You just want to go back again and again and again just to break more blocks.

User Rating: 8 | Shatter (2009) PC
This game is a clone (of sorts) of the classic breakout game by Atari, except with better graphics, better sound and obviously better gameplay.

Here's the review:

Firstly, the pros of this game.

There're tons of breakout clones over the years. But this is the only one which has kept me captivated since 1 week after its release.

1) Brilliant Graphics
Maybe brilliant isn't enough to describe the graphics. They're really fantastic. Every bounce of your ball, every block broken has wonderful effects. Even the final bosses of each chapter (segment) of the game is beautiful.

2) Innovative Gameplay
Breaking some blocks may lead to disastrous/unpleasant effects on your paddle, which as well negatively affects your ball. If it falls off the gameplay area, its over. Well, breaking some blocks will "release" other blocks from behind them which will start to move around. If one crashes into the paddle, it will be caught off guard for a moment. And that moment may cost your life (i meant ball). Bosses are also excellent. Bosses sometimes need you to hit certain parts to turn it around, then attack it's core to decrease it's health. If you do not call that innovative, what is?

3) Many Levels, Bosses, Game Modes
Aside from the 50 or so levels present inside the game (bosses included), this game also contains co-op mode, whereby 2 people (on the same computer) break blocks together. Haven't really played co-op mode before though.

Next segment, the cons of this game:

1) Unable to see your ball(s) sometimes
Within the madness of brick breaking, you sometimes can hardly make out where your ball(s) is/are. When it is right beside your paddle, you realise,"Oh Sh-" Then the ball goes missing and you lose yet another life/ball.

Yep. There's only one thing I didn't like about this game.

This game is available on Steam as well.

And I recommend this game. To everyone... I guess.