Good for Gamespot: Bioshock Infinite needs to be pummeled.

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#101  Edited By kuu2
Member since 2005 • 12067 Posts

Woke outrage over a ten year old game. 😂

I’m totally offended that Mario is an Italian plumber also. It’s like they think Italians can only be blue collar workers.

The harrah.

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#102  Edited By Maroxad
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@Litchie said:

All this talk about Infinite being dumb. I never cared about that stuff. Don't care if videogames are dumb or makes no sense. That's the majority of games anyway. Didn't feel like any BioShock was that pretentious either, maybe because I'm dumb myself. Can't question quantum mechanics if I know nothing about it.

I did however thought it was very lame of them to do the same thing again, but in the sky this time. What was the plan for the next one? Have a town go wrong again, but underground? And the one after that, in space? Found it lame and felt like the start of milking.

What I do care about, however, is the game being fun to play. And Infinite wasn't.

I think the gameplay is dumb too ;) Not just the writing.

Way too linear and devoid of any challenge. Puzzles are an insult to the player's intelligence too, and nothing came close to being as offensive until GoW: Ragnarök.

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#103  Edited By Litchie
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@Maroxad: Agreed. As I said earlier, I liked nothing about it. The graphics were ok, and that's about it. The game actually also made me not looking forward to whatever future stuff Ken Levine is connected to. If he puts out that, and express how happy and proud he was of the game.. ehh..?

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#105 texasgoldrush
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@Vaasman said:
@texasgoldrush said:
@Vaasman said:

I rest my case.

I rest mine. Facts are facts, the retrospectives prove it. Nowhere near the acclaim the game received in 2013.

Or maybe how about for me to say its the people who like the game that are the dumb dumbs with the stupid wrong opinions? Because really, the detractors make far better arguments than the games supporters.

You mean retrospectives like these?

Oops I guess you were wrong and retrospectives aren't proving your ill conceived narrative. Turns out plenty of people still enjoy it and nothing changed. Still enjoys very positive recent Steam reviews and 8.6 meta for fan reviews so nope there's no community that turned on it either. It's just you and the butthurt crew pretending there's an argument to be made.

Which proves my point that games media is still stupid.

Read my OP again.

"And its reception proved how dumb gaming media and gaming culture actually was, and still is, as there are positive 10 year retrospectives on it."

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#106  Edited By texasgoldrush
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@silentchief said:
@texasgoldrush said:
@theam0g said:

IGN's new Bioshock Infinite article is up

10 Years Later, Bioshock Infinte Remains One of the Boldest AAA Shooters Ever Made

And they cited the same fault I and Gamespot have said.

Of course they did. Because none of you have an original thought of your own. Thinking everything is an injustice to " people of color" is not fighting racism and it's not original. Imagine being butthurt about a games story that came out 10 years ago.

Except I criticized this the year it launched.

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#107 madsnakehhh
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@texasgoldrush said:
@madsnakehhh said:
@nirgal said:

@texasgoldrush: that's simply your opinion of what's wrong with the game. I am referring to the journalist 's opinion who states several time that the problem is that a black woman who is a slave is portrayed as a bad person.

Actually ... yes. This makes you see how bad political correctness has come in such a short amount of time.

10 years ago, it was a daring decision to portray the ever noble slaves (in media) as bad people ... in the game Daisy was seen as the "correct choice" until you realice she is definitely not a good person. But now, journalists are saying that the game "didn't aged well" due to this ... i won't get into any political drama and i definitely think that the storytelling could have been a lot better but yeah, you have to wonder why Gamespot decided to "celebrate" it's 10 year anniversary for whatever reason ... i mean is not like Bioshock Inifnite was the only game released in 2012 right ?

And trust me, i have seen this before, in Mexico, the "correct" depiction of poor peole is that they are noble, good in nature, willing to give and help no matter what and of course, lovable and when someone decides to protray them as how they really are ... it gets a bit troublesome by some.

Yet get this.

It was retconned in Burial At Sea to where Daisy was not ever going to kill the child, she just pretended to so Elizabeth can kill her so that "she can mature".

And no, Bioshock Infinite is political correct when it shouldn't, and politically incorrect when it shouldn't.

Didn't say it was perfect, but i liked the approach and it's funny how suddenly everyone is like ... "oh noes", when its nothing more than a so so plot with a few interesting ideas that weren't well executed.

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#108 madsnakehhh
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@Juub1990 said:

Don't really care about this game and barely paid attention to the story but it does get a chuckle out of me that a white dude like Ken Levine gave his take on anti-black racism/slavery in such a way.

