Thoughts on Biden's old age and how you might vote because of it?

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#1  Edited By DEVILinIRON
Member since 2006 • 8785 Posts

So there I was waking to see that Trump is predicted to be re-elected in a major poll. What do you think of that? How much is age a factor in your deciding to vote? If Biden's not the one you want, then who? What do about Trump? Cause I sure as shit ain't voting for a pedophile, rapist, pro-Russian asshat. Thoughts?

Joe Biden's chances 'slim at best'

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#2 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 178874 Posts

Trump isn't exactly young and he's definitely confused so I don't see that that should be a deal breaker. I vote for democracy. So Biden, never Trump.

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#3  Edited By SargentD
Member since 2020 • 8389 Posts

Joe biden has dementia and is sun setting, he has dementia.

He's horrible on the economy, border security, and foriegn affairs.

Not because he's making bad decisions, but because nobody is being held accountable to potato brain. His handlers will do whatever they want. Joe Biden doesn't even know where he is half the time, he blatantly lies about stupid shit not because he needs too.. but because he can't remember and starts making up shit.

I want Trump back, he was a wayyy better president. He may have been a dick and arrogant, but he was a damn good president

Joe biden probably will be forced to step aside for kamala before November

Trump/Vivek 2024

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#4 GirlUSoCrazy
Member since 2015 • 1285 Posts

Between two old people who both have issues, I guess it becomes who has the policies that are best for the country.

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#5 Vaasman
Member since 2008 • 15594 Posts

The opponent is 95% as old and is bragging about his multiple dementia tests, so no I don't really see it as a voting concern despite how much people are screaming in the op eds about it. I thoroughly expect once the primaries are properly done and they are competing head to head again that shit like age won't be what people are talking about unless one of them dies.

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#6  Edited By mattbbpl
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#7 SOedipus
Member since 2006 • 14825 Posts

Biden and Trump are too old and senile. Goddamn why don’t they have a max age limit?

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#8 Naylord
Member since 2006 • 1131 Posts

Biden being too old would definitely be a reason to vote for Nikki Haley if she got the republican nom but as it stands both are too old and too senile so this issue has to be disregarded.

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#9  Edited By Sancho_Panzer
Member since 2015 • 2525 Posts

It's sad to see democracy turn into such a mockery of itself. Battle of the unelectables. Just an absurd wrestling match to the US now, I reckon. Two elderly men, good cop and bad cop, take the world's stage - oiled up and stripped to their pants. All just a pantomime to everyone but the bookkeepers, I imagine.

Very sad for the rest of the world - Poland especially. They fell for US democracy here, hook, line and sinker. It wasn't perfect but it was something to believe in. Direct expression of free will: something people didn't feel they really had before the protests. That's why they followed.

Sure, squander it back home, but nobody's going to tell me it was dumb to believe. Free will might exist and it might not but why would you choose to waste faith on fatalism? That's no choice at all.

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#10 ShadyAcshuns
Member since 2023 • 281 Posts

Voting Trump.

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#11 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58511 Posts

They're both old and less than ideal as candidates, so it comes down to policy for me.

Biden aligns more with my views than Trump does.

Plus Trump is just a terrible human being whereas Biden actually seems like he is a genuinely good person.

A shame these two people had to meet late in their lives, it actually would have been entertaining to see them battle in their "youth" at say 60 years old instead of 80

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#12 Willy105
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Well, if one were concerned about Biden's age, they wouldn't be voting for Trump, who is also about the same age and has shown to be in even worse mental state these past few years.

Sadly there are no younger alternatives this cycle.

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#13 uninspiredcup
Member since 2013 • 59333 Posts

@SOedipus said:

Biden and Trump are too old and senile. Goddamn why don’t they have a max age limit?

Hasn't Trump always been a shit?

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#14 Serraph105
Member since 2007 • 36047 Posts

Two old presidents. One tried to overthrow democracy the other has not. One question Trump supporters have to consider, do you really think Trump will give up his power after a second term? He tried very hard not to the first time.

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#15 Nirgal  Online
Member since 2019 • 724 Posts

Biden is a very poor choice of a candidate and that sadly increases greatly the chances of Trump being elected.

His age is of course a major factor, he is obviously suffering from cognitive decline and appears to be in frail health.

Trump isn't much younger to begin with, but is not that frail yet.

Still, If I was American I would greatly prefer Biden simply by the fact that he seems to be managed from his background team whereas trump is just a loose bullet that will say whatever that comes to his head and will make uninformed harmful desitions without consulting people with knowledge.

