A underrated great game!

User Rating: 8.5 | Transformers: War for Cybertron X360
While I hadnt really been looking forward to playing this game I definatley had a great time playing it.. You can either start playing as the Decepticons or the Autobots but the Campaign progresses from the first 5 or so chapters of the Decepticons to the Autobots.. Theres a total of 10 chapters all of which take a good amount of time to complete.. One thing the levels on this game really are quite long.. The gameplay is fun and addictive and I love games that really make you feel like you are in a war against an enemy and this game does it quite well.. You can choose at the beginning of each mission between 3 different transformers each of which have different abilities and weapons, as well as a different vehicle transformation.. I usually just stuck to playing as the leaders which worked pretty well for me.. A good amount of the game I found myself trying to balance the weapons I had for ammo usage since you can only carry a total of 2 at a time.. Also the vehicle uses seperate ammo so that can be used to help out when ammo is low as well.. Almost all the missions are awesomely done with large boss battles and some challenging fights.. The graphics in this game arent really exceptional but they get the job done.. The enviroments all do have a very similar feel and look to them but this iss Cybertron after all.. The sound effects and explosions are decent with the voiceovers sounding great using the actual transformer voices.. I havent had a chance to try the multiplayer yet but Ive heard its quite good.. Overall if you like transformers at all you will most likely love this game and if you dont youll problary still have a good time with it..