It can be done, there is nothing wrong with tackling that subject regardless your own background. Did Levine did it the proper way ? probably not, but he wasn't completely disrespectful about it.

I'm not from the US so probably that's why that approach didn't bothered me all that much.

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#109 pmanden
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I was SOOO disappointed with Infinite. The first two games were masterpieces, but Infinite was pure boredom.

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#110 ENI232
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Never played the game but it's good that a video game touches on the race thing. There is no other race claiming to be superior other than the white race compared to others. Everyone in this world should ask why. There is nothing superior that whites have from God compared to others. Its hilarious to watch on television as well.

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#111 texasgoldrush
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@madsnakehhh said:
@Juub1990 said:

Don't really care about this game and barely paid attention to the story but it does get a chuckle out of me that a white dude like Ken Levine gave his take on anti-black racism/slavery in such a way.

It can be done, there is nothing wrong with tackling that subject regardless your own background. Did Levine did it the proper way ? probably not, but he wasn't completely disrespectful about it.

I'm not from the US so probably that's why that approach didn't bothered me all that much.

If you can't do it the proper way, don't attempt to tackle it.

And at times, I think he was disrespectful.

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#112 Nirgal
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@eni232: if you think there is no other race claiming to be superior is because you have only lived in one country my friend. Or at least only in western countries.

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#113 ENI232
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What other race is there. Chinese never did it, Slavs never did it, Africans never did it, Arabs never did it, indians never did it, Spanish never did it. In this country they literally bought Africans and enslaved them for free labor. They didn't purchase Chinese, Slavs , Arabs, indians, from anywhere and brought them to this country for free labor. They also raised their kids thinking it was a ok thing to do. Also it didn't happen long ago. Like 300 years ago. It's like the same people are around today, just look what's happening in this country, it laughable.

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#114  Edited By Nirgal
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@eni232: i have a lived in china for a long time and the amount of people that consider themselves to be racially superior Is not small. It's absolutely not uncommon to meet people that will tell you that Chinese are naturally smarter than all other races and that Africans are naturally dumb.

Regarding the slavs (as if they are not white?) obviously you have not spend time with a Russian, i have and several times i was told about their superior "culture" compared to (my) latin American culture.

Regarding the Spaniards, (i am part Spanish myself though i don't consider it a race) there was definitely slavery, racial stratification and European supremacy in latin America during colonization times and the effects of it are very visible in current society.

Indians stratified their society in castes separating the ones born superior and the ones born inferior. Which is a concept very similar to racism.

Arabs had been practicing slavery and specifically slavery of south Saharan africans way before Europe even started and considered themselves superior to them.

And regarding slavery, sadly every society in history has practiced it at some time. It's hardly a European or a white thing (whatever your definition of white is )

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#115 ENI232
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I am a slav, it is a different race from whites who are German, French or English etc who are the true white race which is generally who is referenced when you ask who are the white people of the world. It's still a generally ignorant way to define a race because color doesn't have much to do with things. There are brown people who are a different race from one another yet they have the same skin color. Back to my point of people saying they are race wise superior to others, it's one thing to say it like how you mentioned Chinese people thinking they are but it's another thing to turn it into action like they have in this country. Slavery is another subject. It's separate from racism. People were enslaved for whatever reason, some punishment in their own country's and it didn't matter if they were the same race. Arabs were Muslims much like 99 percent of Africans. Christianity never even came to Africa while Islam did. I don't think they enslaved them they had kingdoms throughout history unless they were at war. Regardless those were people from long ago and as we learned in history class slavery went on but it was not a race thing, it literally didn't matter what race you were, except for this countrys not long history, they specifically bought Africans, not Spanish, Slavs, Chinese, indians, Arabs etc and to this day you see it going on in this country. Very annoying to hear about it while rest of the world has turned the page.

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#116 madsnakehhh
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@texasgoldrush said:
@madsnakehhh said:
@Juub1990 said:

Don't really care about this game and barely paid attention to the story but it does get a chuckle out of me that a white dude like Ken Levine gave his take on anti-black racism/slavery in such a way.

It can be done, there is nothing wrong with tackling that subject regardless your own background. Did Levine did it the proper way ? probably not, but he wasn't completely disrespectful about it.

I'm not from the US so probably that's why that approach didn't bothered me all that much.

If you can't do it the proper way, don't attempt to tackle it.

And at times, I think he was disrespectful.

Where ?