Biden on the other hand, seems to be managed more than he is managing.

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#16  Edited By WitIsWisdom
Member since 2007 • 9600 Posts

Funny how tones change and start reflecting the narrative after the media starts painting Biden as senile... as if he hasn't been for the majority of his president. The plan is to remove him and insert who they please. Biden wins the primary? No problem, replace him at the last minute, insert another puppet, and screw voting.. right?

The writing is on the wall and hopefully people see through it and it show in the polls. I'll take a narcissist that speaks their mind any day if it means prices are down, more money in the bank, cheaper gas, closed borders, and an end to placing mental health issues on a pedestal.

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#17  Edited By MirkoS77
Member since 2011 • 17694 Posts

Policy? Age? Who honestly cares?

Biden could be a thousand times worse and twenty years older and he’d still get my vote without second thought. Why? Because for all his faults, he abides our democratic values and will concede power should he be voted out. He stands in protection of my democratic right to decide who is in power. He respects my voice as an American.

Trump doesn’t, and, as an American first and foremost, that renders me a single issue voter. He holds nothing but contempt and disgust for our democracy and its institutions, and this has been proven beyond all doubt by his actions and statements. He’s a sycophantic traitor groveling for Putin, who stood on the world stage and sided with his intelligence agencies over the ones he was sworn up hold and defend. Pathetic. Not to mention, he’s facing 91 indictments, potentially facing prison at the end of his term, and you don‘t need to be Sherlock Holmes to understand why he’s gunning for office. It isn’t for America’s benefit. And people are honestly concerning themselves with the candidates age, much less policy??

Anyone who honestly thinks Trump’s going to willingly concede power at the end of his term to then be thrown into the hands of institutions he loathes (especially when he didn’t in 2020 when only his ego was a stake) to face potential prison is deluding themselves. He’s never gonna leave should he regain office, yet so many apparently believe it’s a prudent idea to place this man back into the height of power.

…. and I’m supposed to concern myself with policy and age? These are not even considerations I wager considering what’s at stake. Trump is an existential threat to our democracy, and he’s not even making it attempt to hide it, and people are so stupid they keep marching on, blind to this fact, acting as if he’s some normal candidate.

if Trump is reelected, America’s finished. I suppose my only consolation is, if this country is literally dumb enough to reelect this man, it will get exactly what it deserves, and I’ll watch its destruction with immense sadness.

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#18 Planeforger
Member since 2004 • 19600 Posts

@WitIsWisdom said:

The plan is to remove him and insert who they please. Biden wins the primary? No problem, replace him at the last minute, insert another puppet, and screw voting.. right?

I remember you guys said that during the 2020 election, too.

The fun part is that Biden is far more likely to survive another term than Trump is. Trump is basically the same age but morbidly obese. At least Biden is well put together for his age.

@WitIsWisdom said:

The writing is on the wall and hopefully people see through it and it show in the polls. I'll take a narcissist that speaks their mind any day if it means prices are down, more money in the bank, cheaper gas, closed borders, and an end to placing mental health issues being placed on a pedestal.

I'm not from the US so feel free to fact check me on this, but didn't Biden turn the economy around, help people save by cutting billions in debt, and reduce gas prices? And didn't the Republicans just reject an excellent border deal, purely so they could invent a story about the Democrats being weak on border measures?

I mean, it sounds like you're happy to ignore all of the policy issues (which Biden obviously wins for all of the areas you care about), and you're instead just voting for your tribe.

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#19  Edited By WitIsWisdom
Member since 2007 • 9600 Posts

@Planeforger: See.. that's the problem with media.. all outside countries hear is one side. The wrong side.

No gas prices have NOT dropped. They rose twice as high and then dropped from all time highs, but still higher than when Trump was in office. Turn the economy around? Lmao... sure, they tank the economy because of a man-made virus (covid 19) which just so happened to "escape" a lab right before the elections that crashed the economy due to lockdowns..

How about prices of lumber, electricity/heating, natural gas, water, services, groceries, cars/trucks, housing, clothing, the list goes on and on. Biden has the lowest rating of any president in the history of the US right now and it isn't even close, and that's for good reason.

My tribe? Lmfao... you are lost my man. I don't give a shit about Republicans or Democrats, I care about sanity and this world has lost it largely due to corporate America taking over politics. Big money talks and all others walk. Biden is a do nothing puppet that can barely walk and can't complete a sentence.. it's been that way for three years and the media is just now conveniently "turning on him" right as the elections heat up.

