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#1 LZ71
Member since 2008 • 10524 Posts

@xdude85 said:

The only stuff that I missed out on was the DLC released for Fallout 3, and Borderlands 1 & 2. It's been on my to-do list, but I still haven't gotten around to it.

When you do get around to the series, I'd honestly go ahead and skip Borderlands 1 and just go straight to 2. Speaking as someone who played through both of them multiple times, the second does just about everything better. I know everyone was butthurt about it not being in the Handsome Collection, but I just see it as someone saving 15-20 hours of their life not playing an inferior product. The only connection between the two games is irrelevant anyways because of how non-existent the story was in the first. Also you don't have to suffer through one of the worst final bosses I've ever played.

Just some advice. If you really do wanna play it though make sure to get the DLC, the Dr. Ned set has more personality than the entire base game put together.

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#2 LZ71
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@n64dd: DAMN. dude. That's insane. Have you been collecting most of that stuff as it releases or do you just go back through to pick up stuff when you can?

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#3 LZ71
Member since 2008 • 10524 Posts

It's been a relatively slow start after last year, my most active gaming-wise. Makes sense, there's no way I could keep up that pace with the amount of schoolwork I've had this semester (graduation is a bitch). So far I think I've bought Mirror's Edge Catalyst, SSX (again), Transistor (again), and Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. Haven't had a chance to really dive into any of them besides Transistor, which I beat pretty quickly (still so good).

Haven't beaten much else besides Titan Souls, CoD: MWR, and The Last of Us: Left Behind. Titan Souls has a cool concept and looks/sounds awesome, but is basically just ok overall. CoD: MWR actually looks really great for being ~10 years old and is still the second best CoD campaign, multiplayer is more shit than I remember. Left Behind is dope as well, I love how they finally let you pit zombies and humans against each other. Hopefully they add more of that in the sequel.

Most of my gaming time has been spent on Rainbow Six: Siege and Rocket League otherwise. Once I'm done here in a few weeks I'm hoping to set aside a couple weeks and just run through a bunch of games as quickly as possible, I've got a huge backlog especially with the "free" PS+ games. Looking forward to picking up Dishonored 2 when I can and I really want to start The Last Guardian.

Also if anyone could recommend a game like SOCOM: Combined Assault, you'd be the shit. That's why I picked up Future Soldier, it seems fine but not really what I'm looking for.

tbh I'm kinda mad BotW didn't flop, not because I hate Nintendo or Zelda or anything, but just because it would've been way funnier if it did. Same thing with the Scorpio. I have no dog in the race so I hope it's either like 299 or 699, I just want to see one group explode at E3.

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#4 LZ71
Member since 2008 • 10524 Posts

The only entertaining part of Passengers was the pool scene. Other than that it was one of the worst movies I saw last year. On the other hand, I really enjoyed Arrival though I think a little less so than others did.

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#5  Edited By LZ71
Member since 2008 • 10524 Posts

Why is this thread and the TV thread stickied now

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#6  Edited By LZ71
Member since 2008 • 10524 Posts

I don't eat fast food that much but Burger King's 1.49 nuggets deal is amazing. Sure, they're not the greatest nuggets in the world but I can get 30 of them for less than $5. You can't beat that.

edit- apparently I suck at math

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#7 LZ71
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The only reason I bought my PS4 as early as I did (Jan. 2016) was because my roommates threw in on it so we could all play. Otherwise, I don't buy consoles right when they come out and I honestly don't understand why people do. I mean sure, it's cool to have the new thing, but literally waiting half a year or so will get you a better deal, along with more games and most importantly you'll have time to see what issues people have with the system.

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#8  Edited By LZ71
Member since 2008 • 10524 Posts

@mrbojangles25 said:
@LZ71 said:

Lucy. It was certainly...something, alright. I think how much you like the movie depends on how willing you are to accept the craziness/silliness of it all.

yeah it wasn't half as bad as people made it out to be. You really need to suspend your disbeliefs, though.

As for me, I watched the first 30 minutes of "In Order of Disappearance" with Stelan Skarsgard or whatever his name is. Really nice revenge movie. I need to finish it.

This is a blast from the past, I forgot I even posted that.

I agree with what I posted then and what you said, having seen it twice since. It's a completely ridiculous movie, but if you acknowledge that going in it's pretty damn fun. Most of the people I was with were ready to walk out when we saw it though.

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#9 LZ71
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"Apocalypse Now is a first-person RPG"

"You will engage in dialog, like in most roleplaying games, but you are a Special Forces operative, so your dialog will be like Captain Willard's dialog."

lol this is gonna be great.

I'd rather play some 8-bit garbage that has me swinging pitfall style in the jungle than whatever mess this would turn out to be.

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#10 LZ71
Member since 2008 • 10524 Posts

@puregamer said:

Assassin's Creed Unity finished the main missions but still have a long way to get the 100% Syn. which I'm not sure I will have the urge to do so but will see.

You're a brave man if you accomplish that. I could do it on some of the earlier games in the series, but I took one look at that clusterfuck of a map when I got the game and said lolnope. It's a good game, but there's an absolutely absurd amount of things to do if you're trying to get 100%.