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#1  Edited By RobotOpBuddy  Moderator
Member since 2004 • 65506 Posts

I assume you'd want to stop autoplay on all sites if you have a data cap..the best solution in that case would depend on the browser. For flash videos both firefox and chrome have the option to disable these by default and require you to allow them to run. I think even MS Edge has this option, though haven't cared to test it.

As for html 5 ones like most videos now on GS though:

In firefox it's quite simple: type about:config into the address bar, click past the warning, find the row labelled media.autoplay.enabled and change it to false. That will prevent all videos from autoplaying (the video controls for videos normally autoplayed may still show a pause button instead of play, but if you click it twice (once to change to it to show play and then again to actually play it) then it should work fine when you want to watch them.

In chrome there's no longer a simple solution unfortunately (I'm pretty sure there used to be a flag for it, but seems it was removed), there may be an extension that works for most sites if you have a look for autoplay related extensions in the usual place but I wouldn't know what works and what doesn't personally. Beyond that for GS videos in particular a script blocker could be used (the player itself relies on and and the video content itself relies on ( may be used for some videos but for the ones you're referring to they should all be - blocking scripts from those domains would effectively block the player&video unless you temporarily unblocked/allowed the scripts to run again after that - again you'd need an extension to do that of course and would need to find a suitable one. The autoplay field in GS videos is part of a long data-video value containing a lot of other data so I imagine script blocking would be more reliable than a generic autoplay blocker extension.

GS's policy on autoplay I believe is that they autoplay anything that is considered to be the main content - reviews fall under this, as do pages with only videos and a short blurb that just says what the video is about. Videos in the middle of articles etc already aren't autoplayed. Unfortunately it's unlikely anything will be put in place on the site itself to accommodate data caps specifically. There have been other threads complaining about the autoplay but I couldn't say if anything is planned to be done about it or not.

An option to disable autoplay linked to our accounts would be nice, but I don't know if the player has the functionality built in to read the option from the logged in GS account before playing a video currently, and would assume it doesn't by default. An option on the player interface itself to disable it would also work, but would rely on cookies and the setting would therefore be lost if cookies are wiped for any reason (much like the volume setting currently is), which depending on individual user's browser settings could be as often as every browser session.

@SolidSnake35: Not really appropriate, nor helpful. You're not in a position to speak for staff, let alone claim you are with such a negative response, regardless of how much of it may or may not be true.

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#2  Edited By RobotOpBuddy  Moderator
Member since 2004 • 65506 Posts

Fallout shelter: You don't meet the minimum CPU requirement and barely meet the RAM requirement.

Fallout shelter and reigns: these only support 64-bit OSs, if you're running an 32bit/x86 version of Windows 7 instead of the 64-bit (x86_64, often abbreviated to x64) version then that would explain a lot. I have no idea what the actual specs are for reigns beyond that.

As for flagster, no idea if it supports 32bit/64bit, the reqs I can see online are met by your system though, even if only barely for CPU.

PS: You'd probably have more luck in the PC/Mac/Linux Society or PC & A/V Hardware forums than the bug reporting one - bug reports is for site issues, not technical support for games. As such I've moved it to the PC/Mac/Linux Society board.

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#3  Edited By RobotOpBuddy  Moderator
Member since 2004 • 65506 Posts

Please provide at least some of the following information when reporting a disruptive ad so that staff are able to find it and do something about it if necessary:

  • A screenshot of the ad
  • The URL of the page the ad appeared on
  • The date and time you saw the ad
  • The product advertised
  • Country/State can also help track down regional ads

General page ads shouldn't be playing sounds, automatically covering most of the screen with popups, or redirecting unless you interact with them in some way first as they are consider as intrusive if they do. Video ads however play immediately before the video does, and the video autoplays once the page is loaded and you have the tab it is on active (for videos at the top of the page only I believe), volume settings are stored via cookie so you can mute by default if the sound is the issue, as this is stored via cookie the volume setting data is also lost if you clear them.