This isn't about Republicans and Democrats anymore, and thats what most people can't seem to wrap their heads around. We need to stop placing mental health issues on a pedestal, and pointing the finger the other way while holding a smoking gun.

I'm just going to stop there.. do everyone a favor and worry about your own country, because you have clearly only heard and seen one side (for good reason since Dems own about 95 percent of the media), which is why when things like an interview with the other side happens (neither side are our allies, never have been, probably never will be) everyone tries to call that person an enemy of the state.. I mean.. why hear out both sides right? Just believe everything you hear and never ask any questions as long as you have one side that's all you need right? Guilty until proven innocent right?

The internet is an echo chamber of idiots speaking on things they don't understand and parroting false narratives. Don't worry though... you'll get the lowest form of them posting a few links from random fly by night web sites making outlandish claims and people run with those articles as if they are actually true. You want to know something funny? All the democratic news agencies, websites, and other propaganda are owned by about 7 people. That's why all the hosts say the exact same (word by word) lines as each other.

I'm sure everything I said here will be looked past without a 2nd thought, and the same 3 or 4 drones will pull at the seams to try and cherry pick a few words but that is what separates those in the know to those with their heads in the sand or just looking for a sporting event fight... this is more important than that. They keep us fighting so we don't turn our fingers towards them, it's as simple as that.

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#20 Litchie
Member since 2003 • 34775 Posts

I'm very happy to not be an american, but if I were to vote between a really old guy, or just a fairly old but disgusting human being..

Yeah, not a hard choice.

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#21 Elaisse
Member since 2012 • 653 Posts

I'm voting Biden no matter what. All we have to do is deal with the dems for 4 more years and get a proper conservative president in there for 8.

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#22 SargentD
Member since 2020 • 8389 Posts

@WitIsWisdom said:

@Planeforger: See.. that's the problem with media.. all outside countries hear is one side. The wrong side.

No gas prices have NOT dropped. They rose twice as high and then dropped from all time highs, but still higher than when Trump was in office. Turn the economy around? Lmao... sure, they tank the economy because of a man-made virus (covid 19) which just so happened to "escape" a lab right before the elections that crashed the economy due to lockdowns..

How about prices of lumber, electricity/heating, natural gas, water, services, groceries, cars/trucks, housing, clothing, the list goes on and on. Biden has the lowest rating of any president in the history of the US right now and it isn't even close, and that's for good reason.

My tribe? Lmfao... you are lost my man. I don't give a shit about Republicans or Democrats, I care about sanity and this world has lost it largely due to corporate America taking over politics. Big money talks and all others walk. Biden is a do nothing puppet that can barely walk and can't complete a sentence.. it's been that way for three years and the media is just now conveniently "turning on him" right as the elections heat up.

This isn't about Republicans and Democrats anymore, and thats what most people can't seem to wrap their heads around. We need to stop placing mental health issues on a pedestal, and pointing the finger the other way while holding a smoking gun.

I'm just going to stop there.. do everyone a favor and worry about your own country, because you have clearly only heard and seen one side (for good reason since Dems own about 95 percent of the media), which is why when things like an interview with the other side happens (neither side are our allies, never have been, probably never will be) everyone tries to call that person an enemy of the state.. I mean.. why hear out both sides right? Just believe everything you hear and never ask any questions as long as you have one side that's all you need right? Guilty until proven innocent right?

The internet is an echo chamber of idiots speaking on things they don't understand and parroting false narratives. Don't worry though... you'll get the lowest form of them posting a few links from random fly by night web sites making outlandish claims and people run with those articles as if they are actually true. You want to know something funny? All the democratic news agencies, websites, and other propaganda are owned by about 7 people. That's why all the hosts say the exact same (word by word) lines as each other.

I'm sure everything I said here will be looked past without a 2nd thought, and the same 3 or 4 drones will pull at the seams to try and cherry pick a few words but that is what separates those in the know to those with their heads in the sand or just looking for a sporting event fight... this is more important than that. They keep us fighting so we don't turn our fingers towards them, it's as simple as that.

Well said

I'm tired

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#23 sealionact
Member since 2014 • 9839 Posts

It will be a sad day if the majority of voting Americans choose Trump. It’s not even his rapey nature, he has worse traits. Biden is an eminently better person, and I’d choose a nice old forgetful leader over an evil cowardly megalomaniac any day.

