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#1 StealthSting
Member since 2006 • 6915 Posts

Ok after this I'll have to go through the thread.


In all sincerity. Blah blah blah...

Yes it's about the experince not power. Yes you can make significant experiences with short power. That doesn't change the fact that this in some way hinders the developers creative freedom to create a product.

And really, we've heard all of this before from Nintendo. Some of it every single gen.

Yes the experience matters more, but what exactly did happen last gen? You bring a technology forward that only came into fruition by Nintendo because of Skyward Sword--Metroid Prime 3 being an exception. How long did that last?

Nintendo can backlash all they want, but if they want to make a sound argument for their case, give us the goods, don't talk about it--like they always do.


Don't you believe that higher costs hinder developers more than lower specs?

Yes I do. It's a good point. And it's also cheaper for the consumer. But then again, I'm one of those guys who values the power of choice.

I won't even have to name the PC market, just look at the console market this gen. Look at digital distribution. Sure you have your big budget titles on the HD consoles, but you can also get a lot of great games on any online store that doesn't use much hardware power, or that didn't have a 1/20 of the budget needed to create a big budget title.

Yes they can create an awesome experience with very little power and a smaller budget. It forces the developers to be resourceful and creative. But lack of hardware power also takes freedom away from certain developers that want to utilise that power. Taking that freedom away from them isn't always a positive. Gens come and go, hardware keeps getting better and experiences every gen take advantage of this aspect.

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#2 StealthSting
Member since 2006 • 6915 Posts

In all sincerity. Blah blah blah...

Yes it's about the experince not power. Yes you can make significant experiences with short power. That doesn't change the fact that this in some way hinders the developers creative freedom to create a product.

And really, we've heard all of this before from Nintendo. Some of it every single gen.

Yes the experience matters more, but what exactly did happen last gen? You bring a technology forward that only came into fruition by Nintendo because of Skyward Sword--Metroid Prime 3 being an exception. How long did that last?

Nintendo can backlash all they want, but if they want to make a sound argument for their case, give us the goods, don't talk about it--like they always do.

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#3 StealthSting
Member since 2006 • 6915 Posts

I only played AA. I enjoyed it, but there were quite a few things in the game that I didn't find that special, and it was anything but perfect. If Arkham City retained the same mistakes AA had, then I wouldn't consider it perfect by any means.

I'm definitely interested in getting the game though. Will have to that one of these days.

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#4 StealthSting
Member since 2006 • 6915 Posts

Nintendo owns every single one of those IPs it doesn't matter if they only published them aslong as they own the IP it is technically a Nintendo new IP.

Also Xenoblade Chronicles is a new IP. It isn't part of the Xeno series Nintendo and Monolith Soft changed the name to Xenoblade because the director of Xenoblade Chronicles also director Xenogears and Xenosaga series. But it has nothing to do with those to games outside of the director being the same.


I wouldn't know about owning the IP. On the other hand, owning an IP is very different from creating/making the IP in question.

About Xenoblade, I did not know that. I always thought it was used for brand recognition. I guess it makes sense, since I would figure SE still holds the right for the Xeno IP. So it was a homage then? Cool.

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#5 StealthSting
Member since 2006 • 6915 Posts

[QUOTE="Swift_Boss_A"][QUOTE="arkephonic"]Sony is a good example of why Nintendo shouldn't make any new I.P.Nintendo_Ownes7

Yeah because clearly Uncharted and LBP is hurting Sony and not iconic franchises that sell millions WW :roll: Nintendo will be able to show diversity by creating new IPs, heck even get a fanbase they may otherwise never achieve with their current characters.

But they do create new IPs all the time. They had 80+ new IPs on the DS alone.

Also take into account that they made new IPs on DSiware, 3DS, eShop, Wii, and Wiiware.

Here are some examples of new IPs that Nintendo made since 2005...

Geist 2005 (GCN)
Chibi-Robo 2006 (GCN)
Odama 2006 (GCN)
Wii series 2006 (Wii)
Endless Ocean 2007 (Wii)
Disaster Day of Crisis 2007 (Wii) (Japan, Europe, and Australia Only)
Flingsmash 2010 (Wii)
Xenoblade Chronicles 2012 (Wii)
Snowpack Park 2010 (Wiiware)
Line Attack Heroes 2010 (Wiiware) (Japan Only)
Fluidity 2010 (Wiiware)
Drill Dozer 2006 (GBA)
Nintendogs 2005 (DS)
Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2005 (DS) (Japan Only)
Another Code/Trace Memory 2005 (DS)
Hotel Dusk Room 215 2007 (DS)
Soma Bringer 2008 (DS) (Japan Only)
Fossil Fighters 2009 (DS)
Steel Diver 2011 (3DS)
Freakyforms 2011 (eShop)
Pushmo 2011 (eShop)
Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword 2012 (eShop)
Dillon's Rolling Western 2012 (eShop)
Ketzal's Corridors 2012 (eShop)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but unless some of the developers that made quite a few of the game in your list joined Nintendo recently, I was under the impression that Nintendo simply published quite a few of these games?

