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#1 kingnothing47
Member since 2011 • 82 Posts

@R4gn4r0k: 100 hours? You have to be joking, if you have to sink close to 5 days of your life into a game to start enjoying the mechanics, the game is trash. DoW3 is the bottom of the barrel for the series, a departure in every sense of the word, and not even competitive with the other titles out there right now. Hell, Halo Wars 1 and 2 are more interesting gameplay wise, and those are the most casual fare you can come by. Relic's talent have certainly departed

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#2  Edited By kingnothing47
Member since 2011 • 82 Posts


Halo Wars 2 is one of the shallowest RTS experiences I've ever played, and I say that as a fan. I love HW1 because of the universe, and 2 is fun, but they are nothing compared to SC, Homeworld, DoW1 or 2, SupCom, CnC, etc.

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#3 kingnothing47
Member since 2011 • 82 Posts

One last thing! Rule of Rose! Look it up, that game is very rare and very much unknown to the general horror public!

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#4 kingnothing47
Member since 2011 • 82 Posts

Don't know if these titles have been mentioned but Silent Hill 2 and 4, Rule of Rose, Call of Cthulhu and (this one is an oldie) Turok 2 are all great horror centric games. Silent Hill 4 may give you nightmares xD I lost sleep over it hahahaha cheers!

Oh yeah this is an edit, FEAR 1 is the best of the series! The numeric sequels (excluding the amazing Extraction Point) were a huge departure from the frenetic, tense atmosphere of the original. It is an unbelievably great game. I hated F3AR, if you want to hear about it search Zero Punctuation Fear, he sums its flaws up well. Also Fatal Frame 2 is a terrifying game, it is incredible. Echo Night Beyond! Check out that hidden gem

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#5 kingnothing47
Member since 2011 • 82 Posts

If this thread isn't dead I'd like to add my two cents (:

From slightly disturbing to terrifying my top 5 would be

5. Turok 2, for those of you who haven't played the pc port of this N64 title check it out! It's about a space travelling Native American saving the multiverse from an all devouring evil, I remember how badly this segment scared me as a little kid, basically while searching for portals to take you to offering chambers that grant you special abilities you run across these fake gateways that take you to the lair of an entity known only as Oblivion. He and his legions of flesh eaters beckon you to thrash in the darkness and die an agonizing death.

4. F.E.A.R and Extraction Point, I wouldn't say that this game has caused me to lose sleep, but in the moment when you get all wrapped up in the game's thick atmosphere it can be pretty damn scary. An army of clone soldiers butchering a town for reasons unknown, a serial murderer puppeteering them around and feasting on the corpses, and some little girl in a red dress that incinerates everything around her as she walks slowly towards you. It's a total fustercluck, but the game has a very cohesive story once you piece it together, and Alma is truly disturbing.

3. Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, I'm sure that most horror fans have not heard of this one, it's an old Bethesda game based off of H.P. Lovecraft's excellent story The Shadow over Innsmouth. You're a private detective hired to track down a missing shop worker in a quiet town with a very dark and ritualistic history. The game is very ominous, and the slow pace builds tension quite well.

2. Rule of Rose, a very macabre game that was banned in a multitude of countries because of the dark nature of the game. You play as a girl named Jennifer as she relives some of her sinister memories. It's very interesting to see the plot unfold, as it is seen through your character's eyes when she was a young girl, as such the game is drenched in symbolism and metaphor. If you haven't heard of this one definitely check it out, there's a very thorough wikia article you can find and it's worth it for its content.

1. Silent Hill 4, I might be alone on this one since this game evidently divides most of the fanbase. The game centers around a man named Henry Townshend who becomes locked in his apartment room a few years after moving in. While exploring your room you may interact with almost any object you can think of, and it's very interesting to look out your window and try and communicate with all of the passerbys outside, all in vain. A mysterious hole emerges in your bathroom during this exposition, and the game forces you to crawl through it. Holding the W key to move through was probably the most painful thing I have had to do in any game in quite some time. It only gets worse later on when the one place you believed to be a refuge becomes vulnerable to the growing darkness. Check this game out, the narrative is incredibly tight and although the combat is clunky at times, it fits, it's incredibly fitting for your character.