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#24 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 178874 Posts

@WitIsWisdom said:

@Planeforger: See.. that's the problem with media.. all outside countries hear is one side. The wrong side.

No gas prices have NOT dropped. They rose twice as high and then dropped from all time highs, but still higher than when Trump was in office. Turn the economy around? Lmao... sure, they tank the economy because of a man-made virus (covid 19) which just so happened to "escape" a lab right before the elections that crashed the economy due to lockdowns..

How about prices of lumber, electricity/heating, natural gas, water, services, groceries, cars/trucks, housing, clothing, the list goes on and on. Biden has the lowest rating of any president in the history of the US right now and it isn't even close, and that's for good reason.

My tribe? Lmfao... you are lost my man. I don't give a shit about Republicans or Democrats, I care about sanity and this world has lost it largely due to corporate America taking over politics. Big money talks and all others walk. Biden is a do nothing puppet that can barely walk and can't complete a sentence.. it's been that way for three years and the media is just now conveniently "turning on him" right as the elections heat up.

This isn't about Republicans and Democrats anymore, and thats what most people can't seem to wrap their heads around. We need to stop placing mental health issues on a pedestal, and pointing the finger the other way while holding a smoking gun.

I'm just going to stop there.. do everyone a favor and worry about your own country, because you have clearly only heard and seen one side (for good reason since Dems own about 95 percent of the media), which is why when things like an interview with the other side happens (neither side are our allies, never have been, probably never will be) everyone tries to call that person an enemy of the state.. I mean.. why hear out both sides right? Just believe everything you hear and never ask any questions as long as you have one side that's all you need right? Guilty until proven innocent right?

The internet is an echo chamber of idiots speaking on things they don't understand and parroting false narratives. Don't worry though... you'll get the lowest form of them posting a few links from random fly by night web sites making outlandish claims and people run with those articles as if they are actually true. You want to know something funny? All the democratic news agencies, websites, and other propaganda are owned by about 7 people. That's why all the hosts say the exact same (word by word) lines as each other.

I'm sure everything I said here will be looked past without a 2nd thought, and the same 3 or 4 drones will pull at the seams to try and cherry pick a few words but that is what separates those in the know to those with their heads in the sand or just looking for a sporting event fight... this is more important than that. They keep us fighting so we don't turn our fingers towards them, it's as simple as that.

Gas prices HAVE dropped. That's a flat out lie. Trump's mishandling of the covid crisis caused our economy more harm than good. He could have mitigated the destruction but he was selfish and cared ONLY for himself. He did NOT put America First, no matter what slogan he wants to use to infect the minds of those who don't actually pay real attention to what's going on. The United States economy recovered better than most countries, which by the way, faced covid as well. Economy is doing great.

Your complaint about pricing is the result of capitalism. Due to covid, supply chain issues existed. Corporations took this measure to raise prices. Why not pay attention to the record profits some industries made? That's the story. Though prices have dropped in some instances. I remember when baby food was scarce, GOP voted against importing more. Guess pro life doesn't mean you have to feed the babies.

Another lie is that you don't care about Republicans. You spend your time in here defending the MAGA GOP and Trump and bashing Democrats and Biden, though they are the ones doing the most to help.

As for the media, most are either far right media, or picking on Biden to prove they aren't biased. All we hear now is when Biden makes a mistake, but they don't highlight the bat shit crazy stuff Trump is now spewing. FFS, he thinks he ran against and beat Obama, and that Haley was the Speaker on Jan 6.

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#25 comp_atkins
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@sargentd said:

he blatantly lies about stupid shit not because he needs too.. but because he can't remember and starts making up shit.


that stopped mattering in our presidents in 2016

get with the times, man

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#26 shellcase86
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One is old. One is old and obese. Both have mental issues.

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#27  Edited By SargentD
Member since 2020 • 8389 Posts

@Willy105: @Planeforger: @shellcase86: @comp_atkins:

Trump can still go on stage and give 2 hour speeches.

He's old but he's still there. People aren't worried about the # of the age but the deterioration. Biden can't talk and they actively try to hide him, while trump on the other hand is talking anywhere he can.

There is a major difference, deny it all you want.

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In the same damn speech biden gets mad about people questioning his mental state.... he calls the guy the president of mexico... talking about egypt..

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#28 Sushiglutton
Member since 2009 • 9900 Posts

Biden is too old. I don’t think anyone votes for him because they think he is the most qualified in America. It’s just that the alternative is worse.

