User Rating: 9.5 | Transformers: War for Cybertron X360
This game is DEFINITELY right up there with Halo and Call of Duty. It's a third-person shooter with a great campaign. On each llevel, you get to choose from about three different Transformers to play as, each with their own weapons and abilities. Most of the levels are fairly simple and easy to understand (It's usually pretty hard to get lost). But make no mistake. Each level is long and in-depth, and you'll have to play through both the Autobot and Decepticon campaigns before you can fully understand the storyline (although there isn't much to tell about the story: it's just another alien war). Also, some of those other reviews have given the multiplayer mode a bad rep. Don't believe them. The multiplayer mode in War for Cybertron is one of the best I can think of. It can keep you enthralled FOREVER! One of the best features of the multiplayer is being able to customize up to twelve Transformers characters, three of each class (scout, scientist, leader, and soldier), and use them and their custom set of weapons and abilities in combat. Each class has a certain vehicle that they all transform into (eg. scientist=jet) and a few different types of chassiss which determine which variant of that vehicle and robot form your Transformer will have. after you choose both an Autobot and Decepticon chassis (you're automatically assigned a team at the beginning of a round) you get to customize the colors of each for a little individuallity in the Transformers army. The most important choices, however, are selecting what weapons you will bring into battle, as well as your two different abilities and buffers for them and other stats. Both your Decepticon and Autobot forms have the same abilities, but radically differrent looks. All things accounted for, I can only find three problems with this game: limited character customization, a storyline that's too short, and sharing.