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#1 StealthSting
Member since 2006 • 6915 Posts

Sounds good so far.

The scalping restriction makes sense, but at the same time I feel like they could´ve sidestepped the problem. Give the option for the player to only scalp significant targets--such as generals, like he was talking about. That said, nothing major really.

Good to know that at least someone feels that the forest environment is working in the game´s favor. Now all we need is some gameplay footage.

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#2 StealthSting
Member since 2006 • 6915 Posts

Too bad I'm playing the Xbox 360 version...Bad-School-Girl

Yeah that´s too bad. While I was never in love with the game, the mods helped it quite a bit. I remember the last time(and only time) I tried vanilla Oblivion after playing it modded--let´s just say the gaming time wasn´t very long.

Fixing the leveling system and equipment menu, to bumping up the graphics, the inclusion of new areas, a redifined combat system--with many features that now seem to appear in Skyrim: haven´t played it yet. Hell even fixing that damn map was a blessing.

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#3 StealthSting
Member since 2006 • 6915 Posts

Wow, so many insecure, hateful and predictable kids in systemwars. Instead of critisizing the TC to gain system wars popularity...why don't you just ignore his posts? I will say, the TC makes a valid point. I would much rather pay extra to get that bigger leap in hardware, instead of them having to cut **** down for the whiners. Expecially since console life cycles seem to last a lot longer now. Grow the F up system wars. it's ugly!


You´re right, I was going to ignore the TC and the thread altogether, it really didn´t feel like something to take seriously. The problem with your post though, is that some people simply don´t have the means to pay that extra cash, it has nothing to do with willingness.

Not everyone has a mommy and daddy to pay them an education, a roof to live under, and a bed to sleep on. Hell there are people out there who don´t even have the privilege of being born or living in the same country many people here do.

It has nothing to do with insecurity.

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#4 StealthSting
Member since 2006 • 6915 Posts

Yeah that´s also why Nintendo refused the fourth instalment for the Wii in the west...


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#5 StealthSting
Member since 2006 • 6915 Posts

Devil May Cry 2 all over again.

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#6 StealthSting
Member since 2006 • 6915 Posts

Forget "artistic integrity". Such a fancy, wishy washy statement is total bull.

Address the problem or don't. Give the people what they want or don't. The people demand a better ending and say the present one is trash. Ditch the trash ending and make a new one. It is not the end of the world. Things are ret conned all the time. Talk to Blizzard or George Lucas.


Well in a sense it might be a bit of a bull, and artsy--I hate artsy, even though I approached the argument--I only like artsy when I have a baseball bat in my hands.

But you´re right, it´s not the end of the world. The game is done, you move on with your life. But apparently, if demands aren´t met, well, it will be the end of the world then XD. That´s the whole point. But anyway, the rest of your argument is right, it´s rather pointles to argue about this. Give them a pacifier or don´t.

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#7 StealthSting
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Informing people of new videos and gaming news is trolling now? :o


It's sad to see that when someone is nice enough to do a noble deed, such as informing the people, he gets accused of trolling.:( I wish everytime Master Shake made a thread, people would just say "thank you for the info, sir" and move along.

Don't get discouraged Shake. People always want to put the good guy down, it happened with Jesus and Gandhi, thee key is to not get discouraged.

Words of wisdom. God bless you :cry:


What is this? I don´t even...

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#8 StealthSting
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So EA and Bioware shouldn't be held accountable for their blatant lies?


Yes they should. And you show it by being dissatisfied with the product, lowering your trust on Bioware for future products, or even, if you feel so ardent about it, not buy a game of them ever again. You don´t show your disappointment by threatening the staff with death or the other examples VoodooHak brought to the surface.

What the hell? Who made death threats? Why are you equating a select few extremist comments to the entire fans? It's unanimous that the people don't like the ending and are demanding an explanation. What's wrong with giving the people what they want?

I´m not equating anything, where are you seeing this? I agree with your point above. I wouldn´t add anything that VoodooHak hasn´t stated already. VoodooHak never said that Bioware shouldn´t be accountable for their lies, and I said that they should. Read his/her post again, it never contradicted your argument, his post is an attack on the minority that you just criticized above, like my reinforcement of it.

So yeah, demand your explanation--there´s nothing wrong with that, especially after all the promises. It´s demanding them to change the product that doesn´t sit that well with me, and even worse, the reaction of some of the fanbase towards this--even if it is a minority.

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#9 StealthSting
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[QUOTE="percech"]Damn, you gamespot nerds sure are a publisher's wetdream. Take everything up the ass with no complaining...that's basically your philosophy. percech

Anyone is free to be disappointed and complain all the want. That's life. That's not the problem. Expressing complaints in a mature, logical way is great. That's part of what a meaningful discussion is.

It's when whiners file with the FTC or Better Business Bureau against Bioware, message the community manager and individual Bioware staff with profanity and demands to change the ending... that's the problem. This just generates noise that distracts from the heart of the issue.

So EA and Bioware shouldn't be held accountable for their blatant lies?

Yes they should. And you show it by being dissatisfied with the product, lowering your trust on Bioware for future products, or even, if you feel so ardent about it, not buy a game of them ever again. You don´t show your disappointment by threatening the staff with death or the other examples VoodooHak brought to the surface.

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#10 StealthSting
Member since 2006 • 6915 Posts

They are not retconning the ending, or at least they're going to be subtle about it. They said they want to maintain what was established with the ending and build on that by giving more closure.

"Building on their research, Exec Producer Casey Hudson and the team are hard at work on a number of game content initiatives that will help answer the questions, providing more clarity for those seeking further closure to their journey. You'll hear more on this in April. We're working hard to maintain the right balance between the artistic integrity of the original story while addressing the fan feedback we've received. This is in addition to our existing plan to continue providing new Mass Effect content and new full games, so rest assured that your journey in the Mass Effect universe can, and will, continue."


Yup. Some people are taking this the wrong way, they are confirming that the ending will be maintained, which is why I said that I thought it was a good thing. They will simply give more info on it for the people who felt the game didn´t have enough closure.

That still doesn´t disprove the indoctrination theory though. Who knows, they might still end up trolling their entire fanbase. The fun thing is, what if the indoctrination theory ends up being false? The fanbase might just go bonkers again--not directed at you dreman--but a lot of the fanbase in general has been very ardent with the theory--death threats all over again: it would be hilariously sad.