But it is really unfortunate that the democrats were not able to find a more fit candidate. I honestly thought they would. But I guess being the president is such a huuuge marketing advantage (in terms of name recognition), that they thought Biden was their best bet regardless.

I feel a bit for Biden. There must be more fun things to do at his age than this…

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#29  Edited By comp_atkins
Member since 2005 • 38691 Posts
@sargentd said:

@Willy105: @Planeforger: @shellcase86: @comp_atkins:

Trump can still go on stage and give 2 hour speeches.

He's old but he's still there. People aren't worried about the # of the age but the deterioration. Biden can't talk and they actively try to hide him, while trump on the other hand is talking anywhere he can.

There is a major difference, deny it all you want.

n the same damn speech biden gets mad about people questioning his mental state.... he calls the guy the president of mexico... talking about egypt..

wait, trump CHOOSES to speak and act like an idiot? jesus, that's even WORSE

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#30  Edited By Vaasman
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@sargentd said:

Trump can still go on stage and give 2 hour speeches.

Rambling stream of consciousness bullshit that makes no sense is not a speech.

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#31  Edited By WitIsWisdom
Member since 2007 • 9600 Posts

@LJS9502_basic: I don't know where the hell you live, but gas prices have certainly not dropped to the prices when Trump was in office... calling it a lie? Get real. Gas prices are $3.20 right now where I live and only went down to like $2.70 in the past several months. Under Trump gas prices were as low as $1.70 and rarely rose above $2. Just because gas prices were up around $4 and dropped to $2.70 does NOT mean the prices dropped, it means they are stabilizing... well, at least that's what they want you to think.

Mishandling of a virus that was purposefully unleashed on the people of the world... everyone kept telling Trump NOT to lock the country down, and then when he did they changed the narrative to "should have done it sooner." Imagine blaming the sitting president who had the best numbers of any president in modern times in many different fields prior to that for being one of the first to take action. They had to destroy him because he was a runaway train. If Trump is and was so terrible then why is he leading in the polls? Wait, let me guess its because Biden is in decline right? You know how the narrative recently flipped... and what do you know the sentiment around here has as well.. very interesting wouldn't you say? Never think for yourself, let them tell you what to believe and not to believe, I mean they couldn't possibly have ill intentions right?

Our economy isn't doing great... give me a break, it's simply starting to stabilize. Employment numbers are still lower than they were under Trump and people have lost 2.1 percent of their wages on average since Biden took office. Of course the economy is stabilizing.. That's what happens after a disaster, and that was the plan all along, however, the numbers aren't as good as they were for Trump prior to Covid. More money in the pockets of the elite and a strengthening economy go hand in hand right? Screw the fact that the citizens of the country don't see any of the benefits...

Oh sure, blame capitalism... that's original (let's pull a Venezuela and vote in Socialism since that worked out so well for them, or perhaps we can adopt Communism like China). Don't blame gas lines being shut down, the fact we started buying oil from Russia (in order to fund both sides of the war in Ukraine), or worldwide shipping and job shortages due to lockdowns and over congested ports. Also whatever you do let's not talk about the couple hundred billion dollars we have tied into Ukraine with no paper trail or the fact the Democrats want a completely open border but then try to blame it on Republicans, like they always do. Do you not realize that 25 red states have vowed to help Texas (with nearly a dozen more in the wings or on the fence) and told Biden and his regime to shove it up their ass? Indiana and Georgia are on their way to go help Texas as we speak. Meanwhile the narrative in the Democratic government is that they need to remove the barriers from the border so that border control can do their jobs... lol.

You don't know a damn thing about me. Just because I support the Republican agenda over that of the Democrats RIGHT NOW doesn't mean that I'm some dead red conspiracy theorist. I choose realism and sanity over insanity and placing mental illness on a pedestal. The Liberal mindset (that's being pushed by social media) is a poison and has destroyed so much.. it's just a game they play to keep the people fighting and empower the kids that never got picked for dodgeball. You truly think the government actually believes the shit they shovel? Lmao... Why would they, they know it's all a bunch of lies and you people will believe anything they say.. they don't even have to try anymore, talking about cults... they have you all in their propaganda machine and your heads are so far up their ass it wouldn't matter what anyone would say you would never come up for air and truly ask any meaninfull questions. You'd rather ride your "team" all the way to the bottom of the ocean like a ship captain.