Anyways ... no reason not to try it, let the audience decide if you did it right or not and given how the game was very succesful, then ... yeah, you can't dislike it all you want, but most people enjoyed it for what it was ... a decent enough FPS with some good ideas and some memorable characters. Again, was it perfect ? hell no, but i had fun with the game back in the day and that's all that matter.

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#117  Edited By texasgoldrush
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@madsnakehhh said:
@texasgoldrush said:
@madsnakehhh said:
@Juub1990 said:

Don't really care about this game and barely paid attention to the story but it does get a chuckle out of me that a white dude like Ken Levine gave his take on anti-black racism/slavery in such a way.

It can be done, there is nothing wrong with tackling that subject regardless your own background. Did Levine did it the proper way ? probably not, but he wasn't completely disrespectful about it.

I'm not from the US so probably that's why that approach didn't bothered me all that much.

If you can't do it the proper way, don't attempt to tackle it.

And at times, I think he was disrespectful.

Where ?

Anyways ... no reason not to try it, let the audience decide if you did it right or not and given how the game was very succesful, then ... yeah, you can't dislike it all you want, but most people enjoyed it for what it was ... a decent enough FPS with some good ideas and some memorable characters. Again, was it perfect ? hell no, but i had fun with the game back in the day and that's all that matter.

The audience did decide that how they treated Daisy was wrong, hence the retcon in the DLC.

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#118 jg4xchamp
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@Maroxad said:

First: Bioshock Infinite is not the worst well recieved game. Of the ones I have played, it would be either Persona 5, or GTA4. 2 10/10 scoring games that were only good for sleep aid.

Second: Hogwarts Legacy review was fair. The game was as banal as AAA games go. And more late reviews have been calling this crap out. Almost like the initial positive reviews was just the typical honeymoon period reviews.

That said, I do agree Bioshock infinite should be called out at any opportunity. That game is the representation of all that is wrong with AAA gaming back in Gen 7.

Biohsock infinite is probably as bad as those games tbh. Persona 5 has tons of issues with the story, and gta 4 is dumb...........neither of em both sides the racism thing when the racist utopia is overthrown by black people who are treated as slaves, murdered for those scumbags amusement n shit. Up to n including coming from Booker, it's just a toothless game for the most bog standard fps. It looks pretty is the only thing that holds up.

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#119 jg4xchamp
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@lundy86_4 said:

With regards to SW, yes.

I understand grade A stupidity and white fragility is just at thing with you dorks here, but are you fucking dense? Racism is a topic in the game lol, it's not some read between the line, it's an element of that setting. Go post in another thread.

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#120 lundy86_4
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@jg4xchamp said:
@lundy86_4 said:

With regards to SW, yes.

I understand grade A stupidity and white fragility is just at thing with you dorks here, but are you fucking dense? Racism is a topic in the game lol, it's not some read between the line, it's an element of that setting. Go post in another thread.

Good to see you as well champ.

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#121 jg4xchamp
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@lundy86_4 said:
@jg4xchamp said:

I understand grade A stupidity and white fragility is just at thing with you dorks here, but are you fucking dense? Racism is a topic in the game lol, it's not some read between the line, it's an element of that setting. Go post in another thread.

Good to see you as well champ.

I wish your IQ improved in the time I was away :[

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#122 lundy86_4
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@jg4xchamp said:

I wish your IQ improved in the time I was away :[

One can only dream.

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#123  Edited By Maroxad
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@jg4xchamp said:
@Maroxad said:

First: Bioshock Infinite is not the worst well recieved game. Of the ones I have played, it would be either Persona 5, or GTA4. 2 10/10 scoring games that were only good for sleep aid.

Second: Hogwarts Legacy review was fair. The game was as banal as AAA games go. And more late reviews have been calling this crap out. Almost like the initial positive reviews was just the typical honeymoon period reviews.

That said, I do agree Bioshock infinite should be called out at any opportunity. That game is the representation of all that is wrong with AAA gaming back in Gen 7.

Biohsock infinite is probably as bad as those games tbh. Persona 5 has tons of issues with the story, and gta 4 is dumb...........neither of em both sides the racism thing when the racist utopia is overthrown by black people who are treated as slaves, murdered for those scumbags amusement n shit. Up to n including coming from Booker, it's just a toothless game for the most bog standard fps. It looks pretty is the only thing that holds up.

I will take your word for it,

When playing through the game, the atrocious gameplay made be barely conscious. Needless to say, I couldn't finish the game. I was struggling to stay awake. So my barely conscious mind might have missed how racist hte game was in the first 2-3 hours. Before I deleted it off my computer.

