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#1  Edited By Sancho_Panzer
Member since 2015 • 2525 Posts
@mrbojangles25 said:
@mattbbpl said:

@mrbojangles25: Oh lord...

Yeah, totally unnecessary. Complete "I'm the victim" mindset, too, which is not very flattering.

@sancho_panzer said:

She could have said these things anonymously, just as we do here. She could have spoken through a burner account on Twitter or whatever. She chose to voice her opinions under the banner of her money-making public profile, for some reason, and that's the sword she's died by.

I would be very happy with people being more tolerant of stupid opinions, from both sides, but what can you do? We're not there and she should have foreseen the fallout, however pathetic it is.

It would be different if this was the public sector. Companies are free to choose who they work with, and that, in theory, can swing both ways politically, even if few companies apparently have the nerve or incentive to act when it does swing the other.

Whether there's a breach of contract there, no idea. Not sure how much union support she'll get for her position.

Should probably add that I've not read any of the links and I'm just going on what you've said here.

Do you think word would get out though eventually? Like they'd get hacked?

Yeah, there's always that risk, with the mega-famous, I suppose - someone always scouring your bins for any kind of dirt on you. Hadn't really thought about that.

I don't know if that would have strengthened her case against Disney, though? It sounded a bit like it was her continued recklessness with it which got up Disney's nose, was what I was getting from the OP. Might have been a bit different, contractually speaking, if she'd at least made efforts to be more careful with her public image. Admittedly, that's some pretty liberal speculating on the part of someone who hadn't heard of her a couple of posts ago . XD

I too often wonder why these famous people with reputations to protect don't post anonymously (I'm sure many do, though) or rather, why they post stupid shit publicly?

I don't know, seems like maybe a strong sense of entitlement. "Rabble rabble this is 'Merica, I can say what I want. In fact, I'm going to say some extra bad stuff just to abuse this amazing privilege I have RABBLE RABBLE!"

Haha, sure, I think there is a hot-take-reinforcement thing going on in social media especially. I know I got sucked into saying the dumbest stuff on Twitter. To this day I couldn't say how. It just felt like an endless cycle of misunderstandings... losing face in 200 characters or less, then doubling down, trying to win it back. Probably many times worse when you have more like 10,000 followers than 10, lol.

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#2  Edited By Sancho_Panzer
Member since 2015 • 2525 Posts

She could have said these things anonymously, just as we do here. She could have spoken through a burner account on Twitter or whatever. She chose to voice her opinions under the banner of her money-making public profile, for some reason, and that's the sword she's died by.

I would be very happy with people being more tolerant of stupid opinions, from both sides, but what can you do? We're not there and she should have foreseen the fallout, however pathetic it is.

It would be different if this was the public sector. Companies are free to choose who they work with, and that, in theory, can swing both ways politically, even if few companies apparently have the nerve or incentive to act when it does swing the other.

Whether there's a breach of contract there, no idea. Not sure how much union support she'll get for her position.

Should probably add that I've not read any of the links and I'm just going on what you've said here.

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#3 Sancho_Panzer
Member since 2015 • 2525 Posts

You guys are such shit-stirrers. 😂

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#4  Edited By Sancho_Panzer
Member since 2015 • 2525 Posts

I've been very lazy since August last year and only starting to get back in shape now.

The only supplement I take is a vitamin C, D and zinc enriched orange juice, because I can feel the difference. I used to drink a lot of protein shakes a few years ago, when I was working out a stupid amount. I experienced some weird side effects, though, so I figure they probably contained ingredients which weren't listed on the label. Probably overly cautious but I steer clear these days.

Now I'm just trying to eat healthily. It's a struggle because I don't enjoy cooking. I'll eat some kind of meat dish each day but try not to overdo it anymore. Already made that mistake in my keto days. Fish is quick, easy and cheap for a main protein source, so lots of sardines and mackerel, since they don't require any special preparation. Same for eggs. They're also high in vitamin D, which is crucial during winter, living as far north as I do. Other than that, I try to get a salad down each day and vary my staples as much as I can. That's about it.

I'm not following a strict macro or calorie regimen anymore, because I can't be arsed. I've got a good idea of my ratios and how to meet them by now. I don't eat if I feel full and do if I feel weak, tired or experience cravings.

Bored myself shitless writing that and I do believe it shows, lol. Please appreciate.

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#5  Edited By Sancho_Panzer
Member since 2015 • 2525 Posts
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Never trust those vibrator ones. They'll rattle your teeth out!

(It's why dentists recommend them. 🤫)

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#6 Sancho_Panzer
Member since 2015 • 2525 Posts

@kathaariancode: Couldn't be more frightening than an economically stable Eurasia, surely.

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#7  Edited By Sancho_Panzer
Member since 2015 • 2525 Posts
@Jag85 said:

What's this whole Carrey vs Tommy beef about?

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He went on Norm Macdonald's show once, during a rough patch, and shared some stories. That was one of them. The whole interview was a bit excruciating (*psst* the find-it-if-you-can, unedited version is horrific, if you're into that kind of thing).

Poor Jim was understandably a little disillusioned by the experience.

Better never to meet your heroes.

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#8 Sancho_Panzer
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@uninspiredcup: Ah, I have no idea to be honest.

Actors. They're another species AFAIC.

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#9  Edited By Sancho_Panzer
Member since 2015 • 2525 Posts
@uninspiredcup said:
@sancho_panzer said:
@uninspiredcup said:

Will his buffoonery be sanctioned?

Lol. Not by Tommy Lee Jones, that's for sure.

If you haven't seen it, I'd recommend Jim and Andy. Best off skipping through the bits with the beard but it's a good watch. Miloš Forman had the patience of saints.

Such a weird insult.


He worked with the latter on the ill-fated “Batman Forever,” in which he played the Riddler to Jones’ Harvey Dent/Two-Face. “I went over and I said, ‘Hey Tommy, how you doin’?’ and the blood just drained from his face like he had been thinking about me for 24 hours a day,” Carrey recalls.

"The maitre said, 'Oh, I hear you're working with Tommy Lee Jones. He's over in the corner having dinner.' I went over and I said, 'Hey Tommy, how are you doing?' and the blood just drained from his face. And he got up shaking—he must have been in mid-kill me fantasy or something like that. And he went to hug me and he said, 'I hate you. I really don't like you.' And I said, 'What's the problem?' and pulled up a chair, which probably wasn't smart. And he said, 'I cannot sanction your buffoonery.'"

I don't think it was even intended as an insult, really, which is what makes it funny (to me, at least). What's amusing is the situation, and the discrepancy in the way these two characters interpret, confront and describe the world.

But you can over-explain and over-analyse a joke. Either it makes you laugh or it doesn't, and that's all that matters.

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#10  Edited By Sancho_Panzer
Member since 2015 • 2525 Posts

I'm sorry, I can't maintain this level of stupidity anymore. I'm just too old, lol. Being truthful, I've had no interest in gaming for the last few years, and I don't enjoy the play-fighting either, so not too sure why I still visit SW. Some of the users, I guess. :)

I'll be navel gazing in OT in future. Hopefully see some of you around there.