Go ahead and go whip up some more trash fly by night websites and links that are all brought to you by people that are paid by the same 7 people... do I need to post some videos for you where dozens of hosts/anchors (whatever the hell you want to call them) are ALL SAYING THE EXACT SAME LINES? Word for word verbatim. It's a game to them.. keep people like you mad and so confused that you never question the motive and only point fingers at people who oppose your thinly veiled virtue signals.

Democrats and Biden are the ones doing things to help? Go ahead and start listing off 23 different links within an echo chamber of ball suckers all saying the exact same thing. You can do a Google search on just about ANY topic and the first 50 links are all propaganda or half truth democratic websites. Now why would that be? Why would they push so hard to silence opposition? No free and fair journalism? Trying to silence journalists and independent news? It's a mystery right? Keep throwing out terms like enemy of the state, traitor, treason, insurrection... blah blah blah. It keeps the ill informed frothing at the mouth and in line.

All we hear are bad things about Biden and not Trump? Like seriously? Lmfao... no no no... the narrative has flipped. The dems can't keep Trumps balls out of their mouths, all anyone ever heard is how terrible Trump is for about 10 years now. Meanwhile Biden went stumbling through shortened press conferences, trying to shake imaginary peoples hands, asking where to stand, and forgetting his thoughts mid sentence and nobody batted an eyelash for over 3 years, and now all of a sudden it's an issue when they realize they're losing in prelims? Give me a break.. The big money dems are turning on Biden now because they think it will help them down the line, and he is failing to keep up the thinly veiled smoke and mirror tricks. Creating controversies to take people's mind off the true problems with an the impending election is what democrats do. Just like last election. Keep your head in the sand and believe whatever you're told to believe, but the true numbers, and true sentiments of the people it affects tell a much different story.

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#32  Edited By mattbbpl
Member since 2006 • 23058 Posts

@WitIsWisdom: Waaaaiiiiit..... Are you wanting commodity prices to fall to the levels during the depths of COVID? During a sudden and deep global recession where much of the economy was halted?

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#33  Edited By SOedipus
Member since 2006 • 14825 Posts

@uninspiredcup said:
@SOedipus said:

Biden and Trump are too old and senile. Goddamn why don’t they have a max age limit?

Hasn't Trump always been a shit?

I believe he was born like that.

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#34  Edited By blaznwiipspman1
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Well, age is important, but I think the most important factor is health, which isn't directly tied to age. Your health depends on how you've taken care of yourself through your life. If you've been exercising and eating healthy daily, living generally stress free life, learning new things being part of community, then you can be 100 years old and still be competent. I think those people are called super agers...they're beasts of people. The problem is, Biden and especially Trump don't fit into that category.

Thankfully, the president doesn't really make all the decisions by themselves...they have teams of super smart people, who have teams under them, who use super smart artificial intelligence to decide the best choices.

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#36  Edited By WitIsWisdom
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@mattbbpl: Who in the hell said that? I explained that the reason prices went up and the economy started collapsing under Trump was due to covid and worldwide shutdowns. Prior to covid Trump had the best numbers of any modern president, which a lot of people want to conveniently dismiss.

Let's compare Trumps numbers pre covid to Bidens numbers now. Comparing the numbers in the midst of lockdowns to an economy coming out of them to show job growth and an improving economy is asinine at best.

Once we return to pre-covid numbers we can start to compare the two, but the problem is, we still aren't there yet.

That's like comparing the vitality of two trees after one was hit by lightning and using that as the starting point.

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#37 SargentD
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@WitIsWisdom said:

@LJS9502_basic: I don't know where the hell you live, but gas prices have certainly not dropped to the prices when Trump was in office... calling it a lie? Get real. Gas prices are $3.20 right now where I live and only went down to like $2.70 in the past several months. Under Trump gas prices were as low as $1.70 and rarely rose above $2. Just because gas prices were up around $4 and dropped to $2.70 does NOT mean the prices dropped, it means they are stabilizing... well, at least that's what they want you to think.

Mishandling of a virus that was purposefully unleashed on the people of the world... everyone kept telling Trump NOT to lock the country down, and then when he did they changed the narrative to "should have done it sooner." Imagine blaming the sitting president who had the best numbers of any president in modern times in many different fields prior to that for being one of the first to take action. They had to destroy him because he was a runaway train. If Trump is and was so terrible then why is he leading in the polls? Wait, let me guess its because Biden is in decline right? You know how the narrative recently flipped... and what do you know the sentiment around here has as well.. very interesting wouldn't you say? Never think for yourself, let them tell you what to believe and not to believe, I mean they couldn't possibly have ill intentions right?

