What Gamespot Users have to say about Ryse: Son of Rome

  • Rating:8

    No masterpiece but worth your time.

    I'll cut to the chase from the word go....Good - Most of the game look's stunning. Some great affects and set pieces and the best looking Xbox one title so far by a mile. - It's actually pretty fun and fluid... Read Full Review

    2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8

    Unjustified and indelicate rating.

    I believe that this game is inappropriately rated due to a biased perspective on launch title games. With an obvious overuse of facial graphic design and an overplayed, generic storyline it would be understandable that s... Read Full Review

    9 of 12 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:10

    Everyone is stupid

    Honestly, i havent played through the entire game yet and I love it, I dont understand what people are thinking rating this game so low, graphics look sick. I love them. The gameplay is amazing, fun, and addictive, I've ... Read Full Review

    4 of 7 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:7

    Ryse: Son of Rome Review

    Ryse: Son of Rome is a video game based on two core pillars: quick time events and wanton slaughter. Players take on the role of Marius Titus, a Centurion in the 14th Legion, and with him fight their way through a linea... Read Full Review

    3 of 5 users found the following review helpful