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#1  Edited By mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58534 Posts
@JimB said:
@mrbojangles25 said:


@Pedro said:
@JimB said:

That is correct. The business records charges of which he was convicted, the statue of limitations had run out on them and they were misdemeanor charges only. In order to bring them they had to tie them to another charge so they tied them to Federal election law violations which they are not allowed to prosecute. They got around that by saying it was all to cover up another crime. That other crime was never brought forth in violation of the sixth amendment in the constitution. This was a political case only not a criminal case actually it is considered election interference.

Ok. You are incorrect but you are free to believe what you like to believe.

I suppose this is the only way to respond to a certifiably batshit insane person devoid of any reason and entirely susceptible to only emotions and beliefs.

I applaud your restraint.

Trump was convicted of getting invoices from his attorney, approving them, who was under retainer, and his CFO placed under legal expences line in the corporate budget. At the end of the year the Trump Organization sent his attorney a 1099 form for tax purposes. This was what he was found guilty doing. It is not like he destroyed evidence while it was under supeona, or receiving money from a foeign country and transfering it thoeugh multiply LLC's or killing individuals that had something on him as other promenient political people did. His was a book keeping charge. Which is a misdomeanor in any court of law except in NY and only because his name was Trump.

You contradict yourself; you say he is guilty, then try to diminish it by saying "it's not like he killed people", then you essentially say "he isn't guilty" because it was all just an innocent book keeping error.

I wish you well and hope you someday gain some perspective on this whole mess that doesn't involve rabid worship of God King Trump.

Also here is a list of the FELONIES Trump is guilty of.

Less technical, but equally important: he committed these crimes to lie to the American people. Trump took a choice from us; a choice to hear about a presidential candidates background and make a choice about whether we want to vote him into office. Trump made a choice for the American people before he was even president to lie to us.

It's not that I give a shit about him sleeping with a pornstar, he just tried to cover these things up and has proven himself a certified criminal, and therefore unfit for office. It would have been better for him to just come clean with it from the start. He is a liar, a criminal, and in the end a failure and an idiot. And he is still the "best" the GOP can do. Sad, sad, sad...

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#2 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58534 Posts

Yes and it's coming to VR headsets as well (iirc), would be a fun game to play via that interface.

This series (Myst specifically) is one of my earlier games. I think it was one of my first CD-ROM-based games as well.

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#3  Edited By mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58534 Posts

There's nothing wrong with pursuing cutting edge graphics, but I think there should always be priority put on 1.) art direction, and 2.) performance.

Plenty of good game engines out there that run well, it's always a shame when you get a game and it runs slow or looks shabby.

@R4gn4r0k said:
@ghostofgolden said:

It’s not graphics alone. It’s this push for “cinematic“ storytelling. Devs don’t know how to tell a story without cutscenes and walk and talk sequences.

Yep too much focus on:

  • Graphics
  • Big name actors
  • Trying to be like hollywood

All three are very bad for gaming.

Yes, the whole "trying to be like Hollywood" thing especially annoys me.

Storytelling in games should, in most cases, be a "show me, don't tell me" immersive type of experience. I don't want to be told a story, I want to experience the story unfold around me.

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#4 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58534 Posts

This is dumb. I wonder if they will let your bypass it like they did with Tsushima where you only need it for online portions of the game (I'm assume there will be some extra DLC or stuff to access if you sign up).

In either case, things like this make very little sense for singleplayer games. I just wish they'd drop the bullshit.

@TheEroica said:

They just lost a launch window sale from me if true. :(. Sony would rather link people to a nonsense service no one wants instead of paying their Devs.

Sony fighting for the yearly dumb with all its might.

They're desperate to artificially inflate their numbers for quarterly reports.

"We've added this many unique users to our service! GROWTH! PROFIT! YEAH!"

It doesn't mean anything for us the consumer, it means very little for the people making games, but it means a lot for the shareholders and C-suite dipshits, that's for sure!

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#5 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58534 Posts

@R4gn4r0k said:
@TheEroica said:

I'm starting to think he's Hardwenzen....

He did appear right when hardwenzen exited the stage.

Nah it can't be him, he's wearing glasses now!

Wait is hardwenzen gone or something?

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#6  Edited By mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58534 Posts

Honestly it's not likely to make a difference in how the American voters feel; people who were going to vote for Trump will still vote for him, while people who weren't will not.

The only thing this might impact is voters on the fence, though many of them are likely to vote for a third party candidate. In that case, we can only hope that Trump/GOP lose voters in a volume greater than Biden/Dems will.

At least we now can legitimately say that Trump is a felon.

Some things to note:

  • Trump's empire was built in New York. All his influence was made in New York. For those of you thinking this is some left-wing New Yorker thing and not fair, you're full of shit.
  • Biden doesn't run the courts, the GOP does. Trump by all accounts SHOULD BE ON TRIAL IN FLORIDA...but he isn't, because he placed and owns the judge there who is dragging her feet. Trump by all accoutns SHOULD BE ON TRIAL IN DC...but he isn;t, because the GOP owns the Supreme Court. Trump would be in prison months ago if the legal system was unbiased, much less Biden-owned. So cool it with that noise.
  • This was decided by a jury. All these months in his other court cases Trump has been claiming how they're not legit because there was no jury (they were legit, btw, they were just different mechanics to the court) but now A JURY OF AMERICAN PEERS decided his fate. Can't really argue against that.
@Pedro said:
@JimB said:
@Pedro said:

@JimB: So you are saying that he was charged for something he was never told about for over 7 weeks, he pleaded not guilty to charges that he was never told and his lawyers were defending him over something they had no idea of for over 7 weeks but only when he was found guilty by jurors over charges that were never disclosed this revelation is now known?🤔

That is correct. The business records charges of which he was convicted, the statue of limitations had run out on them and they were misdemeanor charges only. In order to bring them they had to tie them to another charge so they tied them to Federal election law violations which they are not allowed to prosecute. They got around that by saying it was all to cover up another crime. That other crime was never brought forth in violation of the sixth amendment in the constitution. This was a political case only not a criminal case actually it is considered election interference.

Ok. You are incorrect but you are free to believe what you like to believe.

I suppose this is the only way to respond to a certifiably batshit insane person devoid of any reason and entirely susceptible to only emotions and beliefs.

I applaud your restraint.

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#7  Edited By mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58534 Posts
@mattbbpl said:

Mike Johnson is urging the Supreme Court to overturn it.


Oh god, they probably would, too. Assuming they technically are able to.

Hell, they're probably getting threats already "overturn...or else"

The whole system seems kompromat at this point, to be frank. You always hear about these new polls saying how so many people have lost faith in democracy and I am starting to see it.

@LJS9502_basic said:

@mattbbpl: He's just another maga disgrace.

You think he is toeing the line or an actual believer [in MAGA]?

Once in a while he says or does something that makes me think he actually has some integrity, but most of the time not so much.

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#8 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58534 Posts

Looking pretty great!

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#9 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58534 Posts

I'm going to pre-order five copies! No, ten! TEN COPIES!

Won't play it, but I have to do my part to support Sony. If I don't, who will!?!?!

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#10 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58534 Posts
@Nonstop-Madness said:


PC gamers aren't immune to FOMO. If anything, they are way more susceptible to it.

Oh I don't know, I feel like we have...FOAB...umm...Fear of ABundance. We aren't missing out, we have way too much shit to play to miss out.

But yeah I suppose the point of FOMO is that it isn't logical and therefore everyone is susceptible to it. No reason to feel that way, though, on any platform.