Our economy isn't doing great... give me a break, it's simply starting to stabilize. Employment numbers are still lower than they were under Trump and people have lost 2.1 percent of their wages on average since Biden took office. Of course the economy is stabilizing.. That's what happens after a disaster, and that was the plan all along, however, the numbers aren't as good as they were for Trump prior to Covid. More money in the pockets of the elite and a strengthening economy go hand in hand right? Screw the fact that the citizens of the country don't see any of the benefits...

Oh sure, blame capitalism... that's original (let's pull a Venezuela and vote in Socialism since that worked out so well for them, or perhaps we can adopt Communism like China). Don't blame gas lines being shut down, the fact we started buying oil from Russia (in order to fund both sides of the war in Ukraine), or worldwide shipping and job shortages due to lockdowns and over congested ports. Also whatever you do let's not talk about the couple hundred billion dollars we have tied into Ukraine with no paper trail or the fact the Democrats want a completely open border but then try to blame it on Republicans, like they always do. Do you not realize that 25 red states have vowed to help Texas (with nearly a dozen more in the wings or on the fence) and told Biden and his regime to shove it up their ass? Indiana and Georgia are on their way to go help Texas as we speak. Meanwhile the narrative in the Democratic government is that they need to remove the barriers from the border so that border control can do their jobs... lol.

You don't know a damn thing about me. Just because I support the Republican agenda over that of the Democrats RIGHT NOW doesn't mean that I'm some dead red conspiracy theorist. I choose realism and sanity over insanity and placing mental illness on a pedestal. The Liberal mindset (that's being pushed by social media) is a poison and has destroyed so much.. it's just a game they play to keep the people fighting and empower the kids that never got picked for dodgeball. You truly think the government actually believes the shit they shovel? Lmao... Why would they, they know it's all a bunch of lies and you people will believe anything they say.. they don't even have to try anymore, talking about cults... they have you all in their propaganda machine and your heads are so far up their ass it wouldn't matter what anyone would say you would never come up for air and truly ask any meaninfull questions. You'd rather ride your "team" all the way to the bottom of the ocean like a ship captain.

Go ahead and go whip up some more trash fly by night websites and links that are all brought to you by people that are paid by the same 7 people... do I need to post some videos for you where dozens of hosts/anchors (whatever the hell you want to call them) are ALL SAYING THE EXACT SAME LINES? Word for word verbatim. It's a game to them.. keep people like you mad and so confused that you never question the motive and only point fingers at people who oppose your thinly veiled virtue signals.

Democrats and Biden are the ones doing things to help? Go ahead and start listing off 23 different links within an echo chamber of ball suckers all saying the exact same thing. You can do a Google search on just about ANY topic and the first 50 links are all propaganda or half truth democratic websites. Now why would that be? Why would they push so hard to silence opposition? No free and fair journalism? Trying to silence journalists and independent news? It's a mystery right? Keep throwing out terms like enemy of the state, traitor, treason, insurrection... blah blah blah. It keeps the ill informed frothing at the mouth and in line.

All we hear are bad things about Biden and not Trump? Like seriously? Lmfao... no no no... the narrative has flipped. The dems can't keep Trumps balls out of their mouths, all anyone ever heard is how terrible Trump is for about 10 years now. Meanwhile Biden went stumbling through shortened press conferences, trying to shake imaginary peoples hands, asking where to stand, and forgetting his thoughts mid sentence and nobody batted an eyelash for over 3 years, and now all of a sudden it's an issue when they realize they're losing in prelims? Give me a break.. The big money dems are turning on Biden now because they think it will help them down the line, and he is failing to keep up the thinly veiled smoke and mirror tricks. Creating controversies to take people's mind off the true problems with an the impending election is what democrats do. Just like last election. Keep your head in the sand and believe whatever you're told to believe, but the true numbers, and true sentiments of the people it affects tell a much different story.


Well said

I'm tired

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#38  Edited By Vaasman
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@WitIsWisdom: The idea that covid was purposefully released as a conspiracy against Trump to lose the election is such complete dogshit that it boggles the mind. If the asshole had just said "listen to my experts, masks are cool and public gatherings are for nerds" He'd have ridden the rally-around-the-flag to a free win in 2020 and it wouldn't have been close. Instead he decided to be a loud stupid jackass and **** it all up with incoherent mixed messaging and failures to act. He failed to invest in growing industries that thrived in the pandemic, instead increased wealth inequality through messy enforcement, grifting, and bailouts for industries that failed to create an emergency fund, and mass deaths and illness.

