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#1 jg4xchamp
Member since 2006 • 64040 Posts

Any and all games that may or may not have intrigue me. The brand name, metascore, the sales number, the player count don't mean shit to me. Gamers have the worst fucking taste in their own art form, out of any fucking fanbase of any medium ever. Yah can't be trusted.

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#2  Edited By jg4xchamp
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game comes off more like its compulsive than good. You move, left, right, up, down. Congrats that's the gameplay. You don't actually worry about attacking, the game does that for you, you make binary ass rpg decisions that are about making numbers go higher, and prioritizing targets is minimized.

Comes off less interesting when you think of how top down shooters work or even twin stick shit like geoemetry wars 2, where on top of moving around stuff, you gotta actually be aiming right and taking stuff out, prioritize certain shapes, put yourself in harms way to gather gems, you know play a game game.

Idk maybe its secretly genius, but I see that game, and I only see what's shallow about it.

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#3 jg4xchamp
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Capcom then Nintendo. The amount of IPs and genres they cover with franchises I like, with Capcom they straight up made my favorite game (RE4), are the bedrock of the best genre in gaming with Street Fighter, and oh yeah my action/jacksons with glorious Devil May Cry.

Mega Man, Viewtiful Joe, Marvel vs Capcom, God Hand aren't too shabby either in their lineup, and that shit goes for ages with stuff worth playing still. I wish they still made more things besides more Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, and Street Fighter, but it is what it is.

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#4 jg4xchamp
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egad that RE4 thread, as if Cups n Ghosts idiocy wasn't enough. How do you do it Conan?

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#5 jg4xchamp
Member since 2006 • 64040 Posts

@lundy86_4 said:
@jg4xchamp said:

I understand grade A stupidity and white fragility is just at thing with you dorks here, but are you fucking dense? Racism is a topic in the game lol, it's not some read between the line, it's an element of that setting. Go post in another thread.

Good to see you as well champ.

I wish your IQ improved in the time I was away :[

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#6 jg4xchamp
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Quoting what i wrote about the game in discord a few days ago. Not surprised Conan that the goons who don't get the glory of classic RE4 didn't fkn play it and are also too stupid for Doom Eternal. Amazing how that works...Oh and ghost, but eating shit is his thing. Even Cup has stupid takes about DA GOAT

Finished RE4: Remake last night. Overall Pretty Good game, I naturally still prefer the original, but that was sort of always gonna be the case. That is my favorite game or the 1A to Super Metroid, so the emotional attachment is different, plus yeah I do prefer how Leon flat out feels to move, and prefer how stuns work in OG over this one. With that said, my absolute favorite part of RE4 has always been the sheer variety of encounter ideas that game had, and always assumed that they would never make a AAA game like that again, because of the sheer undertaking it would be to make a game that is also cutting edge looking, and that with that many scenario ideas. And have it be a more gamey game, and not like .....what Rockstar makes or something (since they do have the money n time to make something like that in theory, it just isn't the type of game they would ever make). But **** me if this game doesn't provide that in spades still, like a lot of it is obviously encounters from the original, but a good chunk of them get a nice difficulty bump by just adding some more enemies, or adding a beefier elite tier enemy. Like I like having the goat head hammer guy during the Cabin sequence, they make the chainsaw guy borderline mandatory to deal with in the opening village stretch, the two claw guys fight has more enemies to deal with than last time, shield guys, id keep going. And since I was never one of those people who thinks the Island is a bad part of the game, the new Island didn't bother me at all either, even with the stun value stuff.

So that aspect of the game, based. I love the econ in the game, I guess so long as you don't like have deluxe or save scum yourself out of your **** ups, because usually I felt like if I was flush with stuff, I was about to burn a lot of my resources at a big encounter. Or the scenario I always had was like i have bullets, but it's spread across all my guns, and no one gun is really in a good spot ammo wise. Part of it is also I guess I held out on maximizing my treasure for so long, but in general that's still I think a good change. The original it was a lot easier to make cash, and maximize treasure. Since the gem system is the way it is, it wasn't like I was just rolling in the red square gems or the yellow gems to get max return on the treasure all the time. I think if they are gonna make me play a hit n run type gameplay way with Resi, I still rather play it in this context. Where I at least have some opportunity to stun and get a roundhouse, and just have actual resource management for a lot of the time. Even if some of it can be mental. As opposed to what I think is way wack in shitty ass resi 8.