But anyway, I agree with the TC, partly, in the sense that Nintendo doesn't need to do it, but I certainly would like them to do so. Yes, I have nothing against the current IPs, but I have nothing agains't new IPs either. Sure you can put a Mario in a space suit controlling a bunch of goombas and call it Pikmin, the question is, would you actually preffer that?

While the game steps far away from the complexities of a strategy game, I loved it. It had a lot of charm and vividness to it, it was fresh, not having a Mario inside that suit placed in the mushroom kingdom quite frankly made quite a difference to me.

Now sure, Xenoblade isn't exactly a new IP, but it was definitely an IP that Nintendo never touched before--Monolith is wholy owned by Nintendo now. Guess what, it's now considered by many gamers and the critics as one of the best japanese RPG's this generation.

So yeah, do I agree with the TC? Yep.

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#6 StealthSting
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Here is what Sheep need to remember regarding Nintendo and the Zelda demo they showed.

Here is what Nintendo showed back in 2000 for the GC:

And here is what they came out with:


I have to agree with 22Toothpicks.

In fact, I wouldn't mind if they had the balls to do that all over again. The CelShaded style of Wind Waker huddled with the graphical power of next generation would be awesome. Or, better yet, surprise us with something else.

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#7 StealthSting
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What if that ends up being the case? You have got to love all this reception towards the WiiU's power.

Nintendo pretty much fed us at the beggining of the gen how hardware power from last generation was all that was needed for the rest of eternity. The classic gameplay above all was used by gamers--Nintendo fans mostly--more than any generation before it. Untill of course some experiences arrive and show us that sometimes hardware can be a very important component of gameplay.

What I'm saying is, I hope you're right. What I'm also saying, is, that according to a lot of people if the WiiU ends up being another 2 gamecubes strapped together, again, it shouldn't be much of a problem, right? Why the furor about it then?

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#8 StealthSting
Member since 2006 • 6915 Posts

Naw, but there's a lot of guides out there to help you...

...just watch all of those and refer to them if you have any other questions or concerns. I'm also available on GS (I check the site daily, but have kinda gone away from the forums) and you can message me if you need to. Make a subject-line with "PC question" or something similar and I'll definitely answer it. Anything with "no subject" immediately gets trashed. Being a girl on GS is harder than it oughta be, ask DarkLink about my stalkers.


Prepare yourself, it's about to get a lot worse :cool:

I gotta say though, for the people that I know who have been enjoying the game, jesus, they haven't left teamspeak in ages. Some of them even took a bit of a vacation from work.

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#9 StealthSting
Member since 2006 • 6915 Posts

I know I'm right about the difficulty. I just hope the new levels are as cool as they were in Diablo 2 particularly hell i really liked hell in diablo 2 even though it was rather a boring landscape especially especially the lava fieldsJandurin

Well the visuals and the levels have never been a problem for me, at least from what I saw so far. I can understand a bit of the backlash, but it was exaggerated as hell.

Then again, some of the people I know are telling me that Torchlight even has it beat in that area--despite the game's visual simplicity. That said, some of them have become Torchlight fangirls, you kind of get that feeling when some of them tell you that even Titan Quest is better than Diablo 3... makes you wonder why they even got the game in the first place.

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#10 StealthSting
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Yes, but that's not the problem. Like I said above, especially if the game is as easy as people are saying that it is. I guess I'll have to play it first, but so far I'm getting that it's a cakewalk in comparison to the other games in the series.

As for your other posts, you do have a point.


It's a cakewalk in the beginning, just like all diablos. Then you start fighting LOTS of minions and elemental/physical resistant um... minion lord things (i can't remember what they call the guys that lead minions ;[) and the game stops being easy.

Meh I haven't even touched it anyway, I'll stop my b****** I'm just starting to wonder if I should put those 60 bucks out, since I managed to not pull an instant buy on this one--couldn't play it right now anyway, will have to do that at a friend's place.

Anyway, I hope you're right.