Exactly what I wanted (almost)

User Rating: 9 | The Elder Scrolls Online PC

I am nearly max level and will edit this review once I experience end game content but at the moment I have to say that I am absolutely enthralled with this game. I definitely have issues with it, specifically I find the Trading and Crafting system to be lacking. Searching for items in the guild store is nearly impossible without an add-on (thank you modders!). If you want to play this as a solo Elder Scrolls experience in the same way as other ES games then you will find it very familiar. As a longtime MMO player I must say I've had little difficulty in finding other players to group with for quests and dungeons in this game as compared to other games. You can join up to 5 guilds and each membership is account bound (independent of Alliance) so all of your characters are associated with the guild(s) that you join.

The graphics are simply stunning for an MMORPG, even at lower levels. The animation is much smoother than many other MMO's I've played as well. I do however notice several 'hiccups" in which the animation stops during movement but it never interferes with gameplay enough to make a difference in combat.

The skill trees, much like other Elder Scrolls game, is huge and not restricted by class. The lore is amazingly huge (if that's your thing) and the main quest line is very involving and satisfying to complete.

One other comment I must make is that nearly all of the frustrating spammers are now gone. It was very bad upon release but now it is practically non-existent. Also, the current player population consists almost entirely of people who love Elder Scrolls and are committed to making this game a great MMORPG. In other words, this game is now populated with a large number of true fans of the game that are dedicated to helping others enjoy it to its full potential.