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#1 juliankennedy23
Member since 2005 • 894 Posts

The only way you're getting buttons stuck is because you're a slob and get food on or in it. Just wash your hands. The 360 controller is easily the most ergonomic and comfortable controller this gen and is in the top 3 controllers of all time. The Dualshock is great but it isn't quite on par with the 360 controller.


maybe he is playing those Japanese imports with one hand again

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#2 juliankennedy23
Member since 2005 • 894 Posts

I think it's damn near perfect. The D-Pad really sucks, but other than that, it's ergonomically sound.


This.... bluntly the best controller of this generation... really not even up for debate,.

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#3 juliankennedy23
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I have had consoles all of my life....even the 3DO, Jahuar, and Neo-Geo CD. For me, the most exciting time for being a gamer is camping out at Target or Best Buy and getting a console the day it releases. Pre-orders have sadly made that pointless now. However I did camp out to get my first Wii which was a mistake.


Glad to meet someone else that got a day one 3DO talk about your software droughts...

I still have it. I got the Goldstar model. I also have Need For Speed (love the guy in it!), Road Rash, Super Street Fighter 2,( The snes controller hook ups to play it), Gex, and about 5 or 6 other games. Been so long since I played it I do not even remember. Killing Time, Samurai Showdown (best version BTW), and Space Hulk. Still got all of the original boxes. Funny enough.....I like my Jaguar more. I got Mortal Kombat 3 and NBA Jam for it.....they were never released to my knowledge I got them in Atlanta during E3 and on the same day Got Propeller Arena for the Dreamcast....also never released.

Mine is long gone except for the memories...I'll take the Panasonic Real system for $700 Alex.... I still miss Gex and Night Trap (God help us all it wasn't that bad) Also Alone in the dark and that Crystal Dynamics fighting game with Jake in the hat.

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#4 juliankennedy23
Member since 2005 • 894 Posts

Why is the gameplay always so poor and easy? There is zero semblance of skill required in these games. Ok, the whole quantity over quality thing I get. But Bethesda takes it to a new level. I waited on Skyrim in hopes the community could fix the game, no one has came up with a fix for the god awful combat yet. I don't want to play rock, paper, scissors with a sword and shield. I want visceral combat. I really hope Bethesda takes a tip from dark souls for the next game. Knowing them they probably won't as the only thing that ever changes in these games is the amount of bugs in them. Dark souls if anything showed how combat should be done, it's not as big as Skyrim true, but the gameplay is much more meaty.ReadingRainbow4

Actually they did combat quite well in skyrim.. and honestly I thought the Vats in Fallout 3 never got old either.

As for bugs I have over what 200 hours in Skyrim and not a game breaking bug in sight... I ran into more bugs during the Amy Demo.

If Dark Souls is like its predecessor (Kings Field) I am sure it will be fun I don't understand the competition they are very different game why not just play both?

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#5 juliankennedy23
Member since 2005 • 894 Posts

I have had consoles all of my life....even the 3DO, Jahuar, and Neo-Geo CD. For me, the most exciting time for being a gamer is camping out at Target or Best Buy and getting a console the day it releases. Pre-orders have sadly made that pointless now. However I did camp out to get my first Wii which was a mistake.


Glad to meet someone else that got a day one 3DO talk about your software droughts...

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#6 juliankennedy23
Member since 2005 • 894 Posts

I bought a 360 cause Oblivion came out and Multiplats were starting to be released for both generations (I had a Playstation 2 and Xbox). I have been meaning to get a ps3 I am just so backlogged with 360 games it doesn't make sense especially since the Multiplats are basically the same.

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#7 juliankennedy23
Member since 2005 • 894 Posts

Woman will always gravitate towards the console with the vibrating controller. :D

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#8 juliankennedy23
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The topic title is incredibly misleading. The people involved are not employees of Xbox 360 or Microsoft...


This. This thread fails as a result.

Yup. Mods should be more active and close threads like this immediately. Topic title is obviously an attempt to just get people to say something stupid like "loolz lemmings no wonder dis is why da exbox suxx!11111" That same company also makes products for Nintendo and Sony, it's just this particular factory makes 360's.

Um take a look at this...http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-10-workers-at-xbox-360-plant-threaten-mass-suicide

Workers at Xbox 360 plant threaten mass suicide

UPDATE:Microsoft has issued the following statement in response to the story: "Microsoft takes working conditions in the factories that manufacture its products very seriously, and we are currently investigating this issue. "We have a stringent Vendor Code of Conduct that spells out our expectations, and we monitor working conditions closely on an ongoing basis and address issues as they emerge. Microsoft is committed to the fair treatment and safety of workers employed by our vendors, and to ensuring conformance with Microsoft policy."

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#9 juliankennedy23
Member since 2005 • 894 Posts

I am a blue moon online player myself.

If you want single player games that are good time sinks I have one word for you,,... Bethesda,

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#10 juliankennedy23
Member since 2005 • 894 Posts

Weapon upgrades are a must and actually the first weapons (with the fire effects) are better to upgrade.

Second Steal a Bear and a tank and put them in your garage. That way you can bring them out when you need them.