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#1 Corvin
Member since 2002 • 7266 Posts
All I really care about seeing is some info on Alan Wake and maybe id's Rage. I'd like to hear Microsoft officially announce a feature where I can completely copy some of my games to my HDD to save wear and tear on the DVD drive, faster loading, more convenience and quieter play sessions without the whirring DVD drive. Not to mention it would be nice to actually utilize all this extra space on the 120gb HDD.
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#2 Corvin
Member since 2002 • 7266 Posts
I'd probably buy a PS3 if it were $200 or so with backwards compatibility in tact. The other prerequisite would be if my 360 were to fail and MS pissed me off one too many times to the point that I sell it and all my games. So far however I've been content with my 360 and there really isn't much reason for me to own both.
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#3 Corvin
Member since 2002 • 7266 Posts
Looks pretty good graphically, but I gotta say I'm disappointed at how similar it looks to RE4. More zombies with **** popping out of their head. Masked guys with big chainsaws. If the shooting mechanics aren't improved from RE4 its pretty much an automatic pass for me. I barely finished RE4 and I found it wildly over-rated. Much like MSG4 this looks like the kind of game I'd rather sit back and watch someone else play just to enjoy the action and story sequences.
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#4 Corvin
Member since 2002 • 7266 Posts

I've said this once and I'll reitirate it. Did everyone just up and forget what a steaming turd Saints Row was? I mean yeah, it had some fun parts (like insurance fraud), but the physics were horrendous, and the story was atrocious. And I mean atrocious. The voice actors all had that "YO YO YO" mentality too. Yuck.


Actually Saints Row was extremely fun. I had a few paragraphs typed out in one of the other GTA vs. Saints Row threads I tried to post in before I saw this one, but since the mods see fit to go on ****ing locking sprees it was lost in the ether of the internet tubes for all time.

But basically I think there is a place in the world for both Saints Row and GTA. GTA has taken a more serious approach, and it was a great game, but SR was just crazy fun. Say what you will about the gangsta baditude, I thought it was pretty silly and over the top, the shooting mechanics were simple but solid, and I actually thought the story was funny and well done. People gotta stop taking stories in games like this so seriously.

Overall Saints Row feels pretty under-appreciated and I'm looking forward to SR2 as much or more than I was GTA IV.

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#5 Corvin
Member since 2002 • 7266 Posts

As much as I'd love it to be great, I think Too Human will review poorly, like potentially 6-7 range scores.

Other games I'm interested in, Alone in the Dark I predict to be a 7.0, Silent Hill 5 a 7.0 or 7.5.

I also predict Killzone 2 will clock in at about 8.0, carried by its excellent presentation but marred by standard run-of-the-mill FPS gameplay.

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#6 Corvin
Member since 2002 • 7266 Posts

First off if today's games can still fit in the "meager" ~8gb or so that DVD discs offer, I doubt very much games will need 45-75gb within the next 3 years.

However, I do see the limitations of 360'd DVD becoming an issue by the end of this generation but only for maybe 10% of the games, like the really high quality sandbox ones like a new, bigger GTA.

If Rockstar ever wanted to release the next-gen equivalent of GTA: San Andreas, with its huge land mass, with multiple cities, villages, countryside and desert environments, I think there will be a major problem unless Microsoft allows them to use an install disc, and slap a big ol' "Hard Drive Required!" sticker on the box.

However I still think they made the right decision going with standard DVD this generation. Their mistake was not making the hard drive standard across all SKUs.

So yeah, I guess I can see the 360 still going strong for another 3 years, even if it drops to 3rd behind the PS3 and Wii its still generating enough sales to justify its existence.

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#7 Corvin
Member since 2002 • 7266 Posts
Mandatory HDD installations on console sucks, but its an over-rated issue. I just think its ironic that the console with the brand-spankin-new super-ultra-advanced disc drives with discs overflowing with gig space have to shift data elsewhere just to get things working right.
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#8 Corvin
Member since 2002 • 7266 Posts
Considering the size and scope of the game I actually think it has some of the best console graphics so far this generation.
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#9 Corvin
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Although it has exploration and platforming elements after playing MP3 I would still consider it a FPS. You spend most of the time shooting things, especially considering most bad guys respawn when if you leave an area and come back.
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#10 Corvin
Member since 2002 • 7266 Posts


To understand Systemwars, you have to understand that the Gamespot Forum creators were actually quite clever. They created one forum which absorbed 90% of the filthy teenaged hormonal rage and angst, and that mid-30's bitter, jaded gamer mindset which leads to such inflammatory, confrontational posts that ruin rational discussion. Switch to any other forum on Gamespot and you'll see that they are largely absent - that's because of this forum. The Systemwars forum is a garbage dump for the rest of the Gamespot forums - and a very good one. If you intend to hang around here, be aware of what you're hanging around - and if you want the "better" ****of posting you seem to be avocating, simply visit one of the other forums. It's already there for you. Or, go to Avault or some half decent site - plenty of very rational placse left on the Net... Just not this particular forum.

About five years ago this was a forum in which you could have an earnest debate. There were a lot of good - really good - posters. There was the odd troll in here, but... Then it became a game. Guys like Whipitgoo invented the FJC (Flop Judiciary Committee) and the game became fun. Everyone knew the rules, and discussion this DC game VS this PS2 game became a " HA HA! My game is better than your game!" game in itself. And thus... The origins of the System Wars we now know came into existence. Posters like Afbrat and AfterShafter either became completely ignored, or soured by the atmosphere, in the face of the attention grabbing one liner of "FLOP!!!!!111111one1!" with a picture of a pancake posted after. (actually, the whole flop thing started with people posting pictures of the pancake bunny - remember that guy? Well, now you know the evil he represents).

You know, System Wars is a garbage dump... But as such, it's a good thing. It keeps the city clean. If you want good, clean posting and rational debate, go visit General discussion, or just another forum entirely - there are some great ones out there. Don't try and change this forum here though - without it, all of Gamespot, and likely a few more forums out there, would be worse. In my opinion, the mods in System Wars are even a bit too strict... They just lead to people perfect the art of ban-dodging and realizing that there really are no consequences for being an ass on the net. AmyMizuno

From an innocent little topic like this, I never expected to uncover something so extravagent... especially from a LV2 with 11 posts xD. Anyway, thanks for the information.

Its all true. I never understood why mods became so strict in System Wars in recent years. Its like chastising garbage men for dumping their garbage at the dumpster.