
User Rating: 7.5 | Final Fight SNES
What do we need for a good side-scrolling fight game?
1.3 characters to kick some asses
2.a lot of enemies and sounds from the 80's
if you put this all together you get Final Fight for SNES.
You want a game with a dramatic story?this game is the wrong choise!
i used to "turn off my brain" and just press the buttons.
Now to the control, you have one normal attack and you can jump.
You're able to use a special attack but that costs you life.
The graphics are nice ,but nothing special.
Music sounds like the 80's music and sounds not bad.

Singeplayer gets boring after some minutes,but if you play the game with another friend you will have great fun with this game.
This game is good but versus turtles in time it has no chance.
If you like side-scrolling fight game this game will be fine for your collection.