The barest minimum of any functional human being interested in leading, was completely failed. And that's somehow everyone else's fault. Get out of here with that.

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#40 Vaasman
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@sargentd said:

@Vaasman: covid 19 was a man made virus, made in a lab in Wuhan China, and this research was supported and funded by the NIH with US tax payers money.

Thanks for your completely worthless contribution. Even assuming it was manmade (which isn't proven by any means) that doesn't change the fact that the idea it was released as a conspiracy specifically against trump is beyond laughable.

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#41 SargentD
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@Vaasman said:
@sargentd said:

@Vaasman: covid 19 was a man made virus, made in a lab in Wuhan China, and this research was supported and funded by the NIH with US tax payers money.

Thanks for your completely worthless contribution. Even assuming it was manmade (which isn't proven by any means) that doesn't change the fact that the idea it was released as a conspiracy specifically against trump is beyond laughable.

I'm just making sure we are all on the same page as far as where it came from

Definitely wasn't bat soup/wet market or w/e

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#42  Edited By WitIsWisdom
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@Vaasman: Whether it was or wasn't isn't the issue, and it goes well beyond that.. the issue revolves around the discussions following, the aftermath if you will. In hindsight it's always easy to say what should have been or could have been done. The bottom line is that it should have never happened and it has been proven the virus was mutated thousands of times over in a very short amount of time meaning it was indeed man-made, with ties to both the US and China.

China had civil uprisings and the world's richest people who just happened to be Democrats were very unhappy they weren't pulling all the strings. Call it what you will, but to completely dismiss the idea is shortsighted and shows a lack of critical thinking.

Either way, covid happened and dismissing someone's questioning over the timing and convenience of the situation doesn't show intelligence by following the overplayed narrative brought to you by those with the most to lose by burying the topic under a mile of red tape. Questioning somethings legitimacy is not one in the same as claiming something without any reasonable doubt. It is equally laughable if not more so to never question the narrative or that of which is downplayed through ridicule through easily accessible propaganda or political fluff pieces.

The point, which I already aluded to with my previous statement about cherry picking is that when you start looking at things with a fine toothed comb that the idea it was even a possibility is frightening even if the odds are against the theory.

When people start questioning the legitimacy of their government and the message they are sending there is a problem much more deeply rooted than that.

In this age of access to worldwide communications it is much easier for people to question the narrative on both sides, and propaganda, outside influence, and psy ops are all but completely unchecked. There needs to be clear cut checks and balances and right now we are in the midst of the wild west of misinformation due to technology increasing at a rate faster than legislation can keep pace.

The biggest issue that we hardly ever hear about is cyber security and ever increasing gains in the field of ai. Which allow friends and enemies alike a chance of ill gotten gains which are difficult to turn down when the chance presents itself.

All we ever hear is how countries like Russia, China, etc. use these means as an advantage against our country, but no one ever questions if our country isn't doing the exact same things? Then when a man is put on blast and treated like an enemy of the state for wanting to get both sides of a story it really starts to out things into a different perspective.

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#43 mattbbpl
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@WitIsWisdom: Then what prices are you referring to? Be specific.

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#44  Edited By Vaasman
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@WitIsWisdom: lol so I'm lacking in critical thinking because I won't entertain every ridiculous shitposted conspiracy theory, no matter how spurious, illogical, or argued in bad faith they are? Okay then.

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#45  Edited By WitIsWisdom
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@mattbbpl: I already did.

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#46 WitIsWisdom
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@Vaasman: I never said that... reading comprehension goes a long way.

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#47  Edited By Vaasman
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@WitIsWisdom said:

@Vaasman: I never said that... reading comprehension goes a long way.

"Call it what you will, but to completely dismiss the idea is shortsighted and shows a lack of critical thinking."

But sure, now I'm lacking in reading comprehension, even though that would include reaching the logical conclusion based on clearly presented allusion.

kk makes so much sense my dude.

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#48 mattbbpl
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@WitIsWisdom: where? I missed them.

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#49 SargentD
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Kamala says she's ready to serve yall, no worries

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#50 DaVillain  Moderator
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@sargentd: Not gonna lie, I do miss Trump in the office. If he can't get the people backing him up, he's not coming back.