As far as pure content, barring mercs being wack. There is no real complaint from me, like the minecart is worse in this, i think the bosses are either on par (which if i allowed myself to pretend RE4 had a blemish, one of them would be the wack ass boss fights) or in Salazar's case better. Might even say Saddler is better. Iffy on Krauser. That said I could have lived with the knife fight being the cutscenes, I don't miss the fucking qte shit, but I also don't wanna play baby sekiro with krauser either. That's not a deal breaker, it's just a nitpick alongside the cut content, some of the tone, the voice acting being less fun, ada's actor being straight up flat, the lack of banter early with saddler n salazar with leon on comm, turning the comm into a fucking walk n talk, that shitty ass part where you gotta carry ashley. Nitpicks.

The deal breaker is that stun value stuff, I appreciate the challenge bump, but I'd rather have the control I have in RE4. I liked being able to reliably set up roundhouse for crowd control, I like being able to knife to stun, I like that leg stuns had more merit in that game. Feels pointless in this game sans shield guy or guys with metal face masks. The suplex was high damage, and didnt pop heads into plagas. They will still plaga in this game for a suplex.

Which back to saying positive stuff, ill give the game credit I genuinely dread a head pop more in this game, than I ever did in og 4, because I was at least sweating the bullets. Maybe I'll feel different as I get optimal at the game, idk. I don't fuckign like how he animates in this game, and this extends to shit that I fully accept is my fault for having bad positioning. But this mother fucker if he is within a hair of fire, he needs to pat himself down, takes mad fucking long before I can shoot again or even parry again or full sprint again. Mad annoying, I don't like that when he gets knocked down, it feels like takes him 7 days to get back. If God created the world in 7 days, and Mikami wrote RE4 in 2 weeks, you can get up quicker Leon. Because I fucking hate waiting that stretch, then he gets up, and immediately getting tagged. Again my fault, for getting tagged the first time, but over time this shit got grating. I don't like the start up it takes for him to be sprinting, and mega nit pick here. I'm not in fucking combat shape or anything, but I know for a fact I would beat this mother fucker in a race easy. EASY. Tho I understand the guys speed and shit is good for what the games like challenge is n all that. But my poor pinky was hurting from holding shift all game

all my baby nitpicking aside for them having the unmitigated gall for remaking da goat, I had a good ass time with the game. I substantially prefer the original, and the remake of 1 as far as nerdy resi rankigns are concerned, but I appreciate having another banger resi again since RE2remake. It be nice if only this team made Resi games, but I digress.

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#7 jg4xchamp
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@lundy86_4 said:

With regards to SW, yes.

I understand grade A stupidity and white fragility is just at thing with you dorks here, but are you fucking dense? Racism is a topic in the game lol, it's not some read between the line, it's an element of that setting. Go post in another thread.

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#8 jg4xchamp
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@Maroxad said:

First: Bioshock Infinite is not the worst well recieved game. Of the ones I have played, it would be either Persona 5, or GTA4. 2 10/10 scoring games that were only good for sleep aid.

Second: Hogwarts Legacy review was fair. The game was as banal as AAA games go. And more late reviews have been calling this crap out. Almost like the initial positive reviews was just the typical honeymoon period reviews.

That said, I do agree Bioshock infinite should be called out at any opportunity. That game is the representation of all that is wrong with AAA gaming back in Gen 7.

Biohsock infinite is probably as bad as those games tbh. Persona 5 has tons of issues with the story, and gta 4 is dumb...........neither of em both sides the racism thing when the racist utopia is overthrown by black people who are treated as slaves, murdered for those scumbags amusement n shit. Up to n including coming from Booker, it's just a toothless game for the most bog standard fps. It looks pretty is the only thing that holds up.

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#9  Edited By jg4xchamp
Member since 2006 • 64040 Posts

@ConanTheStoner said:

Yeah the stop n pop complaint is pretty smooth brained for obvious reasons.

Because they are motha fucking scrubs boyo. Notice how its the same people who don't like Doom Eternal+ghost.

Pearls before swine.

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#10 jg4xchamp
Member since 2006 • 64040 Posts

A lot of you definitely did not read the article.