Final Fight lost little in the traslation to the Super Nintendo: Too bad it wasn't built for the old consoles anyways...

User Rating: 6.7 | Final Fight SNES
Final Fight is one of those gems in the arcades. You would get your allowance for about $8, ask your mom to drive you to the mall, and you waste most of the money on Pizza, Soda, and Ice Cream. You have your last dollar, then you spot it: Final Fight. You play it, and spend your dollar playing the great game. If someone wants to join you, you don't care, although you need the damn help...
Now that the game is on the SNES, you would normally be overjoyed. However, this is one of those games that needs to stay in arcades. It t'was a shame that they ported it, for when they did, the game got dramaticly worse. It isn't that anything was left out: Final Fight lost little in the traslation to the Super Nintendo. Too bad it wasn't built for the old consoles anyways... although it is still good, it isn't long enough for a console game.

+Simple party gameplay.
+Story Line is simple, but it works.
+The sprites are near perfect.
+Little to no slowdown.
+Somewhat funny.
+Music and SoundFX are perfect for beat-em ups.
- Some slowdown and very rare break up.
- The game just isn't long enough.
- Once you finish it (if you can), you'll rarely ever play it again.
- Cody is horrible compared to our friendly (yeah right!) mayor.

Overall: 6.7/10
Great game, but it is just too short...