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#1 comp_atkins
Member since 2005 • 38691 Posts

@sargentd said:
@robertos said:
@sargentd said:
@rmpumper said:
@silentchief said:

Normal people often do care about authenticity. Most entertainment projects that are infested with DEI quotas are easily seen a mile away and it seems a large portion of the general public is starting to recognize it.

Normal people don't care about any of that, because they are not even familiar with the source content.

Fans of the source content matter

Must be why Dune flopped so hard! Black Chani. Guatemalan Leto. Spanish Stilgar. Black Jamis. Female Kynes. Hell, they entirely changed the hair and skin color for Harkonnen.

Oh wait.

Almost no one cares. Well, not anyone who is mentally sound. This isn't why a movie flops or does well (in terms of directly quality).

@silentchief said:

You aren't even giving any criteria for what makes the shows good.

Script, acting, editing, cinemograph, score. These things are what actually matter in quality, and what dictates the quality. Not race or gender.

Again, my stance on this is the correct apolitical centrist one. In general you have these 3 camps,

A). Far right: The movie sucks because a minority or woman took a role. (Not supported by reviews).

B). Far left: The movie is good because a minority or woman took a role. (Not supported by reviews).

C.) Normal well adjusted person: The movie is good or bad depending on the actual quality of the film. (Supported by reviews).

I strongly fall into C.

I dont get what this far left far right stuff your talking about.

But you need a new category because your missing the people who don't want this change in 40k completely and it has nothing to do with right or left.

So here's a new camp.

D.)fans of the source material who want it too match the material they love and are fans of.

like it or not, studios are in the business of making money, not satisfying 2% of the nerds who will care about every detail and will throw a fuss over this kind of stuff. they know race/geneder swapping will piss of the "core" fans. i think they just don't care. they've done the calculations that new fans they'll pull in with their changes will offset the boycotts.

i think the real problem is these idiot studios put some much focus into trying to broaden fanbases that they end not spending their effort on quality writing and competent direction so they get core fans who leave and new fans who never jump on board because the product sucks.

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#2 comp_atkins
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my feeling on this one

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#3 comp_atkins
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@DEVILinIRON said:

I'm fairly certain that's not live action but CGI animated.

needs to be called "cgi animated to look like live action"

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#4 comp_atkins
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@JimB said:
@Litchie said:

Normally, rich people don't have to go to jail, because money. If Trump actually gets what he deserves for his crimes, that's awesome. Hope it's a turning point for the US.

There is only one problem Trump did not commit a crime. Here is the real problem Democrats only live for the momet not he future. Do they not think that when they are out of power that Repiblicans will not do the same to them as they are doing to Trump trying Demoract political leaders in court when no crime has been commited. By the way Blinken should be charged with election infterference for his role in the election interfreience in the 2020 election.

soo republicans see it was wrong yet promise to do the same? so they're admitting they would do things they know are wrong when in power?

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#5 comp_atkins
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do facebook next.

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#6  Edited By comp_atkins
Member since 2005 • 38691 Posts
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newly added to the list. can't find a good version of the actual scene due to copyrights. ending scene of s3e49 of bluey when they learn their home buyers backed out and bandit decides he's not going to take a new job and move his family away. the music and the transition from sadness to elation when chilli tackles bandit is awesome. the video doesn't really do it justice. the whole episode is fantastic w/ the butterfly effect of random things leading up to the ending, the many small callbacks to previous episodes etc...

it's a freaking kids show but damn it is phenomenal. watched pretty much every episode with my daughters.

another gem is the sleepytime episode where bingo wants to stay in her own bed

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#7  Edited By comp_atkins
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@shadyacshuns said:
@LJS9502_basic said:
@shadyacshuns said:

Where's the accountability? It's a total waste to send taxpayer dollars to a losing effort. That money would be better served fixing a broken US infrastructure.

FYI under the Biden administration a US infrastructure bill was passed.

And yet most of America looks like a third world country with crumbling and abandoned buildings and terrible crime everywhere. It's flooded with illegals and drugs from Mexico, homeless families and prostitutes walking the streets in broad daylight.

Democrats have absolutely ruined this once-great nation.


just looked outside my window and all i saw were trees and well maintained homes and some kids playing outside.

maybe they were selling each other drugs though...

(≖_≖ )

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#8  Edited By comp_atkins
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@gifford38 said:
@robertos said:
@palasta said:

@gifford38: Woke is just a made up word.

Yea, this subject always causes much denial and deflection.

True. You have people calling electric vehicles and vaccines woke, it's the worst kind of deflection really.

But what Arnold said wasn't woke, in any negative connotation at least. Everyone should agree with him.

yeah electric cars is not woke lol. but they are the reason why gas went from 1.88 gallon to 8 dollars first day of Biden was president. heck diesel was 10 bucks a gallon. just to sell more electric cars from china. every democrat forgets that. on top of stopping drilling.

lol what?

US produces more oil now than it ever has

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#9 comp_atkins
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@lamprey263 said:

Someone just set themselves on fire on live TV outside the courthouse.

not the brightest idea

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#10 comp_atkins
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@mrbojangles25 said:
@sargentd said:
@gifford38 said:


and 2 calling something gay is a gen x thing they are not 12 they are 47 like me. has nothing to do with gay men ever.

It's a millineal thing too, don't let people fool you. I always found it funny people started getting upset about it. Remember people calling everything gay growing up. Had nothing to do with sexual orientation. I remember this gay commercial with Hillary duff and Wanda sykes trying to push to stop calling stuff gay.. the example in the commercial the kids saying it weren't using it to describe sexual orientation either lol. Was a goofy fat pizza man statue lol!

Look I don't want to blow this out of proportion but if you lack the basic sense of empathy to understand why using the term "gay" to describe something as lame or whatever is not cool, you're kind of a failure as a human being. I feel like that's a pretty basic and easy test to pass in the "Am I a decent person?" exam, and if you can't pass it....ooof.

This coming from someone who said "that's gay" a lot as a child, too. Also millennials said it a lot for the record. We were 90's kids, 90's kids said "that's gay" all the time.

But you grow out of it. Or you should. Pity the 47 year old that still says that, it's embarrassing.

when i was younger my friends and i just started saying "that's so canadian" instead. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