Games I Own

Consoles/platforms owned: SNES, Dreamcast, XBOX 360 (a laughable core system that I doubt I'll be able to's been hanging out in my garage gathering dust so I doubt it works now anyway), a PS3 (which my dumb ass didn't confirm could run PS2 games...oh well) and two PCs: a Windows 7 64-bit (which crashes randomly and, given that Steam is dropping support for Windows 7, I will probably never use for gaming anymore), and a Windows 10 64-bit.

Game Release Date GameSpot Score Bhuj's Score

The Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time

Waited years to get this dang game. Finally beat it in 2021 or so, not likely to ever return to it.


The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time

Playing through the series again now in the early 20s, got both the original disc version (not even going to bother trying to run that) and the digital version from GOG. I just recently (October 2022) finished another replay of it and, yeah...I doubt I'll ever play this again. Still, nice to walk down memory lane.


The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime

I may actually go back to this at some point since I really only played it the once, and before the pandemic at that. I'm not looking forward to revisiting that last puzzle, though...

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The King of Fighters XIII

360 and Steam versions. Barely play either of them (encouraged my friend to buy it so we can play it together online, but we never did. He probably got rid of it by now). No idea if I can sell the 360 version. Perhaps someone out there is interested...


The Longest Journey

Bought the Steam version, which acted up on my PC, and when I was I was informed that the GOG version can be patched to run just about perfectly, had to buy it AGAIN. Not exactly worth it, though I had a decent time playing it.


The Procession to Calvary

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The Stanley Parable

Orginal version on Steam...sigh, do I want to get the newer, bigger version? I probably do.


The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe I got it!



As I'm replaying the Thief series, I hemmed and hawed about trying out this game, given how negative reactions were and how much I *know* it's not like the original two, or even three. Still, it was on sale for dirt cheap (like less than $1 even?) on Steam, so I picked it up. Haven't installed it yet, but I have a feeling I'm probably going to regret buying it, even for so cheap.


Thief Gold

Steam version. Finally beat this after 18 or so years! [if you include Dark Project in that time; I only got Gold in 2017]

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Thief II: The Metal Age (Trapezoide Box)

Disc and digital versions. FINALLY beat it in 2022, after SIXTEEN years! No regrets.


Thief: Deadly Shadows

The disc version my friend gifted to me back in high school (so damn sweet of her...should really see how she's doing...) as well as the GOG version which I can play with mods.


Thief: The Dark Project

Disc version, not Gold, which effectively replaced this. Dark Project is different (and buggier, it sounds like) than Gold in terms of enemy placement and the like, but even if I could, I doubt I'd go back to it. I really do like the levels they added in Gold...


Ultra Street Fighter IV

(Steam version) Caved and got it, suddenly craving a return to SFIV and so...why not? I had yet to play this anyway...



Wished I'd taken Yahtzee Croshaw's advice and played it before watching an LP. Still, wanted to support Toby Fox for his outstanding work, and I will probably give this a proper go someday. Maybe.




Valkyrie Profile (Limited Deluxe Pack)

(Normal PSX version) SO BEAUTIFUL BUT SO HARD...ack, might give this another shot at some point. Never did see if the second disc worked, come to think of it...


Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria

...I have no idea what to do with this, even whether or not I want to play it again.

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Vampire Survivors

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World of Horror

(Steam version) Not sure if I'll ever play this; loved watching videos of it, so I decided to support the devs.

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X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse

SNES, a gift from my awesome college roommate (long story). Seriously want to just sell this, though I doubt anyone will want it. What a lousy game.

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Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht

Might try and sell, if I can. Man, I wish I'd been able to play this as a kid when it actually came out. Would've probably loved it.


Zelda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Triforce

(AKA A Link to the Past, of course, and on SNES) Wish I never got this stupid thing, another gift from my awesome college roommate. Maybe someone will be interested in the SNES cartridge, but who knows...



'Masterpiece Edition' on Steam, flawed as it is. Haven't tried it on the newer PC; wonder if it'll run better...
