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#1  Edited By Sancho_Panzer
Member since 2015 • 2525 Posts

I've never worked for tips but have had a tech support job where my employers suddenly decided to tie bonuses to sales, of all things. I refused to sell stuff to people who didn't need it, so no more bonuses. Ended up spending a lot of my time instead getting existing customers off unnecessary products and services they'd been dumped with by some sycophantic twat after a measley commission.

As a customer, I don't enjoy artificial hospitality behaviours and don't think we should need to reward them in order for some poor **** to get reasonable compensation for their time and work.

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#2  Edited By Sancho_Panzer
Member since 2015 • 2525 Posts

I cannot find a bad performance of this song. He clearly loved it and he made it his own.

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#3 Sancho_Panzer
Member since 2015 • 2525 Posts

Guitar, poorly.

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#4  Edited By Sancho_Panzer
Member since 2015 • 2525 Posts


1. I think you've got lost in a technicality here. But yeah, sure, I do think there is a lot European countries and the EU could be doing to help small businesses get set up and established/ stop preventing them from growing.

2. What I was getting at is, is China any better in terms of meaningful search engine options (really I'm talking about SEO flaws/abuse and competition here), social media or data privacy?

3. No, I mean, you've read up on this. I was wondering what worries you specifically in the framework... Just generally anti-regulation for your above-listed reasons? These don't feel like AI-specific complaints.

You won't get many responses without summarising the framework in the OP. You might have a great point but nobody is going to know - a bit like the way the EU introduces policies.. most people never find out.

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#6  Edited By Sancho_Panzer
Member since 2015 • 2525 Posts
@nirgal said:

@sancho_panzer: the reason is that this technology is likely to affect all other technologies.

If you think about it, manufacturing, teaching, medical research, material science, even archeology and astronomy are being changed by use of artificial intelligence.

It's not an area in which you can afford to lag behind if you want to be high income advanced economy.

It would be nice to believe that the next AI giant would emerge somewhere in a little village in Spain, and wealth and industry would blossom all around for millennia to come, but let's face it - that's not what would or could happen. At best, that little company would be acquired by a global player, under current economic and legal conditions.

In some areas, European economies can compete at present. Where they can't, it's not wrong to protect European people's values and livelihoods. If we naively assume the little guy can develop and compete unhindered in the global economic market, how much moreso in the global ideas market? Some entity has to be the first to actively give a shit, right? I hope I don't offend any American posters by saying this, but I'm not sure that's going to come from the US at this point, which is generally more concerned with global economic expansion than developing structures to deal with its unwanted effects. Look at the abysmal state of search engine options, social media and the personal data market for examples. Is the situation any better in China?

And are the two actually at odds? Do European nations really need to sacrifice social and ethical concerns to be economically self-determining? I haven't looked into any of this to be honest... Which regulatory measures are those that worry you specifically?

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#7  Edited By Sancho_Panzer
Member since 2015 • 2525 Posts

Coffee when I'm tired or need a quick boost, tea as my regular drink. I don't really drink other hot drinks.

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#8  Edited By Sancho_Panzer
Member since 2015 • 2525 Posts

Why would they? As you've noted, Europe has no real presence on the AI scene, which, like all other western online/data tech sectors, is completely dominated by US companies. I don't imagine softening regulations would change that.

May as well look to the future is the thinking I guess.

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#9 Sancho_Panzer
Member since 2015 • 2525 Posts

@LJS9502_basic said:

@sargentd: 1000 is hardly that many.

It's like, what... 500 pairs? (give or take).

Could have made a killing buying out all the letf-footed ones and scalping on eBay.

Come to think of it, how do amputees buy shoes? Is there an online club where you can partner up with a buddy with the other leg and same size? It's a question which keeps me up at night.