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#1 RageQuitter69
Member since 2012 • 1366 Posts

What do you think Watch Dogs will score on Gamespot, and if you would like to mention them, other review websites?

I can't see the game getting anything over an 8, anything higher will result in the critic being fired, this game is going to be underrated.

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#2  Edited By RageQuitter69
Member since 2012 • 1366 Posts

MGS4 was not the best game of the last gen if you have any sort of standards regarding value for money.

I will never understand how people can excuse all of a games flaws for the sake of storytelling, MGS4 was only a 4 hour game when the cutscenes were skipped (regardless of gameplay quality, 4 hours is far too short), but to make things worse, Kojima filled the (now closed) multiplayer with microinstructions, you even had to pay for new character slots. Considering MGS4 was what it was and Ground Zeros was extremely short and overpriced, i'm sure Kojima has a cash grabbing plan up his sleeve for The Phantom Pain.

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#3  Edited By RageQuitter69
Member since 2012 • 1366 Posts

A lot of games can be worth the full price (which is about $90 to $110 in Australia) such as GTA V, Saints Row 2 or Just Cause 2 for example, although I've never paid full price for a game (on a side note, I got my copy of GTA V of Ebay because I couldn't wait for the price to go down), the typical 10 hour game I definitely won't pay full price for but I won't complain about it's value either and then there are cash grabs such as Metal Gear Solid 4 is a perfect example of a game that should not be full price or even half price.

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#4 RageQuitter69
Member since 2012 • 1366 Posts

Agreed, I loved AC IV, it's my second favourite game of 2013, GTA V is my favourite.

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#5 RageQuitter69
Member since 2012 • 1366 Posts

I consider GTA V to be the best game ever made, and I never expected it to be as underrated as it is, sadly it turns out that people are so wrapped up in storytelling that they can't appreciate excellent gameplay.

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#6  Edited By RageQuitter69
Member since 2012 • 1366 Posts

Sadly MGSV, despite what ever cash grabbing tactic Hideo Kojima uses this time.

I know Watch Dogs won't get a 10, if it gets anything over an 8, the critic will be fired, it's going to be the most underrated game of 2014.

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#7 RageQuitter69
Member since 2012 • 1366 Posts

Metal Gear Solid V, I don't know what but i'm sure that Kojima has another cash grabbing tactic up his sleeve considering what he did with the previous 2 games (4 and GZ).

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#8  Edited By RageQuitter69
Member since 2012 • 1366 Posts

Yes graphics are overrated, and so is storytelling for that matter (although not quite as overrated as graphics), despite popular belief, gameplay is the most important part of a game. I also consider graphics to be overrated because the quality of a games graphics is judged on the popularity of a game, not the actual graphical quality, take Mass Effect 2 for example, everyone praised it's visuals and yes, the character models and cutscenes looked great but the actual levels were flat, boring and lacked detail, take Just Cause 2 and Tomb Raider Underworld as other examples, those games had rich, beautiful and detailed environments (although JC2 lacked a few upfront details in the city, it was still a rich world which was fun to explore), yet those games got no praise for their visuals.

@MirkoS77 said:

"Gameplay is all that matters" I find to be overly idealistic hogwash.

You act as though everyone says that, yet I'm the only one around here that says stuff like that, everyone else thinks that story is the only thing that matters, anyway, fact is gameplay is the most important aspect of a game, graphics and story are nice to have, but they should not be focused on if the gameplay is either lacking or subpar.

On a side note, Saints Row 2 is my personal GOTY, yes, it's graphics are dated, but that doesn't' matter because it's actually fun to play and has great value for money.

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#9 RageQuitter69
Member since 2012 • 1366 Posts

Good to see that the game is getting an honest review but I still worry about the mainstream critics, Kevin VanOrd will surley give the game a 10/10 because of storytelling just like he did with MGS4, it may win GOTY awards as well, speaking of MGS4, how come people see Ground Zeroes as the first cash grab, MGS4 was a 4 hours game with microtransaction multiplayer, so how come no one else saw it as a cash grab? I understand that people a delusional when it comes to flaws in story driven games but surely a few people would have noticed this.

Hideo Kojima is simply the greediest person in the gaming industry, not even EA of Activision have done anything this wrong, Hideo Kojima knows that the majority of gamers nowadays are ignorant story whores so he is taking full advantage of their ignorance, I really hope this game sells horribly and gets negative reviews, maybe, just maybe that will help gameplay make a comeback in gaming.

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#10  Edited By RageQuitter69
Member since 2012 • 1366 Posts

Yes gaming is become a huge joke and I don't know how much longer I will be interested in gaming, for several reasons (which are worse than the high amount of shooters available), but the big one is the sacrificing of gampelay for story (what's even worse is that so many gamers are story whores who think that it is the game industry growing up, this is what goes through my head when I hear people say that). You are right about the greed, but how come no one mentions Hideo Kojima when talking about greed, he was quick to take advantage of story whores as he charged full price for a game with 4 hours of gameplay (and 11 hours of cutscenes to so the 'game' could be called 'longer') and filled it's mulitplayer with microtransactions (you even had to pay for new character slots).

Another thing is the complete lack of effort put into games nowadays and the significantly shorter single player campaigns, as mentioned, MEtal Gear Solid 4 was only 4 hours long when the cutscenes were skipped, another example is Mass Effect 2, it's campaign is actually long but the actual gameplay is extremely boring with weapons feeling like super-soakers and pea-shooters, and to make things worse, it's level design was flat, boring, undetailed, and repetitive, and to make things worse, people are willing to overlook all of these issues just for storytelling and when a game does have effort put into it's gameplay to the extent that the story can't be quite as good as the last game in order to make sure the gameplay is fun all of the time, people will bash the hell out of it because of storytelling and they don't ever care about the gameplay, i'm talking about GTA V in this case).