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Catalli  Moderator

@heqteur: Quite honestly? I agree. I like when things are kept the way they were when it comes to fictional stories. Personally I don't like switching one character for another (though diversification of the cast if it is insanely homogeneous is another thing, and that I do support).

However, the amount of whining that I see in every case, like those I mentioned above, is insane. It gets to the point where I start to think the complaints aren't case by case, they're just directed towards women and minorities in general. If it's a reboot and gets changed, bad. If it's a total re-imagining, like Elementary, bad. If it's a totally new story, bad (which was the case when people complained about the protagonism Ellie got in TLOU, or that many female leads including the ones for Horizon Zero Dawn or Dishonored II were revealed, or that Furiosa had more protagonism than Max in Fury Road...) Whatever it is, it's bad for some people, and the only link between them is the fact that a woman has the spotlight. That's why I don't care for case-by-case debate, I'm well aware of the fact that most of the complaints we see in these articles are based on prejudice.

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Catalli  Moderator

Argument used when the female lead isn't famous like J-Law: "ugh, I wish they'd just pick the leads based on skill, not trying to push an agenda! Damn SJWs ruined America!"

Argument when female lead is famous like J-Law: "ugh, they're changing the original story from what it originally was just to push an agenda!"

Argument when the lead is a minority or female in new IP: "ugh, they're making all this new IP just to fit women/minorities in! I wish they'd just make they story they wanted to, instead of pushing an agenda!"

I guess what I'm supposed to take away from all this is that, if the lead isn't a strapping straight male, then quite simply: ugh.

There's no pleasing the gaming community at large while at the same time taking the liberty to represent males and females fairly... I guess the community just want doods, and if there's a woman, she better be trapped in the tallest room of the tallest tower waiting to be rescued, because her thinking and fighting on her own is such a turn-off. And then people wonder why the gaming community in general has such a bad fame.

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Catalli  Moderator

I imagine any standard MOBA would suck in a campaign mode... so we'll have to wait and see what the MP is like. Also I really don't get any comparisons to Overwatch. They both have "heroes" but that's about it.

This still looks quite underwhelming...

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Catalli  Moderator

I'm not sure I understand why... but whatever.

"I don't believe that playing as a different gender/race detracts from anyone's enjoyment of the game." I agree with this. It shouldn't, and ideally nobody will fuss over it.

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Catalli  Moderator

@chaosbrigade: Sorry. I get why I'm seeming this way to you, let me try to explain myself better:

The thing about morality is that something is still moral or immoral (or grounds for debate, as is the case here) whether it is happening or not, or whether people are practicing it or not. For example, If we lived in a world where no one was ever stoned to death, it wouldn't mean that stoning people to death is immoral; It is. Equally, the fact that there are people who condone the practice of stoning to death doesn't mean that stoning is up for moral debate. Furthermore, the fact that I live in a country where there is no stoning and hence it is quite distant from me doesn't mean that I can't have my own beliefs and express them over the morality of stoning. This is why it's fine to form opinions and debate things without being a first party participant

As for the dancers themselves, here's where you're right, I most certainly can't tell them what they can or can't do, nor can I tell them what they should feel is right or wrong. But I'm not trying to do that at all. I'm fixating entirely on the question of what objectification is, and whether this was the case here. In my opinion, this was a case of objectification. Does that mean the dancers were victims? No, in fact I never said that they were victims, merely that they were subject to objectification, because that is what I believe after seeing that they were used as what is essentially a prop.

The point I'm focusing on is that Microsoft shouldn't have done this because of the nature of the party, and more so knowing that it was after a conference about Women in Gaming. Even though they did nothing illegal it doesn't mean it wasn't questionable. The law doesn't perfectly represent ethics.

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Catalli  Moderator

@tanerb: "If you want my money you need scantily clad "sexy schoolgirl" dancers"

This is pathetic. The industry would be better off without your thousands and without your input.

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Catalli  Moderator

@dracuella: Can't you see? You're wrong, because all these people tell you so. Besides, the fact that you're outnumbered means you are completely irrelevant. Such is the way our constitution was written and it sure as hell will be upheld here.

I take solace in the fact that the bigotry seen here isn't representative of the entire gaming community. Just the entitled, vocal minority.