It sounds like your main complaint is the volume so whether or not it's considered disruptive (and is removed from the rotation as a result) comes down to whether or not staff consider the volume of the ad excessive. As such I make no guarantees on whether or not it will be removed as I've not seen any such ads personally.

@wemmick: Just for awareness if suitable information is provided - I'm not sure who else would deal with these as it's been a while since I've seen ad specific complaints.

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#4  Edited By RobotOpBuddy  Moderator
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As far as I can tell it always orders first-to-last on page load, but corrects to whichever sort method is selected whenever the module is refreshed, either by changing the order method or just clicking the refresh button on the comments module, I'm pretty sure just about everyone is affected by it, whether they've noticed or not, judging by where comment activity is focussed on news articles.

Unfortunately, it's the weekend now, so it's unlikely to be fixed prior to Monday at this point. It's a known issue though, at least, being essentially the same issue that suicidesn0wman detailed above.

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#5 RobotOpBuddy  Moderator
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You mean this one? I had no trouble finding it through your review list on your profile. I see what you mean though, no player reviews are showing on the game's review page for some reason, which is most likely unintended.

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#6 RobotOpBuddy  Moderator
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This seems to be a UK-specific ad issue looking at those affected, I'm assuming the issue is related to this ad (image, the video auto-plays in the ad), however it only appears at the top for me, and doesn't block any site content, but rather just pushes it down a bit.

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#7 RobotOpBuddy  Moderator
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If you've been on a page for a fairly long time before posting then it's possible that the token has simply expired - in that case a simple refresh should always fix it though. Hopefully that's all this was and is the only time I've ran into this personally.

If this is happening even on recently loaded pages then it'll probably need looking into so any additional information would be useful - the issue could be either client side or server side in such a case.

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#8 RobotOpBuddy  Moderator
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My biggest concern is the hardware clause of it - what even qualifies as unauthorised hardware peripherals? Anything that MS don't personally like? I'd be pretty damned pissed if it ever causes even the slightest of issues with legally obtained peripherals to say the least - it's unacceptably vague. Not to mention that the whole thing will no doubt be wasting CPU cycles (and for software checking, disk activity too) and the like to do this if they act on it in any meaningful way - decreasing performance unnecessarily and undesirably - that alone makes it something I don't want, and there will no doubt be loopholes/workarounds for it that people using pirated software will be willing to use anyway (heck, many of them will probably be using a pirated copy of windows to begin with), making it rather pointless and rather just asking for negative stigma for the new OS that they're pushing by including it in the terms.

That said, my understanding is this isn't actually part of the OS agreement, but rather a service agreement that is attached to W10 via the microsoft account agreement, which isn't necessary in windows 10 anyway, unlike windows 8 where you'd be locked out of a lot of stuff without one. As such, some people may be able to avoid this particular agreement altogether by simply not using the affected services. Of course, windows games published by MS are including in said 'services' (which is probably where the 'unauthorised hardware peripherals' is going to hit people), among many other things like onenote, xbox media stuff, and anything skype/office/MSN/bing/etc so you may end up missing out on some things you'd like at times for the sake of avoiding it - though for several of them at least there's nothing MS can realistically do to enforce them beyond blocking access to the service even if you do use them without making use of outright malicious practices.

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#9 RobotOpBuddy  Moderator
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@RTUUMM: Around this time next year, it's been officially available since July 29th I believe so it should be around then next year that it ends. You've got plenty of time if you want to hold off for a bit while all the bugs/glitches get ironed out. Just make sure you don't lose track of time and miss it completely as it won't be cheap after the free upgrade offer expires.

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#10 RobotOpBuddy  Moderator
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There's a few bugs here and there, so you may want to give it a month or 2 if you don't want to put up with them, but it's a free upgrade for a year - no payments or anything after the year, just after the 1st year you won't be able to upgrade for free any more, it's basically a limited time free offer to encourage people to upgrade instead of sticking with older OSs to avoid the cost and inconvenience of an upgrade.