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#124 texasgoldrush
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@jg4xchamp said:
@Maroxad said:

First: Bioshock Infinite is not the worst well recieved game. Of the ones I have played, it would be either Persona 5, or GTA4. 2 10/10 scoring games that were only good for sleep aid.

Second: Hogwarts Legacy review was fair. The game was as banal as AAA games go. And more late reviews have been calling this crap out. Almost like the initial positive reviews was just the typical honeymoon period reviews.

That said, I do agree Bioshock infinite should be called out at any opportunity. That game is the representation of all that is wrong with AAA gaming back in Gen 7.

Biohsock infinite is probably as bad as those games tbh. Persona 5 has tons of issues with the story, and gta 4 is dumb...........neither of em both sides the racism thing when the racist utopia is overthrown by black people who are treated as slaves, murdered for those scumbags amusement n shit. Up to n including coming from Booker, it's just a toothless game for the most bog standard fps. It looks pretty is the only thing that holds up.

Persona 5 vanilla did have very bad homophobic scenes with two guys harassing Ryuji. Sexual predator stereotypes are extremely dangerous to the LGBT community.

Also, another aspect about Infinite that is pretty bad is portraying the Vox as a far radical left movement in the first place. Calling antiracist movements communist or socialist plots is also very offensive, historically.

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#125  Edited By Nirgal
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@texasgoldrush: or it could simply be that the movement in that story specifically had all those characteristic, but not all anti racist movements in general do...

Or when did it become acceptable to scrutinize every aspect of a story and then assume the writer is trying to generalize them to the outer world...

Honestly it's tiresome to repeat this over and over again and see people keep pretending that every story piece is statement about current society.

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#126  Edited By Maroxad
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@texasgoldrush said:

Persona 5 vanilla did have very bad homophobic scenes with two guys harassing Ryuji. Sexual predator stereotypes are extremely dangerous to the LGBT community.

Also, another aspect about Infinite that is pretty bad is portraying the Vox as a far radical left movement in the first place. Calling antiracist movements communist or socialist plots is also very offensive, historically.

So I guess those scenes removed in Golden?

I almost fell asleep during the first 3 hours. So I uninstalled and played something else.

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#127 texasgoldrush
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@Maroxad said:
@texasgoldrush said:

Persona 5 vanilla did have very bad homophobic scenes with two guys harassing Ryuji. Sexual predator stereotypes are extremely dangerous to the LGBT community.

Also, another aspect about Infinite that is pretty bad is portraying the Vox as a far radical left movement in the first place. Calling antiracist movements communist or socialist plots is also very offensive, historically.

So I guess those scenes removed in Golden?

I almost fell asleep during the first 3 hours. So I uninstalled and played something else.


Its changed to where they don't aggressively go after him, and Ryuji is not spooked specifically by them.

It still should have been cut.

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#128 texasgoldrush
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@nirgal said:

@texasgoldrush: or it could simply be that the movement in that story specifically had all those characteristic, but not all anti racist movements in general do...

Or when did it become acceptable to scrutinize every aspect of a story and then assume the writer is trying to generalize them to the outer world...

Honestly it's tiresome to repeat this over and over again and see people keep pretending that every story piece is statement about current society.

No, its simply Levine not knowing what he is doing. It fails at a historical depiction and it fails at being relevant to current society.

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#129 Nirgal
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@texasgoldrush: except bioshock is not either an historical description or commentary on current society....

It's like refuse to see my point even when i repeat it 100 times

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#130 texasgoldrush
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@nirgal said:

@texasgoldrush: except bioshock is not either an historical description or commentary on current society....

It's like refuse to see my point even when i repeat it 100 times

Because your point is pointless and wrong.

Once again, if you are going to invoke themes of white supremacy, you better do it right, Levine didn't.

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#131  Edited By Nirgal
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@texasgoldrush: that's simply your personal opinion and nothing else.

1. Invoking white supremacy in a game doesn't necessarily serve as a comment for current or past society. In this case it's simply an alternative reality.

2. If you don't appreciate it the way it was done, doesn't mean others don't either. Personally, I feel like non obviously good or bad characters are more interesting.

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#132 texasgoldrush
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@nirgal said:

@texasgoldrush: that's simply your personal opinion and nothing else.

1. Invoking white supremacy in a game doesn't necessarily serve as a comment for current or past society. In this case it's simply an alternative reality.

2. If you don't appreciate it the way it was done, doesn't mean others don't either. Personally, I feel like non obviously good or bad characters are more interesting.

1. Which is highly inappropriate.

2. Others clearly didn't and much of it was retconned.