• mecha_frieza’s Activity
  • mecha_frieza posted a message in the forum topic Why doesn't BLM talk about black on black violence?. on the Political Gamers board

    @LJS9502_basic said:@mecha_frieza said: @LJS9502_basic said: And if the system is stacked against them you get the FBI results. Also economics play a huge role in crime, as does education.How is the ...

  • mecha_frieza posted a message in the forum topic Why doesn't BLM talk about black on black violence?. on the Political Gamers board

    @girlusocrazy said:@mecha_frieza: Maybe you should start a thread on that. It is topic that is related, but merits a separate discussion on its own since it might derail what the thread topic is more...

  • mecha_frieza posted a message in the forum topic Why doesn't BLM talk about black on black violence?. on the Political Gamers board

    @girlusocrazy said:@mecha_frieza: Is there any that should be excluded?I mean if you are going to say that racism is one of the biggest issues in America today, then show me the racists. Also, what i...

  • mecha_frieza posted a message in the forum topic Why doesn't BLM talk about black on black violence?. on the Political Gamers board

    @girlusocrazy said:@Solaryellow: Yeah but also the racism needs to be addressed. Racism isn't the only problem in the world, there are many different protests and support organizations for various is...

  • mecha_frieza posted a message in the forum topic What do people have to say about Richard Spencer's endorsement of Joe Biden?. on the Political Gamers board

    @Baconstrip78 said:@mighty-lu-bu: Youre not a racist if you get endorsed by a racist. You’re a racist if you embrace that endorsement or pretend you don’t know who the guy is so you don’t have to den...

  • mecha_frieza posted a message in the forum topic 2 LA Deputies shot in ambush attack - small BLM-esque group protest at hospital.. on the Political Gamers board

    @Baconstrip78 said:About 1k police shootings every year, 4% of those shot are unarmed or about 40 people. About 28% of those are black or about 12 total black people.TWELVE...all of this for 12 peopl...

  • mecha_frieza posted a message in the forum topic 2 LA Deputies shot in ambush attack - small BLM-esque group protest at hospital.. on the Political Gamers board

    @Nude_Dude said:@mecha_frieza said: @girlusocrazy said: @Stevo_the_gamer: Yeah that doesn't make sense. Disregard for human life is what the protests are against. That man doing the ambush and the ot...

  • mecha_frieza posted a message in the forum topic What do people have to say about Richard Spencer's endorsement of Joe Biden?. on the Political Gamers board

    @tenaka2 said:@mecha_frieza said: In 1857you might want to go with something more recent, if your 'evidence' is over 160 years old, your point is not going to hit home.Nice cherry picking.

  • mecha_frieza posted a message in the forum topic Why doesn't BLM talk about black on black violence?. on the Political Gamers board

    BLM doesn't talk about black on black violence because it completely dismantles their narrative and movement.The biggest issues affecting the black community today aren't racism, but the dissolving o...

  • mecha_frieza posted a message in the forum topic Conservatives blame fires on Antifa. on the Political Gamers board

    @Baconstrip78 said: Should have taken out the rakes and raked the brush fields and forest floors like Trump said. He’s such a logical person who is in no way a complete idiot...A firefighter from CA ...

  • mecha_frieza posted a message in the forum topic What do people have to say about Richard Spencer's endorsement of Joe Biden?. on the Political Gamers board

    @thegreatchomp said:@drlostrib: With no evidenceThere is plenty of evidence that Democrats are racist. Remember, Democrats started the civil war because they did not want to get rid of their slaves a...

  • mecha_frieza posted a message in the forum topic Trump tells his supporters to commit a felony by voting twice.. on the Political Gamers board

    I love it how the leftists here get triggered every time Trump says something. It's pretty funny actually. If he wins the Nobel Peace Price and wins reelection you leftists are going to need therapy ...

  • mecha_frieza posted a message in the forum topic Reparations. on the Political Gamers board

    @LJS9502_basic said:@Watch_My_6 said: The best thing we can do for black communities is re-electing Donald Trump and getting rid of the Democratic leaders of big urban cities.It's not up to you to te...

  • mecha_frieza posted a message in the forum topic August was a rough month for old joe. on the Political Gamers board

    @mattbbpl said:@mecha_frieza said: @mattbbpl said: @mecha_frieza said: @mrbojangles25 said: I edited my above post to include examples.I think you are misunderstanding the fact that I am not talking ...

  • mecha_frieza posted a message in the forum topic GOP uses debunked theory to downplay COVID-19 death toll. on the Political Gamers board

    @zaryia said:@mecha_frieza said: @zaryia said: @mighty-lu-bu said: @Maroxad said: There are more ideologies than Left, Libertarian and Conservative you know...And no, he is not far left xDthat is far...

  • mecha_frieza posted a message in the forum topic Reparations. on the Political Gamers board

    @ratchetclank92 said:@mecha_frieza: you really think a few decades of moderately less racist institutions equalized the centuries of abuse that black people took? Their ancestors never had a fair cha...

  • mecha_frieza posted a message in the forum topic Name one good thing biden will do without mentioning trump. on the Political Gamers board

    @LJS9502_basic said:@mecha_frieza said: @LJS9502_basic said: @mecha_frieza said: Not really. The US still has some of the lowest cancer mortality rates in the world. It is also important to acknowled...

  • mecha_frieza posted a message in the forum topic SNL Trump ad from 4 years ago has aged like fine wine.. on the Political Gamers board

    @LJS9502_basic said:@mecha_frieza said: So you can't answer the questions? Figured as much.I did. But like all trumpers you ignore facts.You didn't. It's clear you have no idea what you are talking a...

  • mecha_frieza posted a message in the forum topic August was a rough month for old joe. on the Political Gamers board

    @mrbojangles25 said:@mecha_frieza said: @mrbojangles25 said: @mecha_frieza said: @mrbojangles25 said: ...A moderate socialist.Everyone is either a socialist or partakes in a socialist system to one d...

  • mecha_frieza posted a message in the forum topic August was a rough month for old joe. on the Political Gamers board

    @LJS9502_basic said:@mecha_frieza said: @mrbojangles25 said: Everyone is either a socialist or partakes in a socialist system to one degree or another. Especially in the United States.The only people...