taint. Games of high strategy are a perfectly acceptable answer though, one wonders, whether you prefer those of a turn based or real time variety?

As for your own query?

The ones that place the greatest of emphasis on the time honored value of "choice", "storyline", "narrative" and "character development" are his answer to you. Of a surety, there are some games called "role playing" developed by our neighbors from the east that Beefo has found great satisfaction in playing, but his first love shall ever be the games from this genre developed by the west.

I can assure, you, i have never even touched this "Nintendogs" :P

I prefer Real time when comanding the destruction of my foe on the battle field, but I'd much rather take turns when Building up my empire on a campaign map. Those total war game have always hit the nail on the head for me.

But If I had to pick one I'd rather take the turn based game of Civ then The real Time Of Starcraft

I see. Storryline and charachters are also vital in a good game for me. Are there anytitles you are most fond of?

It is with great satisfaction that Beefo acknowledges his tastes being very similar to your own when it comes to the commanding of his legions. For surely, his favorite turn based strategy game would be Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword and his favorite Real Time would be Starcraft 2.

For himself, Beefo modestly admits that the most recent RPG that he played and that captured his heart was The Witcher 2, truly a titan among games, but he in no way limits himself to that. Going back a great many years (indeed more than he cares to admit), he has loved and laughed and even shed the occasional tear over some of the all-time greats of the genre, from the early giants created by Black Isle and Interplay, to striding along in the formidable footsteps of those created by Bioware and, indeed, their little brother Obsidian.

Even now, a wave of nostalgia doth pull at him and he finds himself contemplating the unmanly act of going back and simply fondly dusting off and gazing at his collection that is the secret pride of his great heart.

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#7 BeefoTheBold
Member since 2009 • 1511 Posts



last evening? I watched the news, so I was insteantly pulled in to thought of the human condition.

It is most dreadful, as You would say.

But now i will distract my self through meaningless video games.


A pleasureable intoxicant to be certain! Though, as you say, meaningless from a certain point of view, from quite another they are beyond price. For as a surety, such things are food for the soul and, even as with the body, a soul that is malnourished shall surely starve and, in the doing, leech all the joy out of one's life.

What, pray tell, are thy games of preference? Perhaps a fan of roleplaying? (Beefo's personal favorite) Or do you enjoy envisioning yourself as the general of vast armies in games of strategy? Or mayhaps a mighty warrior standing alone against countless hordes of foes as you wield the weapons of war in a more personal way?

Your 2nd guess hit the mark. Games of Strategy and Cunning are my personal preference.

I prefer to command my at a distance, though bravely... All the better for the full power of my military tactics, and the succes of my glorious empire.

Which Role Playing games do you enjoy the most?

Beefo greets this revelation with a half-hidden sigh of relief. For the briefest of moments, he was afraid that you would unburden your soul with an answer of "Nintendogs" or something similar and he would have had to regretfully terminate our association to avoid the taint. Games of high strategy are a perfectly acceptable answer though, one wonders, whether you prefer those of a turn based or real time variety?

As for your own query?

The ones that place the greatest of emphasis on the time honored value of "choice", "storyline", "narrative" and "character development" are his answer to you. Of a surety, there are some games called "role playing" developed by our neighbors from the east that Beefo has found great satisfaction in playing, but his first love shall ever be the games from this genre developed by the west.

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#8 BeefoTheBold
Member since 2009 • 1511 Posts

I'm going to sleep, good night guys!guildclaws

May the always popular flights of angels sing thee to your rest good neighbor prince.

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#9 BeefoTheBold
Member since 2009 • 1511 Posts



Sounds good 8)


Good Master Fundai! A pleasure to see you once again. Pray tell me, how was your evening after we parted ways yesterday? Enjoyable I do hope? What distractions did you employ to wile away the hours and prevent yourself from dwelling upon the folly of the human condition?

last evening? I watched the news, so I was insteantly pulled in to thought of the human condition.

It is most dreadful, as You would say.

But now i will distract my self through meaningless video games.

A pleasureable intoxicant to be certain! Though, as you say, meaningless from a certain point of view, from quite another they are beyond price. For as a surety, such things are food for the soul and, even as with the body, a soul that is malnourished shall surely starve and, in the doing, leech all the joy out of one's life.

What, pray tell, are thy games of preference? Perhaps a fan of roleplaying? (Beefo's personal favorite) Or do you enjoy envisioning yourself as the general of vast armies in games of strategy? Or mayhaps a mighty warrior standing alone against countless hordes of foes as you wield the weapons of war in a more personal way?

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#10 BeefoTheBold
Member since 2009 • 1511 Posts
Beefo the Bold, not being a materialist by nature, can indeed sometimes be puzzled by the greed of mankind. For, of a surety, there is a limit to the amount of money one can ever really need. But, even while he ponders this mystery, he thinks upon the greater mystery of the pay for other groups in our humble society, such as CEOs and Investment Bankers and the like. Why, he wonders, do people always use relatively harmless types such as actors and sports stars as the standard for judge greed when they are, in most cases, far from the richest among us? Then Beefo remembers that it is a beautiful morning and the sun is shining. He adjourns from such a depressing discussion to go and sit out on his porch and drink. For truly, those whose greatest passion is the pursuit of greater material wealth do sometimes fail to take the time to enjoy the pleasures that wealth can bring. Beefo hath ever been one of the foremost philosophers among mankind.